시크릿 연인 — hwang heart / shin hyosub-crush


시크릿 연인 :  hwang heart
hwang heart 
22 years old
june 4th, 1992  
beauty guru on youtube.
missxox / ayana


♥ aejoo - only used by crush, her boyfriend. it's heart's korean name and he is the only one allowed to call her like that.
♥ joo - used by her friends. it's short part of her korea name.
♥ byuntae girl - used by the fans and friends, because heart is pretty ert by moments. 


height :  160 cm 


weight: 53kg 


style : heart's style isn't a specific one. She is a real fashionista. She can go to edgy to a simple cute outfit. Her outfit is always on point. One day she can be a comfy girl and the other a real bad girl type. It's all depends of her mood the morning. She can rock heels and flats. She has a lot pants, leggings and also jegging. All she wants is that she is confortable in her own clothes. She do it because she love it. Right! Her style is exactly like ClothesenountersTUMBLR01 TUMBLR02 [VIDEOS] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 



personality traits:

♥ positive - confident, funny, outgoing, lovable
♥ negative - jealous, rude, possessive, ert 


personality :

♥ first impression - heart's first impression is always something negative. the first time that people meets or sees heart for the first time, they would think that she is someone who's rude, overconfident and y. it's her face and the way that she is dressing that keeps giving a misleading first impression. in reality, this girl is someone who's lovable and very fun to be around. you have to learn about her before to realise how heart is an awesome person to be with.

♥ confident & outgoing - let's start by heart's first personality traits. she is known for being someone confident. she feels good in her body and she knows that she is a pretty woman. she isn't affraid to go to people first. she doesn't mind about what you think about her because she knows who she is really. she isn't the type to let the other bring her down easily. heart is very outgoing. most of the time, she is the first one to go and greet new people with a bright smile on her face. she would start a random conversation with you like she knew you since forever. she doesn't mind that all. a simple walk to a grocery store and she would end up having a new friend. she totally love exploring the world.

♥ funny & lovable - heart is a funny person. she is a total gag girl when you are friend with her. she is someone who loves making the other laugh with her weird jokes or sometimes her lame jokes. she is the one who bring a bright smile on people's face. she is like a sunshine who spread the happiness and the joy around her. the fact that she is funny, is the reason why she has a lot of friends. many people calls her a gag queen because of her unique jokes that never fail to make the other laughs. lovable ? why heart is a lovable person ? it's simply because she is the type of person who thinks about the others rather than herself. she isn't affraid to go and ignore her own problem to make another one happy. she has another habit to hug people. even if you are her friends' friend, she would not be scared and hug you for no reason. she even did once a free hug day in seoul with her friends. another thing is that she would be the one who will kiss her friends' cheek even if they hate it so much. she just loves to make the other feel loved and appreciated.

♥ jealous & possessive - jealous, yes heart is a jealous type of girl. everyone around her knows how jealous she can be. a simple thing can make her feel rejected or even unliked. she hates being ignored and she would totally feel useless if you are ignoring her. she would start by ignoring you and just talking back to you rudely because of her jealousness. if you are someone important for her, she would even cry because of this. she can be easily jealous. make sure you doesn't make her feel jealous. possessive, yes and that's a reason why she can be jealous easily. do not touch what it's hers. she would totally flip your face. she doesn't like much to give away her things or share with her friends. don't give her things easily. you'll have to cry and roll on the floor and she will give it to you. for exemple her boyfriend is one of the thing that she is even more possessive. do not dare to try to flirt with him or you are going to find a angry girlfriend behind you, ready to make you eat some rude words.

♥ rude & ert - talking about being rude. she is a pretty rude girl. she can be giving you short and straight answers in front of you without thinking twice. her words can hit you like a brick in your face and she would not realise it right away. most of the time,she realise that her words are harsh only after the person's reaction is being negative. heart is also a ert. she is a minded idol. she is a byuntae number one. she isnt afraid to make dirty minded jokes and sometimes, it shockes people around her. also, she would not be afraud to make random ert comments to her closest friends or just slap her friend's . 


♥ action movies - explosion, guns and bombs. it's just exciting!
♥ sports - she is an athletic woman.
♥ hip hop and electionic music - every songs that has a dope beat is her type of song.
♥ winter - her favourite season. it's always fresh and she enjoys skiing/snowboarding.
♥ summer rain / smell of rain - it's sometime refreshing and calm. 
♥ lemonade - it's her favourite drinks. in summer, she loves drinking iced lemonade. 



