
Hi :D

does anyone sleep-write like me?

i swear I have the weirdest habit ever. Which is sleep-writing.

at a certain time at night, my brain just ceases to function and it starts to churn out random rubbish. So I end up seeing stuff like rainbows and apple pies and yes even exo-related stuff on my school notes the next morning.

this is an example of what happened last night:

Kaisoo... Lolol

i just don't understand myself anymore xD



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Palabra_viva #1
Oh my god that is super funny! Haha kaisoo! I usually just get really tired and then I get super duper creative, everything just flows better that way for me that's why I tend to always pull all lighters for assignments because I can just complete things that way.
ive handed some of my notes to my friends before, bcs they missed class and needed to catch up on stuff--but every example was related back to kpop in some way lmfao
they totally didn't understand anything

it made me happy xD
lolol i sleep write too in class haha but i end up either mispelling i think or usually it just becomes illegible and becomes scribles lol