HELEN - Yong Haeun




 RebelBlack - Eunbi

the height can be anything :)

Name: Yong Haeun
Nickname(s): Eun, Mother, Queen Mother, 


Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Birthdate: 9, 9, 1990
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Korean
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Languages: Korean (fluent), Chinese (conversational), English (decent)

Face Claim: Ann
Gallery: Ann
Back Up Face Claim: Lee Ho Sin/Riho
Gallery: Lee Ho Sin/Riho


Stage Name: Haeun
Persona: Queen Mother Sunshine
Position: Leader, Powerhouse vocalist/Main Vocalist
Back Up Position: Lead Vocals, Lead Dancer, Visual



Scene Requests:

  • Haeun gets sent out on We Got Married with someone who isn't Leo
  • either her fans or Leo give her a puppy for her birthday, with permission from her CEO
  • Helen is at the airport and one of their fans gets trampled; alarmed, Haeun runs and helps him/her up
  • Leo compliments Haeun with her big nerd glasses on
  • just before Helen's first official stage, Haeun's hair gets caught in something and she is given an impromptu haircut. 
  • Leo is quietly jealous of her friendship with various male idols, especially with Xiumin and her friendliness with the rest of EXO

Comments: This seems so amazing!! Can't wait to see what will happen, even if my character isn't chosen!
Song Requests: 
Password: BumKanto

Personality  ― *fun-loving, maternal, hard-working, simple, stubborn, insecure, hypocritical, cowardly*

Haeun is that one person who can sense the mood in the room and act accordingly. She cares deeply and openly for others, even strangers, and for this she can almost be called naive because she wants to trust that there is always good in people. Her bright personality and fun, unique ramblings make it very easy for her to make friends, from the cranky old woman down the street to the strict, no-nonsense boss. She's not the smartest academically (a B-average student), but when it comes to people skills she shines. Haeun is lovable because of her exuberant cheerfulness and quirky sense of humor, but she is versatile and can change to suit the situation, making her a very good actress.

fun-loving: Haeun loves doing anything fun, which is a LOT of things seeing as she's easily entertained. She likes to think that life is too short not to enjoy, so she goes out of her way to make it as fun as possible. When the members are tired from activities and schedules, she makes it a bit more bearable by making games out of mundane stuff (who can get to the van the fastest, who can hit the highest note during practice, etc.). While she likes to have fun, she has learned not to let it negatively affect her work.

maternal: Haeun was born with the urge to take care of people around her, so she likes to check in on everyone at least once, make sure they're feeling alright, and feels responsible for making things better if something is wrong. As a result she's called a mother by her fellow members and other friend. Although endearing, sometimes she forgets to take care of herself or stresses out over other people's problems, becoming overwhelmed. She takes her position of leader very seriously and constantly makes sure Helen members are in good condition both emotionally, mentally and physically. Though mostly a positive trait, her natural inclination to mother everyone she comes across may make people she's not very close to a bit uncomfortable, especially the introverted ones.

hard-working: Haeun, though she seems scatterbrained and airheaded, takes her work very seriously and always puts 110% effort into whatever she does, whether it be cooking a new dish or perfecting her dance moves. She is particularly dedicated to being a good leader and practicing her vocals. Even though she at dancing and dislikes being so bad at it, she always works hard not to mess up and keeps practicing until she's got the moves down.

simple: Haeun was raised by a simple family and she is simple as well. All she wants out of life is good friends, loving family, good health, and being happy. She doesn't really know what to do with the money or the fame, seeing as all she wants to do is to sing as much as she can, but she's learned to adapt. Even her fashion style is simple: her favorite ensemble is a sweater, leggings and sneakers. 

stubborn: Though usually easygoing, when she wants something then Haeun is the type to dig her heels in and refuse to move until she gets her way or a compromise is reached. This sometimes leads to conflicts with the people her opinions clash with, especially since she gets stubborn over some of the dumbest things (such as what outfit she'll have to wear). When her stubborn side surfaces, usually there's no winning with her.

insecure: Though she's usually comfortable with herself, Haeun is on the insecure side, but not about her looks. She's confident physically, but her greatest fear is being seen as a nuisance and being abandoned by her loved ones. When someone snaps at her, she agonizes over it for days and twists it so she eventually comes to the conclusion that she was at fault and that she was being too annoying or too disrespectful. She tends to take harsh words to heart, even if they obviously weren't sincerely meant to hurt her, and broods over it until her sense of self-worth keeps dropping. 

hypocritical: Haeun likes to mother people and become other people's pillar of support, but when it comes to herself she doesn't like expressing her deepest fears/complaints for fear of being a burden. She encourages others to depend on her and come to her for anything and everything, but she hates making herself vulnerable by confessing her fears and worries. She's deeply afraid of being hated or ostracized, and hides her inner demons with a wide smile and exuberant personality. In this, she is the epitome of hypocrisy because she refuses to depend on anyone for emotional and mental support.

cowardly: When someone is too perceptive and sees through her happy front, she freaks out and tends to avoid the issue. One of her biggest problems is running from her problems, pretending they don't exist and that she is perfectly fine. Because of this denial she sometimes suffers from moodiness, the occasional meltdowns, and general self-hate. She is a coward because she prefers to ignore her personal problems and pretend everything is alright instead of facing it head-on and doing something about it. One of the problems she runs from is her fear of approaching others on a more intimate level, trusting others with her secrets and true thoughts.


