‹ 전쟁이야 — Liu♦Mengxin





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   천 개의 발자국 
full name ) : Liu Mengxin (刘梦欣)
nickname/s )* : Xiao Xin (小欣) - pun on 'be careful' (小心), which has the same intonation, to poke at her general wariness, suspicion and distrust. As a general rule, she doesn't like people calling her this name, but will accept it as a term of endearment from those she is close to. 
birthdate ♦ age ) : 22/12  20
ethnicity ) : Chinese
( birthplace  hometown ) : Dalian, China | Seoul, South Korea
languages ) : fluent in Korean, Mandarin Chinese, though can understand common dialects like Cantonese/Sichuanese.


   태양을 본 별처럼 ⋮
division ♦ classification ) : Human | Witch (Necromancy)
special ability/ies ) 
Perception: Mengxin can't read minds in the literal sense that she knows exactly what people are saying, but she can sense a person's general emotional/psychological state and intent - i.e, malice, calm, nervousness, hate, etc. However, she doesn't know the reason behind them, and this only works if the person is in the same room, or within a reasonable distance. Her sensitivity decreases with distance. Older or stronger beings are able to block this, either magically or by simply controlling their emotions.
Ghost whisperer: She can summon and speak to spirits of the dead (if they are willing) for short amounts of time, depending on her environment and health. She needs to draw them up from the earth, so the summoning needs to be done outdoors, where there is soil. She also requires something that they have come into contact with, that would have retained some of their essence, like a fingerprint. This works best if she is calm, well-rested, and relaxed, as it is an extremely taxing process. The dead require payment for their time, and in Mengxin's case, they're just drawn to and draw from her life force. Recovery can take anywhere from a few hours for gentler spirits to several days for more malicious ones. 
Necroplasmic conversion: Converting necroplasm, or energy given off by the dead or dying, to pure, useable energy. However, it's very difficult to control the precise amount of energy converted, and the human body is not capable of handling more than a very minimal amount. Therefore, she needs to transfer the energy to someone/something more capable of handling the stress (i.e, a non-human). Nobody alive knows about this, however, because the last time she tried this with someone, they disintigrated because she couldn't control the influx of energy, and she was knocked out from the ensuing explosion. She would never attempt it again unless it was a desperate situation where the other option is certain death.

appearance ) : Mengxin has a slender, willowy figure, with skin quite pale from not spending much time in the sun (it also burns easily). She's not very toned, as she does practically no exercise. Her hair is brownish black, waist-length, and very smooth and silky - it's something that she's rather vain about. She's about 5'7 in height.
ulzzang ) : Kwon Sujeong (can't really find a Chinese 'ulzzang' OTL - they're few and far between and tend to have a very different style not fitting her character).
gallery ) : 1 2 3 gallery
back-up ulzzang ) : Park Hyemin 
gallery ) : 1 2 3 gallery



   빛이 되어 줘 ⋮
personality traits ) : Intelligent, resourceful, cautious, pragmatic, strong-willed, lonely, deadpan snarky, kuudere  
personality ) :
Mengxin's perceptive ability is not a voluntary one; if they're in the room or near her, she will know what they feel regardless of whether or not she wants to. Needless to say, this can be rather irritating for her, especially if dealing with people who say one thing and think another, so she keeps human contact to a minimum. She prefers the peace and quiet to feeling emotions that aren't hers. However, that's not to say that she is completely asocial. She doesn't have a preference for any particular division, as she knows that everything varies based on the individual. As such, she has acquaintances from vampires to werewolves, though not all of her friends may be able to stay in a room together without killing each other.

