♡「 han jenn」♡

han jenn  xoxo cafe ')



"why hello there"

username :  missxox

what can i call you? : ayana

activeness : 9.


"i'm pretty sure i know my own name"

name : han jenn

nickname(s) : jennay, kaeyoo [her korean name.], gossip girl. 

birthdate : september 8

age : 20 years old 

ethnicity : korean - canadian 

birthplace : montreal, canada

hometown : montreal, canada [until she turned 17. ] now she lives in Seoul.


"people just don't understand that it's cool to be different"

personality :

↪ First Impression - The first impression of Jenn is very misleading. When you see Jenn for the first time, she seems like a sweet and friendly girl. Most of the time, she has a smile planted on her face and she is laughing with her friends. Yes, she seems like a real angel who fell from Heaven. I agree that she is a pretty girl. You actually think that Jenn is your perfect friends, but she is not. You are just meeting your real nightmare. She isn't what you think. She is not your typical best friend that you wish to have. Jenn is actually the typical real bxtch that you don't want to be friend with. Her brown hair, her cute dark brown eyes and her bright smile is actually a facade. What if you try to be her friend, you are going to be ''friend'' with your death angel. She is your frienemy and you aren't going to notice it.

↪ Blabbermouth & Backstabber - Gossip, gossip & again, gossip — This is her favourite hobby ever. When Jenn heard a secret, she is the one who's spread the rumors, but she might change a little bit the story to something more dramatic and shocking. She cannot hold any secrets. The worst is that it always end up going back to you with a slight different thing — sorry, I mean, a big different thing. Many people heards new rumors everyday. Guess who started it ? It's none than your favourite Korean girl, Jenn. Best of the best is that Jenn always denies it when someone asks her if she is the one who spreaded the rumors. It's not finished, the worst of the worst, the angelic faced girl is a backstabber. She can come at you in the most friendly way. You are going to believe that she is your friend, everyone around you is going to warn you — you aren't going to listen anyone. Then, after you are going to find out the truth that Jenn only used you for something she wanted and she will tell everyone one of your biggest secret to everyone. She can use anyone by her words and her ''kind smile''. It's a way to make sure that the person thinks that she cares about you, but in reality — she don't ! It's sad to think about it, but it's Jenn.

↪ y & Drama Queen - In her life, Jenn had a serious problems of y resting face , especially when she doesn't smile. Why are we talking about bictchy ? It's because Jenn is y. Jenn is someone who speaks her mind and many hates her. They cannot handle her big personality. She doesn't care what people says because she knows that they don't effect her life. She feels like a queen and everyone is the people. She has the power over everyone she wants to. She isn't going to let anyone step on her foot. Her mode is always ready when she wakes up in the morning. Her mood can change to relax to arrogant in few seconds. She scares some people because of that. She don't wants to show her weakness in front of the people. School is like her kingdom and she rules this kingdom like a real queen. She isn't going to step down because of anyone. When Jenn hates you, she is going to show you NO MERCY. She'll be all over you until you are not going to handle it. She is a serious drama queen. Even though she is a y warrior, she can be easily offenced and she isn't going to let it pass. She might scream and yell at you without thinking twice. She might let her tears falls because you went to far but she isn't going to show that she is weak. If you try to argue with her, be ready to meet a drama queen who's exaggerating everything. You might talk to her with a high voice than her and she might yell at you to stop screaming like a damn dinosaure. She also complains a lot — especially in class, in her daily days or in her training, she can't stop complaining!

↪ y & Fun - Being a legal girl means for her legal thinking. She is dirty minded. She isn't affraid to make a y comment. She is pretty open to talk about rated things and she often makes inappropriated comments with her best friends. She often shocked many person because of her ert personality. She tends to have weird skinship with her friends, but she doesn't mind. ''Better have a weird humor sense than to not have any right ?'', that's what she says. Jenn has the habit to slap her friends when they are in front of her. It's pretty weird right ? She isn't afraid to say something innapropriate. Beside that, Jenn knows how to have fun. Jenn isn't a boring type girl. She enjoys herself most of the time. Jenn is a fun girl. She likes to laugh around her friends. She hang out a lot with them. She is always ready to have fun with her closest friend. Making weird jokes and showing weird facial expressions are her unique way to have fun. She is mostly always laughing and she has a bright smile ,only if she is surrounded of her cool friends.

