50 Useless Facts About Me

  1. Are you a morning or night person? Definitely a night person; I get so cranky on a morning.
  2. Do you prefer, sweet or salty foods? Usually, salty foods, but I have cravings sometimes for chocolate and the like.
  3. Ninjas or pirates? Ninjas
  4. Ninjas vs pirates, discuss... Ninjas are all incognito and sneaky, whereas pirates just get drunk and sail ships.
  5. Autobots or Decepticons? ... What? Autobots, I guess?
  6. What was your favorite childhood television program? I honestly really miss watching Pokemon on a saturday morning; I haven't done that since I was, like, 6.
  7. Are you a collector of anything? I used to collect Harry Potter stickers (I have literally thousands of them). At the moment, I consider myself to be a book hoarder.
  8. If you could be any animal, what would you be? Honestly? A cat, because they're pretty independent animals and nobody has a go at them if they sleep all day.
  9. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I've always wanted to control fire, but that would be bad, because fire intimidates me. Most people would say invisibility or flight, but I'm terrified of heights and I had enough of feeling invisible when I was younger, so I'd probably say telekinesis because I'm a lazy person naturally xD
  10. What is usually your first thought when you wake up? Probably about what food I can eat. Sad but true.
  11. What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? How much I want food. Can you guys see a recurring theme here? Either that or I'm thinking about a song.
  12. What's your favorite color? Dark purple.
  13. What's your favorite animal? Cats!
  14. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? I do! I just don't know in what form.
  15. Do you believe in ghosts? I do, strangely enough. Some creepy stuff has happened to me in the past.
  16. Ever been addicted to a video/computer game? Which one(s)? Minecraft, at the moment. I'm a pretty big Minecraft dork.
  17. If you were given 1 million dollars, what do you spend it on? I'd take a couple thousand out to buy things I've always wanted (e.g an iphone, new laptop, books galore etc), and the rest would go into a bank account, sadly enough.
  18. Have any bad habits? Oh, loads. I'm naturally pretty lazy, as I said above. I always assume the worst about people until they prove me wrong, sadly. 
  19. Which bad habits, if any, drive you crazy? In other people? If they're two faced, I hate that. I also hate people that are loud, like if they eat loudly or breathe loudly. It's weird, I know, but I'm fussy.
  20. List 3 of your best personality traits: I'd like to think I listen well to people, I'm pretty imaginative/creative and I always try to support people.
  21. List 3 of your worst personality traits: Laziness, I'm very stubborn and I can get pretty argumentative.
  22. Have any celebrity crushes? ONLY ALL OF EXO AND SHINEE. But mainly Kyungsoo and Chanyeol :3 Oh, and we can't forget Tom Hiddleston.
  23. List 1 thing you wish you could change about yourself: I wish I wasn't so scared of everything.
  24. Any tattoos or piercings? I have my ears pierced and that's it. I hate pain, so there's no way I'd ever get anything else pierced, and I'm not a huge fan of the idea of getting a tattoo.
  25. What's the first thing you notice in the opposite ? Honestly? This is gonna sound weird, but either hair or height. I'm pretty tall, so I always look for someone that's taller than me who has nice hair xD
  26. Whats your dream date? Probably a nice walk around somewhere pretty, like a park or something, having a chat. I'm not too fussed with fancy dinners or trips to the cinema.
  27. What personality traits do you look for in a partner? Someone with a similar sense of humour who's not too quiet, becuase even though I'm a chatty person, I get awkward pretty easily.
  28. What personality traits do you dislike in other people? Again, people who are two-faced. I really can't stand people who say one thing to your face and another to your back. 
  29. Do you see yourself getting married in the next 5 years? Honestly? No. I'm forever alone :'3
  30. Are you mostly a clean or messy person? I can swing either way, truthfully. My room looks like a tornado ripped through it, but sometimes, I get pretty OCD about everything being in the right order.
  31. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? I love living in England, but I've always wanted to experience Canada, Scandanavia and South Korea.
  32. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? Canada. Or Asia.
  33. List 5 goals on your life's to-do list: Get a book published, find a boyfriend, move into a nice house, visit somewhere outside of Europe and eat in a really expensive fancy restaurant at least once. 
  34. Name 1 regret you have: Not finishing college. I had to quit due to my panic disorder, but I kinda wish I hadn't.
  35. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid: The innocence. 
  36. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult: THE VOTE. I LOVE HAVING MY VOTE. Also, not getting IDed when I buy a DVD that's rated higher than a PG (I lie, I got IDed a few months ago buying a 13. I'm 18. Life is rough.)
  37. What's your favorite song of the moment? 'Keep Your Head Down', TVXQ
  38. What's your favorite song of all time? Oh, this is tough. Either 'Turn It Off' by Paramore, '23' or 'Work' by Jimmy Eat World.
  39. What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? Sit in with some ramyeon, some music and read/write/play minecraft.
  40. What's your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Pretty much the same as above xD
  41. Have any hidden talents? I'm a pretty musical person - I can sing, play guitar and piano. I used to compose my own music. I can also wrap my arm all the way around my head because double jointed shoulders xD
  42. You're about to walk the green mile, what do you have as your last meal? My mom's casserole and heaps of deserts.
  43. What would be your dream job? Being a published author. I've always loved writing.
  44. Which would you rather have, 100 million dollars or true love? Can I have both? Because 100 million would come in pretty damn handy. No? Okay, true love, then.
  45. If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE FIND ME A BOYFRIEND. And some money, please. Also, success with my book-writing?
  46. Ever wish you were born the opposite ? If so, why? Only ALL THE TIME. Being a girl is hard.
  47. Name 1 thing not many people know about you: Idk? I'm a pretty private person when it comes to emotions, but I'm also pretty chatty, so I don't know what people don't know about me. Probably that I'm really insecure when it comes to the people around me. I always get worried that my friends will suddenly find me boring or weird and dump me for someone better :/
  48. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? I only recently started to like my name (which is Lauren, btw), and there are so many other names out there that I like, but I don't know whether they'd suit me. I've always loved the name 'Anneliese', or Anna for short, so that. I hate my surname bc it's horrible, so something normal, like Taylor or something, idk. 
  49. Do you believe in the afterlife? Idk. I don't believe in heaven or hell or anything like that, but I'd like to think the people who deserve to go to a better place, do.
  50. On the topic of abortion, how do you feel about cookies? Cookies are awesome, especially the chewy ones. As for abortion: do it responsibly, kids. My view is that everyone makes their own choices and I have no right to preach. Just remember that there are thousands of people out there who are dying to have kids who can't, where some irresponsible teenager is using abortion as a form of birth control. Without being offensive, of course, that's just my opnion ^.^

And that's that! Pretty useless, huh? 




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" I always assume the worst about people until they prove me wrong" I hope I proved you wrong D:


Finally, this was pretty fun to read, yay :'3