Her perception began really taking root when she was around 9. At the time, she couldn't build up any resistance to the barrage of thoughts and emotions that hit her at school, and eventually her father hired tutors for her to be homeschooled after a few months of her almost becoming ill. She would be quite bored after her lessons, and this was when she discovered her father's library. From that point on, she immersed herself in books. She read up on practically every subject, and as a consequence is highly intelligent.
On the flipside of her perception being annoying, it has also helped her in being able to remove herself from emotions and see the situation clearly (brain instead of heart). This means that she tends to be the cool-headed one, the voice of reason. She's a very rational and practical person. She firmly believes that although she may be less physically capable than the other divisions, she is in no way to be diregarded because of it.
Mengxin prefers her life to be a peaceful and quiet one, but she has never really known love after her mother passed away, and she actually longs for it. She wants someone who she feels perfectly comfortable and safe around, someone to curl up against on the couch, someone to share her meals with. Whenever she dwells too much on these thoughts though, her house seems very empty and cold, so she tends to push it away.
It's not easy to get close to Mengxin, certainly, but that's because she's just generally wary of those she doesn't know well, unsure of what their intentions are. However, she's actually very warm to and cares very deeply for her friends. Her sense of humour is one in which she teases people in an emotionless manner, so that people who don't know her will be left wondering if she was serious. Sarcasm is one of her specialties. 

likes ) :
Cooking - she makes a mean beef stew, and finds that often good, hearty, hot food heals better than some of her potions or medicinal concoctions when it's not so much a physical injury as it is psychological trauma (i.e, shock).
Lemon honey water - warm, so it's not exactly lemonade
Herbal teas - she doesn't do well with caffeine; it makes her dizzy and unable to sleep.
Reading - anything, really. (she has a secret stash of romance novels a la Jane Austen under her bed) Once she got to Seoul and became aware of the divisions and species, she hunted for their lore and history as well. As a result, she has an impressive collection of knowledge about the supernatural world as well. 
Taking walks at night, or in well-wooded areas - it's much more peaceful at night, when most people are already home and the streets are more empty. she carries protective spells as a precaution, though they're mostly weak and are more for distraction than defense.
Playing the guzheng - the instrument belonged to her mother, made out of red sandalwood and intricately carved, with plum blossoms on the instrument itself and a fenghuang and long on either side of the instrument's stand. it's another calming mechanism, as far as she's concerned, but that calm is because the instrument's antiquity brings her closer to her ancestors from ancient China. her powers are more at peace and in their purest form when she is closer to their roots.

dislikes ) :
Crowded, noisy environments - they can be overwhelming, and prolonged exposure to something like a rave club atmosphere or something similarly chaotic can cause her to pass out.
People she can't get a read on - she tends to avoid them on principle, out of self-preservation. they unnerve her because the information she's used to getting about what they want from her is absent.
Coffee - more than just the caffeine content, she hates the bitter, yet sour taste of it.
Strangers asking for help - this pertains to help of the supernatural kind. unless they're with one of her friends/acquaintances, strangers mean that they somehow found out about her abilities, despite the fact that she tries to keep a low profile.
Summer - it's too hot and sticky and the heat makes her irritable.
Physical exertion - she's not a very fit person. she doesn't exercise much, so even running for a short distance can tire her out.
Open water - she likes the aesthics of the beach or a lake, but refuses to get too near the water itself. Leftover fear from drowning when she was younger.

strengths ) :
Strategy - she's obviously not going to be in the front lines of fire. instead, she is excellent at planning out routes of attack, particularly if she knows the enemy. this is because she can then take into account how they would fight back, and work around that.
Poisons/antidotes - this is vaguely linked with her ties to Death. While others require careful calculations and recipes to mix up a potion, it's almost intuitive for her. she knows exactly how much belladonna and milk of poppy you'd need to bring the drinker to a natural but fatal sleep, but also how much ground coca leaf to be inhaled to reverse the effects.
Throwing accuracy - this pertains to her poison darts. this is her only form of effective offense.

weaknesses ) :
Physical offence/defense - she's not physically adept, and can't do much in the way of hand-to-hand combat.
Water - immersing her head under water freaks her out, because the eerie silence and suffocation and how slowly everything moves makes her feel powerless. also flashbacks to almost drowning when she was six.
Low stamina - she gets tired easily after using her ability, but also anything else that requires a lot of energy. 

trivia ) 
Drowning - Mengxin fears this more than almost everything else, which is why she refuses to go near open water and is even wary of baths and pools (she takes showers).
"The bookkeeper" - she has the largest collection of old books and texts outside of the Academy, and often small details (i.e, letters, diaries) that the Academy would have missed. instead of being known for her supernatural capabilities, her reputation is that of a bookworm - to the point that people who don't know her tend to expect her to be an old crone, and are therefore very surprised when they meet her. 