↪ Confident & Smart - Jenn is a confident girl. She is pretty and athletic. She lnows that. She feels good in her body and everyone knows it. She takes care of hier body and make sure that her clothes suit her well. Using her pretty face is her ultimate tool. She wears light makeup and let hir hair messy for more volume. That's how Jenn is. She is confident. Everyone around this girl can see that she is feeling good. She isn't going to be the shy type of her person. She isn't scared to be herself and to show no weakness. She is confident about herself and she loves her flaws. Beside her shocking personality, Jenn is pretty smart. Her average grade is around 90%. She is a genius on maths class and science class. It is surprising right ? Jenn doesn't seems to be that kind of person who cares about the school grades. Jenn is different. She really cares about her grades. In class, she is mostly the one who jokes at the back, sleep in class and making the teacher go crazy in class, but she still has good grades. Her grades are good because she wants to have the best grades and to be able to study higher. Outside of the class, Jenn has an impressive logic. She thinks well and make up complicated plans. It always...90% works. She makes those plans to backstab people, to be a real blabbermouth and even to use other people to her advantage.

↪ Hardworker & Athletic - Jenn is a hardworker person. She never gives up easily. When she wants something, she will work her to be able to reach her goals. She isn't smart because she is naturally like that. It's because she is always in her books when it's the right time to do it. She let her friends go party while she is studying for the exams of the next day. She can study more than 6 hours for one subject. Her goal is to keep her grades high like that, she'll be able to go to a good university. She pass her night in her room, locked in it. She only takes a pause when she is hungry. Right after, she finish to study, she goes to sleep. Like that, she isn't going to forgot anything. The next day, she is reviewing everything to make sure that she didn't let a single details go and after, she is ready to rule the exams. Her memory is always very good in the morning. Everything that she studied the day before is still in her mind. All she has to do is to do the exam. Jenn works hard for her future, her parents and herself. She has a backup plan if her gymnast career doesn't work. She would be an engineer or maybe a lawyer. Still, she isn't going to give up her dream to be a gymnast. Right now, Jenn is part of a cheerleading team in her high school. In her hardest time with the team in Cheerleading, she is always asking more time in the gym to train the team. If she isn't able to do something, she will retry until she is able to do it. That's how cheerleading works with her coach and Jenn. Since a young age, Jenn was around athletes. Her siblings were both athletes and she was the shadow. She decided to be a young athlete like them. Since that day, Jenn became more athletic. She loves watching sports and play many sports too. She played Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Cheerleading and Football. She goes to the gym twice a week to train for her cardio and endurance. She dreams to be known as an athlete..

background :

↪ Born in the shadow - Han Jenn was born in Montreal, Canada on September 8. Her parents were both happy to have a beautiful daughter like Jenn. She was lucky to have her beauty from her mother and her hardworking personality from her father. Jenn grew up in her older sister's and her older brother's shadow. Her older brother, Han Jack was a good athlete in Hockey in the city and Han Jamie, her older sister was an amazing figure skater. Her mother was always there for Jamie's figure skating competitions and Jack's matches. Everyone cheered her siblings while Jenn was just known as "the little sister of the athletics Han". That's how Jenn became more rebelious type of child. It first started in elementary school. She was bullied by her classmate because she wasn't athletic like her brother and sister. Jenn ended up yelling to her classmates and hit a girl with her pencil case. That girl started to cry and Jenn was in trouble. That was a bad beginning for Jenn. Because of all this bullying, Jenn decided to not be the shadow of her siblings. She asked to be part of a cheerleading team. Her mother accepted her request with joy.

↪ Being the light & problems - Since Jenn became a cheerleader, her popularity became bigger than she was before. Now, she wasn't a shadow anymore, but her parents kept looking for her older siblings than her. She changed cheerleading to gymnastic because she wanted something new. When Jenn started middle school, Jenn met her best friend, Claire. Claire was an athlete too, like Jenn. They became close friends together. Jenn often fought with her parents because she didn't had enough attention from them. Shw wanted to show them that she was good like her siblings. During that time, Jenn had the best grades of her classes. Her teachers would always complain about her attitude, but they would be happy about her grades in class. Because of her constant fighting with her parents, at night, her parents waited her to finish her freshman year and sended her to korea. After finishing her freshman year, Jenn was send to her favourite aunt in Korea. Her aunt's name is Han Soo Eun. Her aunt will take care of her until she turns 19 years old. During her years in school in Korea, she made friends and she used to hangout with them often in a cafe. She became part of the Korean cheerleading team. Jenn participated in the Cheerleading World twice with the team. When Jenn finished High School, she decieded to study in design like her aunt. :)

↪ Being the future - Now, Jenn is at the Seoul National University and Jenn lives in her own condo. She is working with her aunt who's a fashion designer. Jenn is actually her aunt's assistant. She helps her aunt twice a week. She studies a lot in fashion design and she hangout with her friends when she has time to.  

likes :

↪ black and white - two simple and chic colors. you can't go wrong with it.

