BIRTH PLACE☞ Montreal, Canada

HOMETOWN☞ Montreal, Canada [Born until her 10th grade.] Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea [10th grade until now.]

BIRTH DATE☞ September 8, 1996

ETHNICITY☞ Korean - Canadian

HEIGHT(cm) + WEIGHT(kg)☞ 163 cm / 54 kg





GRADE☞ 12th grade


MOST HATED SUBJECT☞ Korean class and Litterature.


Korean - Fluent

French - Native

English - Semi - Fluent

IQ☞ 140





↪ First Impression - The first impression of Jenn is very misleading. When you see Jenn for the first time, she seems like a sweet and friendly girl. Most of the time, she has a smile planted on her face and she is laughing with her friends. Yes, she seems like a real angel who fell from Heaven. I agree that she is a pretty girl. You actually think that Jenn is your perfect friends, but she is not. You are just meeting your real nightmare. She isn't what you think. She is not your typical best friend that you wish to have. Jenn is actually the typical real bxtch that you don't want to be friend with. Her brown hair, her cute dark brown eyes and her bright smile is actually a facade. What if you try to be her friend, you are going to be ''friend'' with your death angel. She is your frienemy and you aren't going to notice it.

↪ Blabbermouth & Backstabber - Gossip, gossip & again, gossip — This is her favourite hobby ever. When Jenn heard a secret, she is the one who's spread the rumors, but she might change a little bit the story to something more dramatic and shocking. She cannot hold any secrets. The worst is that it always end up going back to you with a slight different thing — sorry, I mean, a big different thing. Many people heards new rumors everyday. Guess who started it ? It's none than your favourite Korean girl, Jenn and her Korean-Canadian best friend, Claire. Best of the best is that Jenn always denies it when someone asks her if she is the one who spreaded the rumors. It's not finished, the worst of the worst, the angelic faced girl is a backstabber. She can come at you in the most friendly way. You are going to believe that she is your friend, everyone around you is going to warn you — you aren't going to listen anyone. Then, after you are going to find out the truth that Jenn only used you for something she wanted and she will tell everyone one of your biggest secret to everyone. She can use anyone by her words and her ''kind smile''. It's a way to make sure that the person thinks that she cares about you, but in reality — she don't ! It's sad to think about it, but it's Jenn.

↪ y & Drama Queen - In her life, Jenn had a serious problems of y resting face , especially when she doesn't smile. Why are we talking about bictchy ? It's because Jenn is y. Jenn is someone who speaks her mind and many hates her. They cannot handle her big personality. She doesn't care what people says because she knows that they don't effect her life. She feels like a queen and everyone is the people. She has the power over everyone she wants to. She isn't going to let anyone step on her foot. Her mode is always ready when she wakes up in the morning. Her mood can change to relax to arrogant in few seconds. She scares some people because of that. She don't wants to show her weakness in front of the people. School is like her kingdom and she rules this kingdom like a real queen. She isn't going to step down because of anyone. When Jenn hates you, she is going to show you NO MERCY. She'll be all over you until you are not going to handle it. She is a serious drama queen. Even though she is a y warrior, she can be easily offenced and she isn't going to let it pass. She might scream and yell at you without thinking twice. She might let her tears falls because you went to far but she isn't going to show that she is weak. If you try to argue with her, be ready to meet a drama queen who's exaggerating everything. You might talk to her with a high voice than her and she might yell at you to stop screaming like a damn dinosaure. She also complains a lot — especially in class, in her daily days or in her training, she can't stop complaining!

↪ y & Fun - Being a legal girl means for her legal thinking. She is dirty minded. She isn't affraid to make a y comment. She is pretty open to talk about rated things and she often makes inappropriated comments with her best friends. She often shocked many person because of her ert personality. She tends to have weird skinship with her bestie, but she doesn't mind. ''Better have a weird humor sense than to not have any right ?'', that's what she says. Jenn has the habit to slap her friends when they are in front of her. It's pretty weird right ? She isn't afraid to say something innapropriate. Beside that, Jenn knows how to have fun. Jenn isn't a boring type girl. She enjoys herself most of the time. Jenn is a fun girl. She likes to laugh around her friends. She hang out a lot with them. She is always ready to have fun with her closest friend. Making weird jokes and showing weird facial expressions are her unique way to have fun. She is mostly always laughing and she has a bright smile ,only if she is surrounded of her cool friends.