   무엇보다너를사랑해 ⋮
background ) :
Mengxin was born to a relatively wealthy family in Northeastern China. Her father works in international business, and is therefore rarely home. Her mother passed away when she was four from pneumonia, so she was brought up mainly by a series of chaperones and nannies. The last 'guardian' she had was an old lady she called 'ah ma', who was with her from when she was ten. Mengxin was closest to her out of all the staff, and was devastated when she took ill to the point where she could no longer care for her, which was one of the factors in her father's decision to send her to study in Korea (the other being the unnatural tendencies Mengxin had been displaying more and more often).
Her father felt that Mengxin needed to learn how to integrate into society, because she couldn't just stay within the sterile comfort of their home forever. He had thought that Mengxin's ability was just extreme shyness, and he wasn't the most sensitive person; he honestly thought that now that she was older, she could adapt better. He had a contact in Seoul who volunteered to set Mengxin up at a boarding school, but after barely a month there, the 19-year-old Mengxin had passed out twice from the veritable typhoon of emotions and thoughts that hit her. By luck, she had bumped (literally) into Fei at the supermarket and she was able to sense that there was something different about Mengxin. She then took Mengxin in and got in contact with the Academy, so Mengxin was able to finish her schooling there. 

Mengxin almost drowned when she was six, swept away by a riptide on a day at the beach. Indeed, the doctors at the hospital had almost pronounced her dead when the heart monitor began to beep again. It was after this encounter with death that she began to feel things about the people around her. For example, despite her then-tutor's sugary words and charming demeanor, she could feel that he was very cold and uncaring about her progress. In the beginning, these feelings were very vague, but have grown more developped and detailed over time. Her ability a bit difficult for others to accept, and after the first few times of telling someone about her perceptions and having it greeted with suspicion and even jest, she learned to keep quiet about it and ignore it as much as possible. When she arrived in Korea, however, and learned more about the existence of the supernatural, she decided to embrace it again, as a resource and as a means of survival.
That close brush with death was also the catalyst for the manifestation of her powers from Death. (From, not over, because nobody and nothing has control over Death.) Sometimes a soul slips away from Death's grasp, and as a consequence of that encounter their ties with it are strengthened. In normal human beings, this could lead to occasional out-of-body experiences, to even random premonitions of the deaths of others. In Mengxin's case, however, the encounter also sparked her latent bloodline.
Mengxin's mother came from a line of ancient Chinese sorceresses, going back over two thousand years. Over the years, the magical blood has diluted so that its bearers are pretty normal human beings, but in Mengxin's case it got a little boost. 

family ) :
  Father : Liu Zhiqiang : 52 : alive : human : Zhiqiang is a very formidable and intimidating businessman, but a stiff person in expressing feeling. He loved his wife very much, and is still not fully recovered from her death. His relationship with Mengxin is rather strained, simply because of their lack of interaction while Mengxin was growing up. He would say that he loves his daughter very much, but the question would then be whether he loved her, or his memories of her as a child, since he doesn't really know the current Mengxin.  : 2.5
  Mother : Sun Yiwen : 30 at time of death : dead : human : Yiwen was a very loving and gentle woman who cared for her family very much, putting her career on hold when Mengxin was born. She was loved not only by her husband, but by the staff at their household as well. She was also very fair, and believed in treating everyone equally and with respect.  : 5 at time of death
  Confidante/therapist/guard dog : Jingjing : 2 : alive : Cat (maine coon) : Mengxin adopted him from a street seller when he was a kitten, but he is now quite large. When he puffs himself up in defense, he can make for quite a terrifying sight for anyone he perceives as an enemy to either himself or Mengxin. He's very affectionate, but judgemental and overprotective as well. (If he decides that he does not like you within the first five minutes, it is very hard to convince him otherwise) : 5

