
I dont know how to say this... or how to even comprehend this... but im in love... and have been for the past 2 and a half years.

I met this guy on tinder back in December in 2014. From the moment him and I started talking, I knew... he was my one.
I made the horrible mistake of sleeping with him in the early stages of our friendship and now... here we are.... well over 2 years and im come to terms of loving the er.

I havent told him this beause honestly.... I know what he will say and hes told me this many of times.
'Dont be with someone like me. You will be heartbroken and will never love again.'

Everytime I see him, its like young love. I have never met a guy as gentle, as sweet, as horrible as him.
He has made me cry multiple times, broken my heart and trust... but also made me feel the one way no guy has ever made me feel. Im genually happy around him. I have never loved another guy the same way as loved him.

How do I stop loving someone who has ruined you for both good and bad?


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nkenyang #1
Thats got it bad. If you really qant to stop loving him, try cutting contact in every way. Otherwise you will alway have him around and feel that same feeling of love
I want to know that as well, exactly same thing happened and still happens to me tho I was faster than you were (we met 4 times before jumping to bed...)

Like seriously, he also said that I shouldn't be with him and everything!