NaNoWriMo #1

So. It has begun. 

Day one was... It was okay? I wanted to get anywhere between 10-15k but I ended up on 6359 words, which is still okay! Above my target, anyway. 

And then day two. ing day two. I was on an early shift, so I was fully expecting to come home after finishing at 5:30 and just write for HOURS, but I got a call from my mom at 4:50 saying my dad had been hit by a car while cycling home from work and she didn't know where he was, how badly he was hurt or whether he was going to hospital. So needless to say, I pretty much flew home. He's okay, thankfully - two broken teeth, half of one is embedded all the way into his bottom lip, a possible cracked jaw (we need to wait for the swelling to go down before we'll know for sure), minor head injury (so facial injuries), he's hurt his knee and he's all scraped up and a sore chest. Luckily, the car hit him almost head-on, which you'd think would be the worst, right? For my dad, it threw him backwards and he landed on his backpack and his helmet took the strain of his head bashing the road, though he bounced forward again and that's what caused his facial injuries. He's damn lucky to be honest, the paramedics wanted him to go to hospital but he said no. So I've spent all night making sure he's okay. Thus, only 2.5k today instead of the 5k that I needed to stay on schedule. 

But I'm liking the story that I'm writing - I've thrown my plot out of the window tbf, and it'll need SO MUCH EDITING. Baekhyun is the best character I stg he's ruining me. 

How are you guys doing for NaNoWriMo this year?



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damn, over 6k for day 1? i only got 2k. today's been slow, i'm still struggling to reach 3k.
oh no! i really hope your dad gets well soon, and i hope everything's ok :(