♥ horror movies- it's the best way to have nightmares.
♥ insects - they are scary as f. they have no brain.
♥ neon colors - it makes her want to vomit all her body out.
♥ aegyo - she can't act cute that all. it annoys her a lot.
♥ being ignored - she is a jelly girl. you don't want to make her feel jelly.
♥ strawberries - she doesn't know why a lot of people loves it. she just can't like it. 



♥ going to the gym.
♥ watching movies/sports.
♥ hanging out with her friends.
♥ sleeping 



♥ drools and smiles in her sleeping
♥ taps her foot on the floor when she is focused on something
♥ when someone is calling her on the phone, she always answers by, "oui ? [yes ?]" 



♥ french - native; she was born and raised in province of quebec in canada. 
♥ english - semi-fluent ; she lived in the west island of montreal. it's an english speaker place. so, she learned english there. also, she learned english since elementary school until the end of high school.
korean - fluent; she used to talk in korean with her mother all the time. also, she went in korea every summer to visit her family. 
♥ she has an older brother who's a choreographer, hwang hayden. he did crush's debut choreography, hug me. 
♥ she is a big fan of canadien de montreal.  
♥ she is a bake queen. she can bake everything.
♥ she loves sports a lot. she plays volleyball, soccer and hockey. 
♥ she is a big lover of thor, wolverine and iron man.
♥ her favourite american tvshow is gossip girl and agent of shield. 
♥ she has a youtube channel called heyheart. her twitter/ig is the same username.



































name:  shin hyo seob - crush 

age: 22 years old

how do you met: that day, heart had a video to film with her friends on youtube. she asked her fans on twitter and instagram what video they wanted to see. most of the fans asked heart to do a public dare video. she obviously loved the idea and asked her best friend anna-maria to be part of the video. her best friend accepted to be in the video.

the two girls went to seoul's mall and they started doing their funny public dare. heart dared anna-maria to go to a forever  21 and go ask if they had a pair of neon jeans in french. she wasn't allowed to talk a word in english or korean to the worker of forever 21. they ended up laughing they life out because the lady wasn't able to understand anything and anna-maria got kicked out of the forever 21. after this one, anna-maria did a revenge to heart. anna-maria dared heart to go and ask a guy's phone number. and it was anna-maria who has to choose the guy. anna-maria first saw hyosub coming out of footlocker. elbowing heart, she pointed him and told her dare. heart didn't cared much and went to him.

heart tapped his shoulder and startd a random conversation with him. they laughed together and after, heart asked his phone number. he was surprised but he did gave his phone number to heart. heart texted him three days later because she found him interesting.  

personality traits:

+; dorky, funny, confident, caring and kind
-; jealous, rude 


the good guy - when you first meet hyoseob, you will think that he is someone who's cute and fun to be around. it's true! he doesn't give a bad first impression. he is someone who's very confident. he isn't easy intimidated by people around him. he would not be scared to say hello to people on the streets. he has a pretty funny personality. he is mostly joking around and make everyone around him laugh. he is eventually someone who's dorky by moments. he loves making the other laughs and make their days. he has a unique humor like heart too. hyoseob has a caring and kind personality. surprisely for a guy, when you are very close with him, he would tend to be very caring around you. he would not be scared to help you and make sure that everything is alright for you.

the bad guy - let's talk about his bad traits now. hyoseob is a jealous type of guy. like heart, he can be pretty jealous. he can be pretty mad easily because he is scared to be rejected by the one he loves. he is pretty defensive for himself. he would totally deny his jealousy with such a rude tongue. he is pretty rude when he is in a bad mood. he would totally shut you up if you are getting on his nerves. you'll have to wait until he get better to be able to talk to him calmly. if you don't his words can be very harsh and hurts you. give him some time to think and he'll have a clear mind again.  

how do you act around each other

♥ alone - they would be themselve. they are the type of couple that you will enjoy watching. you can be laughing, loving and even finding them so cute together. they are that type of couple. they are two clowns together. they can have crazy competitions against each other or make each other scared for no reason. sometimes, they can be cuddling to each other on a couch or simply enjoying each other's presence. if they are at heart's or crush's dorm, crush would be sitting and heart would put her head on his laps. he would be playing in her long hair and sometimes tickle her. or they can be cuddling on the couch with a blanket on them. they would watch tv and laugh to many variety shows. if they are on a date, crush would totally be cheesy to her which it making her laugh a lot. they do a lot of natural skinship together. it's a couple who enjoy each other's presence a lot while being lovey-dovey, crazy and dorky together. they do sometime kiss each other when they are alone.

