
Okay... I have had it with snobby and ingreatful es that come into work. I am in tears again because of it... I gave a lady a hot stone massage and i made sure she was warm enough... My hands a still burning and sore from the hot stones and she said it wasnt good enough and my boss made a mistake on hiring me... I dont think i can handle wokimg in a spa... This is my first job since college and im starting to hate it.... And because of this im thinking of quitting my job and going else where


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Don't give up yet... :[ There are always those y complaining customers everywhere. It's just how that sort of job will be. Don't get too down about it and make sure to keep your head up :]
ing make those stones scorching hot use something like an oven mitt or towel to hold those ers with and burn that es back! When we get snotty Diamond Members in who throw a ing hissy fit over a water when they requested extra points instead I tell them, "Here's your water and a complimentary snack, and I'm changing your request to a complimentary snack and water instead of 250 bonus points..." Then they'll say "I want both." I'll say. "You can't have both, I'm changing it, its either that or you'll be asked to leave the Hilton Honor Program, which do you want?"

I ing hate entitled selfish tards that treat the rest of the human race like . Hate hate hate them!
nkenyang #3
aw~ stupid mean client~ >.<
She said that to you? *grabs shovel* where is she?