↪ pasty - sweet things make her happy.

↪ bubble tea - she is a fanatic of bubble tea.

↪ green tea - her favourite drink all time.

↪ lemonade - her second favourite drink.

↪ cheerleading - it's her life!

↪ fashion - her second life!

↪ sports - she is a fanatic of hockey, football and american football.

↪ puppies - cuteness thing ever!

↪ yellow and corall - her favourite bright colors.


dislikes :

↪ neon colors - those colors hurt her eyes.

↪ dirty places - it makes her sick.

↪ not study for an exam - she just can't do this.

↪ unfashionable people - it stresses her a lot.

↪ aegyo - it makes her want to pull her hair.

↪ rude persons - rude girl vs. a y one isn't cute.

↪ rock music - it makes her ears bleed.

↪ pink - it isn't her favourite color.

↪ awkward moments - she feels like punching a wall.

↪ when her friends are being insulted. 


hobbies :

↪ shopping - she is a future fashion designer...

↪ reading magazine - it's her third life ;_;

↪ listening music - it's her fourth life.

↪ going to the café to drink a bubble tea/green tea/ lemondade.

↪ studying ;_; 

↪ hanging out with her friends 


habits :

↪ smile & drools in her sleeping

↪ roll her eyes when she is annoyed.

↪ mess her hair when she is fustrated.


trivia :

↪ obsessed with cheer bows.

↪ she is currently making the Korean Cheerleading Team uniform. click! [the middle it's wrote Korea. The black part is red and the rest is the same as the pic. there's the bow

↪ she is daebak in sports. 

↪ she is a big fan of the Canadian olympic team.

↪ her favourite hockey players ever are jonathan toew and carey price.

↪ her favourite marvel heroes are wolverine, iron man and thor.

↪ she is a big fan of action movies.

↪ she wants to be a fashion designer.

↪ her aunt fashion line is pretty popular and it's called Sweet Kiss.

↪ she is currently working as her aunt's assistant. 

↪ she is left-handed


talking twin : jessica 

laughing twin :  jessica 

aegyo twin : jessica 

______ twin : [ any other twin you'd like, idk what's left though! ]


"look at this y beast"


 face claim : jessica [snsd]

links or galleries :  tumblr / tumblr 2 

backup face claim : park kyungri [nine muses]

links or galleries : tumblr / tumblr 2

appearance description : jenn is known for having a good figure. she doesn't have a model height, but she is quite tall. she is a 167 cm and 53 kg girl. she keeps her good figure because of constant training every monday night for cheerleading. she has abs because she is a flyer and tumbler. her style is really fashionista. it mostly looks like the ulzzangs park sora and jung minhee. 


"also known as my peasants"


→ mother| han stéphanie | 46 | lawyer 

→ father | han kyuhoon | 50 | police agent 

→ brother | han jack | 27 | gym trainer 

→ sister | han jamie | 25 | nurse 

→ aunt | han sooeun | 36 | fashion designer 


 → park kyungri | 20 | loud, funny, confident and rude | student in interior design in seoul national university. 

friends :

 → yoon bora | 21 | outgoing, funny, kind and athletic | student in art at seoul national university. 

 → jay park | 23 | funny, flirt, kind and cocky | athletic program at seoul national university. 



"you and i should get married, not to rush but tomorrow sounds great"


love interest's name : ukwon

group + age : blockb + 21


+ ; Athletic, Funny, Talented, Confident

- ; ert, Arrogant , Rude, Flirt

↪ Bad Boy - Ukwon is well-known as a player. He is the guy who has a lot girlfriends during his years in High School and University. He has been cheating on them few times and left them go right after. He thinks that girls aren't really important and strong enough. He can be found flirting around girls a lot. He wouldn't miss a chance to meet a beautiful lady. Girls are his weakness and he cannot stop it. Sometimes, he can be a real ert. Like Jenn, he makes nasty comments without to be even shy. He isn't affraid to say what he thinks and he doesn't care much about what the others will think about him. He can make nasty comments about girls, boys and everything. He is dirty minded and he cannot stop himself of making those comments. He sometimes do those comments in class. Jay is also known for being rude and arrogant. He thinks that he is a king in a kingdom. He thinks he has power to manipulate the others around him. He would turn down the others to make himself feel stronger and smarter than them. He knows that he isn't the strongest guy or the smarter one. He just want to make the others feel weaker and less important than him.