↪ Confident & Smart - Jenn is a confident girl. She is pretty and athletic. She lnows that. She feels good in her body and everyone knows it. She takes care of hier body and make sure that her clothes suit her well. Using her pretty face is her ultimate tool. She wears light makeup and let hir hair messy for more volume. That's how Jenn is. She is confident. Everyone around this girl can see that she is feeling good. She isn't going to be the shy type of her person. She isn't scared to be herself and to show no weakness. She is confident about herself and she loves her flaws. Beside her shocking personality, Jenn is pretty smart. Her average grade is around 90%. She is a genius on maths class and science class. It is surprising right ? Jenn doesn't seems to be that kind of person who cares about the school grades. Jenn is different. She really cares about her grades. In class, she is mostly the one who jokes at the back, sleep in class and making the teacher go crazy in class, but she still has good grades. Her grades are good because she wants to have the best grades and to be able to study higher. Outside of the class, Jenn has an impressive logic. She thinks well and make up complicated plans. It always...90% works. She makes those plans to backstab people, to be a real blabbermouth and even to use other people to her advantage.

↪ Hardworker & Athletic - Jenn is a hardworker person. She never gives up easily. When she wants something, she will work her to be able to reach her goals. She isn't smart because she is naturally like that. It's because she is always in her books when it's the right time to do it. She let her friends go party while she is studying for the exams of the next day. She can study more than 6 hours for one subject. Her goal is to keep her grades high like that, she'll be able to go to a good university. She pass her night in her room, locked in it. She only takes a pause when she is hungry. Right after, she finish to study, she goes to sleep. Like that, she isn't going to forgot anything. The next day, she is reviewing everything to make sure that she didn't let a single details go and after, she is ready to rule the exams. Her memory is always very good in the morning. Everything that she studied the day before is still in her mind. All she has to do is to do the exam. Jenn works hard for her future, her parents and herself. She has a backup plan if her gymnast career doesn't work. She would be an engineer or maybe a lawyer. Still, she isn't going to give up her dream to be a gymnast. Right now, Jenn is part of a volleyball team in her high school. In her hardest time with the team in volleyball, she is always asking more time in the gym to train the team. If she isn't able to do something, she will retry until she is able to do it. That's how volleyball works with her coach and Jenn. Since a young age, Jenn was around athletes. Her siblings were both athletes and she was the shadow. She decided to be a young athlete like them. Since that day, Jenn became more athletic. She loves watching sports and play many sports too. She played Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Gymnastic and Football/Soccer. She goes to the gym twice a week to train for her cardio and endurance. She dreams to be known as an athlete..



↪ Born in the shadow - Hwang Jenn was born in Madrid, Spain on September 8. Her parents were both happy to have a beautiful daughter like Jenn. She was lucky to have her beauty from her mother and her hardworking personality from her father. Jenn grew up in her older sister's and her older brother's shadow. Her older brother, Jack Hwang was a good athlete in Hockey in the city and Jamie Hwang, her older sister was an amazing figure skater. Her mother was always there for Jamie's figure skating competitions and Jack's matches. Everyone cheered her siblings while Jenn was just known as "the little sister of the athletics Han". That's how Jenn became more rebelious type of child. It first started in elementary school. She was bullied by her classmate because she wasn't athletic like her brother and sister. Jenn ended up yelling to her classmates and hit a girl with her pencil case. That girl started to cry and Jenn was in trouble. That was a bad beginning for Jenn. Because of all this bullying, Jenn decided to not be the shadow of her siblings. She asked to be part of a gymnastic gym. Her mother accepted her request with joy.

