Stop ruining

okay... i work in the creative arts industry as a makeup artist and have dabbled in modeling every now and again. I have some lovely people in my career, most of them are photographers. But unfortunately now i cant enjoy my work without some sleezebag trying to hit on or actually commiting a felony. Just last year 2 local photographers were arrested for ual assault, i had one male model last year try and pull that crap and just last night ANOTHER photographer trying to get with me, making me VERY uncomfortable. Why do wits ruin something like this for others? Its made me not want to continue my work and hobby


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Jweez whats up with the wordl nowadays csnr a pretty girl make her on way to the top oh come on why do we have ro follow the men

dont let them!
nkenyang #2
Omg, hope you’re alright~
Don’t let them stop you~ be more prepared and strike back~!