↪ Good Boy - Beside being a real jerk, Ukwon has good personality traits. He is a real athlete. He was part of a basketball team before. He is pretty good at sports. He plays many sports as hobby and he dances hip hop/b-boy. He goes to train often to the gym to stay in shape and to gain more muscle. He goes to lift weight twice a week with his friends. He seems to care a lot about his own body. He is funny. Even thought he has a bad personality, around his friends, he has the best humor. He always makes his friends laughs and he is like the dork/clown of his crew. Ukwon is the dorky boy. Ukwon feels good in his body. He is confident and strong, inside and outside. He knows that he looks fabulous and that he is a handsome boy. He wouldn't be scared to walk outside shirtless or to show his abs to the "tirsty girls" of the school. 

how you met : They both met in High School. He was known for being a talented tumbler in the Korea Cheerleading Team. Jenn was known for being an ex- Flyers all-star cheerleader back in Canada. He was asked to recruit her to be in the Korean Cheerleading team. He was in her math class so, he tried to flirt with her to make sure that Jenn would accept. Jenn did everything to refuse to talk to him. Tired of her rude attitude he directly asked her to be in the Korea cheerleading team. She refused to answer him. Two weeks later, Jenn saw the tryout for the team and tried it. She saw him there and they started to talk, until they started to date. Their meeting isn't cute, but at least, they grew up close after few months.

how you interact 

Ukwon is in reality, Jenn's first ex-boyfriend. Jenn got interested to the new transfered student of 2012, Ukwon. She dated him for eleven months before breaking up because Ukwon was too ert around her. It discusted her so badly that she left him.

Around Jenn, UKwon is always ready to make nasty and annoying comments about her. He loves teasing her and make sure that he reminds her that they used to date a long time ago. He always find a way to draw Jenn's attention and try to annoy Kyungri and her friends when Jenn is in the way and of course, Jenn would stop him and yell at him. Since Ukwon is a lot of Jenn's class, he will never forget to try to flirt with her and make ert comments about her. Jenn would mostly end up hitting him in class or even making a comments to shut him up. He still likes her and he wants to tell her that he wants her back, but he doesn't know that Jenn is only trying to not be confused between Himchan and him.

Around Ukwon, Jenn tried her best to ignore his presence. She is always ready to hit him and make a y comments to him. Most of the time, in class, Jenn force herself to not stare at him because she knows that he is going to notice it and he will make a comments about it. Jenn is aware that he wants her back and even thought she still has feeling for Himchan and her feelings for Ukwon is confusing her even more. She tries to deny her feeling for him as much as possible because she knows that Jay's nasty comments and personality isn't going to help their relationship.

about his life :

↪ He's in the athletic program in Seoul National University. 

↪ He has Korean , English, Litterature and Korean History with Jenn. 

↪ He is part of the Korea Cheerleading Team too. His positions are the base and tumbler.

↪ He is a talented tumbler!

↪He's often at the xoxo cafe because he likes to drink cappuchino. 

backup love interest : bang yongguk


→"pickles and whatnot"


school they attend : Seoul National University in Fashion Design program.

extra curriculars/clubs : she is part of the korean cheerleading team. she is in the level 5 coed and in the all girls team too. her position is a flyer and a tumbler.

any jobs/part-time jobs : she's her aunt assistant twice a week,thursday and friday for the fashion line ''Sweet Kiss''.

school life : at school, jenn is known to be someone who scares some students because of her attitude. if you hurt someone close to her, she will be the first one to hit you. she isn't the rebelious one. she isn't the bully. she is the one who scares the bully of the school. in class, she tends to crack jokes and sleeps on her desk, but she is a pretty smart student. she always give her homwork on time and do her project perfectly. the teachers doesn't like her attitude because she would do whatever she wants in class. sometimes, she would skip a class because it's too boring. her grades are straight A's. she has few friends in university that she hang out with and she would actually be someone who tells every gossip she knows about her university and she would sometimes spreads the rumors. when it's time to have an exam, jenn would totally focus in her study. 

others : [something i might've missed and/or you want me to know about your character!]


Goodbye baby, goodbye

comments : hey! hope you enjoyed my character!

scene requests :

↪ Jenn accepting to go on a date with Ukwon because he became even more annoying.

↪ Jenn kicking Ukwon where the sun doesn't shin on purpuse during a cheer practice because he touched her .

↪ Jenn's friends being bully by a random girl group in the xoxo cafe and she will be the one to stand up for them.

↪ Jenn gossiping! ;D 

password : [bereadytodie.] cafe

© layout by --tokkibyul


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