Haeun's family runs a cafe in Seoul, something they inherited from her paternal grandmother. Her family moved to Seoul when she was only three years old, where she grew up. She comes from a comfortably middle-class family and grew up helping her parents in the cafe, along with her brothers. She first took an interest in singing when she was seven, after her music teacher told her parents that Haeun had great talent and potential. She was signed up for vocal lessons and fell in love with singing ever since.

Haeun was always maternal and cheerful, but there was an incident in middle school when she had a fight with her then-best friend, who hurled verbal abuse at her, calling Haeun a burden, annoying, and that she kept overstepping personal boundaries. Though the friend later apologized, Haeun developed a fear of being a burden and since then refused to truly lean on anyone for emotional support, except perhaps her mother. 

She dedicated herself to singing and was accepted as a trainee at CUBE when she was eighteen, but left when she felt like she wouldn't make it as an idol. Haeun almost quit her dreams right then, but her cousin Junhyung convinced her to try again. This time she became a trainee at a different agency so she wouldn't feel compared to her cousin, and was accepted when she was almost 20 years old. Four years later she debuted as the leader of Helen.

Facts ― *add more if you like*

- spicy food
- roller coasters/amusement parks
- animals, children
- fairy tales, fantasy
- comfortable clothes
- lazing around the dorms
- playing in the water (pools, oceans)
- peanut butter, bananas, kiwis
- makeup and revealing clothing
- sports
- being caught out in the rain
- bugs, especially cockroaches and mosquitoes
- videos that shake (gets motion sickness from watching)
- prejudiced people
- singing, writing new songs
- finding random do-it-yourself projects online and attempting them (making  tiaras for herself and Helen members, etc.)
- collecting tiny glass figurines
- watching dramas, especially hospital, historical or fantasy dramas
- whenever she gets nervous, Haeun tugs on her earrings or hair
- when she's thinking deeply, she begins taps her fingers in midair or against a surface (taps to the beat of whatever song pops into her mind)
- Just before Helen's first stage, Haeun's hair got caught in something and had to be cut. She debuted with shorter hair than in the promotional videos.
- Haeun, despite having the voice of an angel, is terrible at dancing
- She wants to have a pet, preferably a cat or a dog
- She admires Ailee, SNSD Taeyeon, Super Junior Yeseung and Ryeowook, and TVXQ Changmin for their incredible vocals

- Haeun really wants to try acting

- Haeun's ideal type is someone who she can depend on, someone who deeply cares for her and listens well, and preferably with a nice voice; someone with broad shoulders
- Her idol crush is Park Yoochun from JYJ
- Her favorite foods are sushi and steak
- Haeun gives glass figurines as presents to people she's not close friends with but are acquaintances with
- It's a joke amongst Helen members that the CEO wants to adopt Haeun as his daughter, stemming from an accident when he picked up her call and thought his own daughter was calling 
- Haeun's favorite flowers are lilies and tulips

Friends / Family ― *you can put family here but only if they are idols*

cousin / Yong Junhyung / BEAST rapper / intelligent, creative, quiet, caring / 8/10
best friend / Kim Ahyoung (aka Yura) / Girl's Day rapper / mischievous, clumsy, cheerful,  / 9.5/10
respected sunbae and friend / Son GaIn / Brown Eyed Girls singer / tough, independent, confident, hard-working, mischievous / 8/10
friend and partner in crime / Yang Yoseob / BEAST vocalist / cheerful, devious, mischievous, funny / 9/10
best friend/ Cha Hakyeon / VIXX leader / cheerful, responsible, motherly, protective / 9/10
great friend/ Kim Minseok / EXO-M Xiumin / quiet, down-to-earth, warm, sensitive, humble,  / 8.7/10

Love interest ― *optional*

Name: Jung Taekwoon / Leo
Back up: Cha Hakyeon / N
Personality Traits: hard-working, quiet, introverted, shy, athletic, likes cute things, awkward at interacting with strangers
Interaction: Leo and Haeun met behind the stage at some music show, when Helen (as the rookies) were going around to distribut their first albums to their seniors. Her hair got caught in something and had to be cut, and he thought the way she handled it was admirable (calm, laughing it off, making jokes at her own expense). They met sometime later and while she became fast friends with N, her and Leo's friendship took longer to bloom. After a while N decided to play matchmaker and the two slowly became closer: Leo was slightly awkward and quiet while Haeun did her best to coax him into feeling comfortable. He appreciated her efforts and they became more comfortable friends and much closer after a while. Leo began to like her first and struggled with it, and later when he made it more obvious to Haeun, she freaked and kept denying her own feelings (as well as his own) until she realized her stupidity and admitted she liked him.


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