NaNoWriMo #2

So. I was going to post this much earlier, but today I wrote 20,013 words and it took me to 104k and I'm crying slightly because my hands hurt and I'm rushing to catch up to my writing schedule xD On the up-side, it looks like my original goal of 175k still stands! I need to write 5867 words for the next 12 days, but I can totally do it if I try hard enough!

Here's an update on my stories as they stand!
Glactiation - 79,512 words (draft one complete, will edit and post soon-ish kinda maybe. I want to redo it tbh)
Provenance - 24,158 words (draft one complete, will edit and post later on. I feel like I could redo this, too)
Untitled Baekchen - 921 words (I LEGIT JUST started it help me)
Wishes - 0 words (I'm due to start it within the next few days)

It's all fine. I promise. My fingers hurt! D:

How are you all doing? 



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Oh god, you're working on all of these stories for Nanowrimo? I've tried for three years to even get close to my goal, but failed miserably, only to eventually figure out that I simply cannot write under the pressure of a deadline. Good luck for the rest of the month!