friends ) : **Note that due to her abilities, Mengxin tends to not have any preconceptions about any particular division (i.e, she's met fairies snobbier than vampires, werewolves fluffier than her cat - she doesn't believe that being from a certain division implies an inherent quality).
 Wang Feifei (Fei) : 26 : alive : human (witch) : Fei is a very fiery and spirited girl who has no qualms about standing up and speaking her out for what she believes in. However, as such, she is very blunt and has never really mastered the art of subtleties. This is something that Mengxin appreciates, because Fei expresses exactly what she feels. Nonetheless, she's still the person that Mengxin is closest to in Korea, like the older sister she never had. : 5
 Kim Jongin (Kai) : 20 (75) : alive : abolished (werewolf) : Jongin is one of the newer members of the Abolished; he was cast out after refusing to yield to a new and, from his perspective, unjust and needlessly cruel leader. He can seem very haughty, sultry, and uncaring at first glance, but is actually really shy beneath the surface, and often acts childishly when in friendly company. He's possessive of Mengxin in the clingy little brother way, despite the fact that he's so much older. However, his thoughts do reflect his age in maturity, and can be serious if it comes down to it. : 4.5 - Note: I read what you said about the different divisions didn't like the Abolished as a rule, but I don't think that it would really apply in Mengxin's case? If possible, I feel like Kai would be something of an outlier and outcast even within the Abolished because he's not inherently evil? However, if this just won't work with your plans, I'd be more than happy to change it as necessary. (I do adore the Jongin/Kai duality though, so if the whole 'Abolished' thing doesn't work out, could he just, be a normal werewolf OTL also the backstory here was that they met when she caught Jongin (in his wolf form) trying to eat her cat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
 Song Qian (Victoria) : 23 : alive : fairy (elf) : A bit of an airhead, Mengxin still hasn't really figured her out. Victoria is constantly in a state of complacence, and will sometimes drift in to visit Mengxin without a real purpose. She's very perceptive though, and can pick out the smallest details in a person's behaviour or words. She also likes baking and will often drop off a tin of fresh pastries, along with different teas (she's responsible for at least half of Mengxin's tea collection). : 3.5

rival/enemy )* : Lee Chaerin (CL) : 24 (1063) : alive : vampire : Chaerin is the epitome of what it means to be a vampire (self-possessed, conceited, and disdainful of other races, seeing them as below her) and sees Kris' preoccupation with Mengxin to be incomprehensible. She feels that someone of his position deserves so much more than a measly human, especially what she feels is a particularly weak one. She doesn't actually feel anything for Kris, but she won't hesitate to use seduction as a means to advance in the hieiarchy. 


   내 마음만은 집착이 아니야 
love interest ) : Wu Yifan (Kris)
division  classification ) : Vampire
( personality traits ) : frigid, masked, determined, independent, awkward 
personality ) : Kris, to the rest of the members of the coven, is someone practically revered for his intelligence and looks. He was a young Chinese nobleman in the Qin Dynasty when he was turned, and thus already had the aloof air of vampires drilled into him. He is a good leader, whose words are carefully considered if not immediately obeyed. Many are intimidated by him, partially because of his cold, almost unfeeling demeanor, but also largely because his face makes him look naturally angry at everything (Mengxin would eventually endlessly about Angry Bird eyebrows after showing him the game). He doesn't particularly enjoy moderating coven dynamics though, finding the stuffiness of vampire heirarchy oppressive and suffocating at times.
He's actually a closet romantic and utter softie at heart. He's very close to Tao, and tends to spoil him (i.e, by funding his Gucci obsessions). Tao is much more explicitly romantic in his personality and desires, and so has no qualms about stocking his room with dramas and Disney movies. He often forces Kris to watch them with him, which Kris does fond exasperation. He'd never admit it, but seeing the kind of vibrancy and dreams in Tao makes him hopeful for a so-called 'fairytale ending' as well. Ironically, at the same time, he also feels very jaded after being alive and alone for so long. He's had many flings before, but they were just that - flings. He hadn't felt any sort of emotional attachment to them. Of course, to the outsider point of view, this only served to bolster his reputation as a heartless ice prince type.

relationship ) : Because of Mengxin's collection of texts, Kris ends up calling on her to look into the details of how he was turned (the details he remembers are very murky). Like everyone else, Kris expected Mengxin to be much older than she is, would have doubted her humanity if it weren't for the palpable scent of human blood. Mengxin, due to her already present affinity for ancient China, has a lot of old war records, once they narrowed the circumstances down to Kris having been changed in the middle of a battle. Their first meeting was unremarkable for Mengxin, having dealt with a lot of people sent her way from the Academy for her books. It was, however, intriguing for Kris; firstly because of how young Mengxin was as opposed to her breadth and depth of knowledge, and secondly because he had never met someone who was so completely calm and not the slightest bit intimidated when they first met him. In fact, when he was getting ready to leave, after borrowing a few texts, he had asked Mengxin why she wasn't scared. She had looked straight at him with an almost bored expression and said 'Why should I be scared? You don't mean me any harm.' with complete certainty. This is obviously not a reaction that he expected from a human to a vampire, let alone a vampire like him. 