↪ Being the light & problems - Since Jenn became a gymnast, her popularity became bigger than she was before. Now, she wasn't a shadow anymore, but her parents kept looking for her older siblings than her. She changed to cheerleading in High School. Obviously, in cheerleading is way different as gymnastic. Her parents still never give her any attention so, she became pretty rebellious. Along with her cheerleading friends, she went to parties and clubbing. She drank alchool and she even did drugs. In class, she would make stupid comments and would always come late. Her grades were still good, but her attitude was very bad. Sometimes, she would just skip her class and hang out with her friends. She would always be there during the exams, but otherwise, she would be absent. She had multiple boyfriends during that time and she fought often with her parents because of her bad attitude. Jenn's parents wanted to send her to her grandmother in Korea. That's what they did. When she finished her 10th grade, Jenn's parents sended her to her aunt in Korea. She is now attending to Seoul International High School and she is in the athletic program.

PERSONAGossip Girl 



Hanging out with her friends
Taking embarassing pics of other students
Gossiping with her friends
Going shopping
Studying and reading
Taking selcas for instagram and tumblr
Going to the gym



↪ (action and romance movies) - action movies are full of actions/explosion/guns and she loves it. why she loves romance movies ? she's a typical girl who dreams of romance.

↪ (ice tea) - It's taste good, right?

↪ (sports) - she's kind of obsessed with sports. especially the olympics and super bowl.

↪ (romance) - she loves romance. how can i explain why ? xD

↪ (rnb and hip hop music) - rnb music is the type of music that gave her chills when she listent to it and hip hop music too.

↪ (light yellow) - it's a very cute and bright color...

↪ (pastel colors) - pastel colors are pretty and light.

↪ (sneakers wedges) - sneakers + wedges. she loves wearing sneakers and wedges why not both together ?!

↪ (sneakers) - it's the best thing ever. it's comfortable! <3

↪ (healthy food) - broccoli...yummy! heathly food taste better than everything <3

↪ (fashion) - girl, fashion is her life!



↪ (neon colors) - god! please save my eyes ;_;

↪ (being ignored) - she dislikes it. she can be pretty jealous xD

↪ (aegyo) - euuh. this word doesn't exist in her dictionary.

↪ (her nickname; byuntae unnie) - she hates it when everyone calls her like that.

↪ (unhealthy food) - it's gross and not good for the body.

↪ (rock music) - too loud!!!!

↪ (insects) - anything instect that fly, jumps, crawl, dougie, twerk, 2 step, and all that crap. insect are annoying, they keep doing the bizzz sound. grrrr!!

↪ (clowns) - clowns= creepy make-up + creepy voices + creepy smile.

↪ (rude people) - rude vs. someone who can be rude too ? warning. you are in danger, my friend.



↪ (Butterflies) 

↪ (Clowns)  

↪ (Zooming images)  



She is a very heavy sleeper
She is kind of obsessed with her grades
She drinks green tea everyday
Her favourite subjects are Sciences and Maths
Her favourite color in Yellow
She hates strawberries and chocolate
Little babies are her weakness
She wants to be an olympic athlete.
Her favourite animal are penguin and red panda.
She wish to visit Australia once in her life.
She is a big fan of Block B.
She isn't a fan of EXO.
She is a huge fan of the Canadian of Montral [Hockey Team.]
She loves watching sports on TV, more than a real man.  
She dreams to be an olympic snowboarder, hockey player or maybe a volleyball player. She wants to represent Canada. :)


↪ (Jung Minhee)   


↪ (Park Sora) 





IDOL NAME☞ Woo Zico  

BACKUP IDOL☞ Bang Yong Guk


Together, it would be a funny couple in the Holiday. Jenn would be always finding a secret about the other teams which it making their team an advantage. They would always try to find out a way to get around the rules and ''cheat''. Zico and Jenn would be mostly like two best friends. They would always tell each other everything and they would make up jokes around each other. Since Jenn is a little a flirt , she would not realized that she would start flirting with him. But most of the time, they are fooling around like two pabo friends.



















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