♥ public - in public, they would be that type of couple that are cute together. they would hold hands and sometimes hug each other if they feel too. crush tends to be more into the funny and caring boyfriend in public. he shows a lot to the wold that he care of his girl a lot. heart will be making fun comments or sometimes, she would make up funny jokes together. sometimes they have funny inside jokes that make the other people around them wondering what's happening.  

♥ friends - around friends is when their relationship went to something even more funny. they aren't much a lovey-dovey one. they are two best friends together. they would totally make up crazy jokes and being loud with their friends. they leave each other space to breath too. sometimes, heart would make random ert comments which it makes their friends crack up a lot. if they are walking all together, heart wouldn't be affraid to go and look at crush's little . it happens that heart would give a little tap there or poke it which it annoys him a lot. if they are around their closest friends, crush would sometimes give a small kiss on her cheek. 

♥ overall - they are that type of couple that enjoy each other's presence and make up each other laugh a lot. despite their crazy and competitive relationship they are having. they show a lot of love for each other by their skinship and how they often look at each other. 


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[this part is with your character's P.O.V]


What do you think about being on Secret Lover ? 

i'm scared of what everyone is going to think about us. it's my first time on a tv show and i'll finally reveal my boyfriend to my fans who watch me on youtube. also, it's hyoseob's first time on a tvshow too. buhuuhuhuuu!! /smiles


Can you describe your relationship with your boyfriend in  one word ?



What do you like the best about him ?

his iness! haha, he's just so y! /fake faints/ just kidding! he'ssomeone who cares a lot about me and his unique humor.


Do you see him often ?

we used to see each other pretty often because he had a less busy schedule. now that he debuted, it was pretty hard to see each other. we see each other around twice a week. i'll be the one who comes to see him first. 


What annoys you the most about him ?

he is pretty innocent. he never realise that a girl is trying to flirt with him. Grrrr!!!


Are you really in love with him ?

i am madly in love with this boy! he's so special to my eyes.


What did you thought the first time that you met him ?

i first thought that he was a good looking guy. it's sad that my best friend told me to go and ask his number. it was simply a dare. /laughs


Did you knew that he was an idol/a trainee ?

i didn't knew that he was into music. we both met in a fun situation together and he didn't told me. i found it by myself. i love hip hop and rnb music. i ended up seeing him on a concert and i texted him asked him if he was on a concert. i found it out after six months before making our relationship official.


Tell us a funny fact about him

he loves hugs. i find it kind of weird because he would totally come to me and hug me for no reason. /laughs




[this part is with your love interest's P.O.V]


What do you think about being on Secret Lover ? 

i'm very nervous to be on the show. it's my first reality show as an idol. hope that i'll do well and everyone will love my heart! /smiles


Can you describe your relationship with your girlfriend in  one word ?



What do you like the best about her ?

- i simply love how lovable and funny she is. she is someone who love receiving and giving love to everyone. she has a big heart.


Do you see her often ?

since that i started to get ready for my official debut, i got to see her less than before. now, i see her only twice a week. before i could see her around four or three times a week. i had a pretty empty schedule before. now, it's very busy. i miss you bae!


What annoys you the most about her ?

i dislikes when she pokes my ! /sighs


Are you really in love with her ?

i'm deep in love with this amazing girl. /nods and smiles


What did you thought the first time that you met her ?

i first thought that heart was a pretty girl. i knew that she wasn't from korea when she started to talk to me. she was interesting and she cought my eyes when she went to talk to me.


Were you scared to date her ?

yes and no. i first thought that she would friendzone me because she is someone who can be friend with anyone easily. so i was scared to make the first move to her. after that, i realised that i was not scared to date her. i liked heart a lot.



Tell us a funny fact about her

- she is adorable when she is sleeping. she drools and smile at the same time! /laughs 




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