The second time they meet is when Mengxin is out for one of her night-time strolls when the streets are more or less empty. Unfortunately, another vampire had been hunting that night and had chosen Mengxin as the target (lone weak-looking female human = easy dinner). Although this was an underestimation, since Mengxin does have protective spells against this sort of encounter, the vampire was a young one and was not too debilitated by the burst of sunlight her spell created. Instead, it just made it angry and as we all know by now, Mengxin's stamina is . By pure dumb luck Kris happened to be on patrol not too far away and recognized her as she was running and also detected the other vampire's scent and put the two together. He grabbed her and hissed a quick 'shut up and don't move' before leaning down to her neck in pretense of feeding, but instead biting his own tongue to draw out some blood. Thanks to his rank and appearance he's able to intimidate the younger vamp into finding his meal elsewhere. What ensued is the first time Mengxin (or really anyone beyond Tao) sees Kris being awkward and the complete opposite of his usual cool persona because of Mengxin's questions (i.e, "Why did you do that?" for a start). He doesn't really know why he didn't just let her get eaten, but rationalizes (weakly) that it was to repay the debt of helping him before (with his history). 

Their later interactions would probably be a consequence of circumstance, eventually leading to him dropping by her home whenever dealing with the rest of the coven become too overwhelming. Mengxin takes it in stride, as she's able to feel how the stress and pressure that he comes in with dissipates into calm. Their relationship is a quiet one, where actions would speak louder than words. For example, later on, it would become a routine for Mengxin to make some tea whenever Kris comes over, and from the beginning Kris has gone out of his way for Mengxin's safety. They're both perfectly content to just be in each other's company, even if they're doing different things (though cuddling is preferred - in the end, this surprises many of their friends, how fluffy and sweet they can be around each other without any of it being overt). There's also a mutual respect between them, from Kris for Mengxin's abilities (when he eventually discovers them), intelligence, and lack of prejudgement, and from Mengxin for Kris' leadership capability and strong sense of responsibility.

back-up love interest ) : Kim Jongin (Kai)
division  classification ) : Abolished (werewolf)


   전쟁이야; 겁쟁이야 너 두고 봐 ⋮
fight or flight ) : Seeing as physical altercation isn't Mengxin's strong suit, she'd probably hide or at least work behind the scenes.
pick a side ) : Given Mengxin's character and her impartiality, I don't feel like she'd be particularly biased towards any side. Nonetheless, she's not stupid, and so if there are any wrongdoings to her and her friends by members of a specific group as the story progresses, she will develop some animosity towards them. Basically it's your choice to mold this as you wish.

objections ) : Not dying would be really nice, yeah. For either Mengxin or Kris. 


    운명일 지몰라 ⋮
scene requests )* :
- Kris seeing Mengxin's supernatural abilities (before which he thought she was just an ordinary human that somehow got mixed up with the academy) and then freaking out when she passes out.
- Also during one of their later interactions, when Kris is just coming to terms with his fledging feelings, bringing Mengxin a huge bouquet of flowers on Tao's advice; the huge bouquet was because he wasn't sure what kind she liked. They then spend half an hour trying to find a vase or something big enough for it so the whole thing doesn't end up toppling over, much to Mengxin's amusement and Kris' embarassment. This would highlight Kris' actual social ineptness really well I think! n_n

comments/concerns )* : Just a head's up: grammatically, 'morte' is feminine, assuming that you're going with 'death' in French, so it should really be De La Morte, instead of De Le. Also, if this is a last name, it would typically be de la Morte, without the capitals. I'm also a bit skeptical about why a Frenchman would set up a school in Korea; it's a bit colonialist, tbh.

password ) : a war is coming 


준 비 됐 어 ?



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