Are You a TRUE Fan?

My thoughts and opinions on Luhan and EXO's case... and the feels: OVERLOAD. You have been warned. And... I'm sorry for people I might have offended, in advance. 

Why, it's been a while since I wrote something relevant to EXO...


You all heard the news. The mumbo-jumbo about Lu Han — LU FREAKING HAN  Leaving EXO. Yes, our lovely visual-singer is LEAVING. Face the facts, EXO-L. He's practically not a part of EXO anymore. Just like Kris. This is the Kris incident all over again. Now, I'm not gonna go into detail about all the SM , but the is real. The is so real right now, just no. No. 

Anyway, have two school friends who like Kpop. Particularly, EXO and SHINee. I was the first to find out about the news of Kris and most recently, Luhan. Don't get me wrong, these girls are good friends since they understand me and Kpop. But yeah. It's just their REACTIONS that kinda tick me off. So Anni (the girl who I see often and she loves SHINee more), said this morning, "Arisa, if Kai leaves EXO and if anyone from SHINee leaves, then I'm done with Kpop. I don't wanna deal with the bull anymore." I just nodded and agreed in a way, and the other girl (Shai) who likes EXO the most, said almost the same thing too. Both of them will literally be 'done with Kpop' if their bias leaves (or anymore people from their favorite groups.) 


I told Anni that it's fine to be angry, sad, and confused about all this mess, but... Really? Will we just forget about Kpop because this stuff happens? Because life happens? I sorta agreed in the morning, but when I thought over it I asked myself... "Then if I leave them because I don't want to get hurt anymore, then... Am I really a fan? Do I have the audacity to call myself a part of EXO-L or SHINee World? Or any other fandom?" I told her that if we/she/me left the fandom for THIS SOLE PURPOSE then we really aren't doing any good.

As fans, as LITERAL GIRLFRIENDS of these boys, we're supposed to support them NO MATTER WHAT. Sure, I was so shocked and angry at Kris and SM and I initially thought that Kris was the blame and that he should just ' it up' and 'deal with it'... But, then I flipped the coin. I tried looking at Kris' point of view. From Kris' position. I tried to see the hurt in him and the good that he saw in leaving EXO and starting life anew. 


As an EXO-L, an Exotic, I guess I'm just gonna have to do that again. For Luhan, like what I did for Kris. And I'm gonna keep doing it until there's no more hurt in EXO. Maybe until there's no more EXO at all. I'm just gonna have to let the tears fall with a smile. I will support Luhan, Kris, and EXO no matter what their decisions are — No matter what they do. Because, as I've said in my Kris rant/blog post, it's THEIR — Not YOUR — ing life. They can live the way they want to. We shouldn't determine what's wrong and what's right. Facts are facts. 

And for all the bull people had been talking about 'Kris-being-a-bad-leader-for-leaving-his-group" or "Kris-being-a-bad-influence" — Again, it's just bull. Nothing more. Because I believe that Kris paved a way for s to choose the kind of life they want to live. I think that Kris influenced EXO, especially the Chinese members, in a positive way. Kris was a wonderful duizhang, and a significant role model. 

I mean, look at Kris now! He's got his whole Chinese-drama thing going for him and he got a chance to sing HIS OWN SONG (I don't think it was made by him though) which showed off the lovely voice he had been hiding behind his position as a rapper. I'm pretty sure he gets to spend more time with his much-loved mother now that he has a different schedule. I'm happy for him. Really. But, now, Luhan is going to take the next step too and I wanna cheer him on. I'll shout to him, "Wo ai ni, Luhan! Jianchi!" (I love you, Luhan! Persevere/Stay strong!" Although there'll be some times when I feel like sobbing my eyes out, I'll just remember to stay excited in seeing him succeed and be content. I'll remember his smiles that reached my heart. I'll remember mad rubix-cube skills. I'll remember him as the 'second-eldest-yet-looks-like-the-maknae-face.'



If they ask me... No, I know they'll ask me, how I feel about this situation, I'll say, ". Bull is pure definition. But this bull is just the beginning to something... New for them. Beautiful, even." Now the question for you is, will you support your favorite groups no matter what happens? No matter what trials and tribulations they'll go through? I challenge you to question yourself as a fan.

The ultimate dilemma is,

"Do you care enough to let go? To just... Love. And love. And love some more?" 


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Omg, i totally agree with you deongsaengi~! T-T I would never give up on SHINee even if my bias leaves! They are all special to me, and the best way to prove how much we love them is by staying with them through the hard times.
When I heard about Luhan, I was so shocked, but then again, if it's his choice, I would support him all the way. In fact, it would just be awesome if all the chinese members left SM to make their own group in China. XD I'm just so done with SM being a ty company. Those members need more appreciation and love. Supporting them all the way no matter what happens! TwT
I'm sick of this tbh, but I feel numb as well. Honestly I want to see 12 members together, but if they can not... then okay.
I only hope they'll happy in the path they chose, and I hope I can still see them (Kris & Luhan) eventhough they are not EXO member anymore. I will always love and support those 12 amazing boy :")
preach it arisa!!! oh justa so yano luhan's last name is not xi, but Lu and his first name is Han. the whole "xi luhan" started off because someone mis-interpret luhan-shi.
/cries while clapping a standing ovation

I accept your challenge. I'll do it with SNSD. I can never let go of GG. GG is just...asdkhjlg. They got me into KPOP.