If You Can Truly Smile

L a y o u t  b y  x x F i c t i o n
 THE ARCHITECT  -  to withstand the test of time
Wu Fan (Kris)

〈 simplistx 〉 〈 Lin 〉 〈 6〉

  we are a bit different  
BIRTH NAME 〉 Liu Menxin (Mengxin)
ALIAS 〉 Xiao Xin (nickname used occasionally by older friends/family as an endearment)
AGE 〉 20
DATE OF BIRTH 〉 December 22, 1992
PLOT LINE 〉 The Architect
Mengxin is a dreamer with a keen eye for aesthetics. When she looks at something, she sees possibilities, opportunities for improvement. She's an optimist, firmly believing in 'things will get better' as opposed to 'it could always be worse'. As a result, she's generally quite calm, composed, and content. She's always there for a bright word of encouragement to her friends. She has high hopes for her future, and wants to contribute to the world to make it a better place to live. 
She likes constancy over passing trends, which is why she prefers architecture over fashion. She wants to create timeless structures that are beautiful regardless of the decade or century. Even in her current career path as an interior designer, her projects reflect this in her selection of classic, simple designs.
However, because of her flightful imagination, Mengxin can be quite scatterbrained, and has problems focussing on things she is not particularly interested in (i.e, math and physics; her notebooks for those courses are more filled with sketches and doodles rather than relevant material). On the other hand, if she gets really into something, it's very difficult to draw her out from it until she is finished. Her passionate dedication to her work has sometimes resulted in a disconnect of sorts between her brain and her body, as she often forgets to eat or drink while she's working, and ends up passing out from exhaustion.
Fruit: She tends to avoid junky comfort food if fruit is available. She particularly likes mangoes and strawberries.
Music: Mengxin is very open to trying out whatever new music her friends throw at her, and what she listens to depends on her mood. She personally likes instrumental music and soft ballads.
Literature: She prefers classics over contemporary fiction as a general rule, but there have been a few authors that she's made exceptions for, including Haruki Murakami and Ian McEwan. 
Cats: Does this even need an explanation.
Loudness and Crowds: As amiable as Mengxin is, she's by no means the 'social butterfly' of the group, and would much prefer some quiet me-time as opposed to getting wasted at a club.
Math and Physics: Ew. Just. Ew. Her capacity for standing either subject stopped when squiggly symbols and Greek letters became more common than Roman numerals. They get confused in her head, and in turn she easily loses focus on problems.
Heat: Seriously. Mengxin hates the later summer months because she feels as if she can't breathe from the humidity. And she hates feeling sticky.
1. Essentially people 'jumping on the bandwagon' for anything, going with something because it's currently popular
2. Procrastination. She prefers to get stuff done as soon as possible instead of leaving it to the last minute, and she doesn't like it when other people procrastinate - especially when it means that procrastination interfering with earlier made plans.
3. People who pick at their food; i.e, taking the crusts off bread, leaving vegetables on the plate, etc. Someone toiled hard and there was a lot of energy expended to get that food onto your plate, so you should damn well eat it, or at least tell whoever's serving you to not give it to you in the first place.
4. Having to rely on someone else. Mengxin essentially doesn't like feeling anything less than independent and in charge of her life. This is also why she hates being sick.
1. Hospitals: Mengxin hates the atmosphere of these places, and everything that contributes to it. She hates the feeling of being surrounded by sick people, the bleached, sterilized smell, and needles
2.  Heights: Vertigo. She always ends up looking down.
1. Playing the violin
2. Reading
3. Sketching/doodling
4. Photography
1. She bites the ends of her writing/drawing utensils. Trying to quit without much success.
2. Mengxin can sometimes zone out of a conversation at random, her thoughts going off on a tangent by themselves.
1. Mengxin is very dedicated to environmental conservation. Part of the reason she wants to go into architecture is to design buildings that are environmentally friendly, with things like green roofs. She also wants to maximize the efficiency of the building so that less land needs to be used. She's very optimistic in her sights for the future; she dreams of the world being much greener than it is now. She's into sustainability practices, having lobbied the school to change to fluorescent lighting and organizing a composting program.
2. She has a very fragile immune system due to a severe viral infection when she was only a few months old, meaning that she gets sick very easily. As such, the number of times she's been to the hospital is probably double, if not triple, that of others her age. She's also allergic to penicillin, which was very problematic when she was younger, but is less so now, since it's being phased out as a drug anyway.
3. She works as an assistant at an interior design firm in downtown Seoul, as well as at a cafe near campus to pay for her boarding fees and additional spending money.

  i remember 
As a child, Mengxin's family moved around a lot, due to her father's work as head of International Relations of a multinational corporation (based in Seoul). Nothing in her life was very constant or lasting until she began her high school studies at a boarding school in Northeastern China. This had a huge impact on shaping her character and career choice. 
Despite her family being quite well-off, Mengxin doesn't really show her familial wealth at all. In fact, she arranged with her parents that they would pay for her tuition for university, but that would be all. She wants to work to earn her own money and support herself, since she doesn't like relying on others.
Mengxin was actually a very good math student until calculus began. She works well with calculations and numbers, and even geometry, but she has never been able to wrap her head around the symbols and functions of calc. And, since physics is largely applied calculus, she's pretty terrible at that, too.
She originally didn't think much of it when her calc scores were lower than her other subjects, because she thought that trigonometry would be what she mainly used in architecture, but in the end her dismal scores in both caculus and physics prevented her from entering the architecture program. Needless to say, she was absolutely crushed. It was the only time when she felt hopeless and defeated, since she had been working her whole life thus far to get into architecture.
Now in interior design, she's working hard at both subjects to try to transfer into the program, but so far she hasn't had much success, simply because of the fact that she's so behind, she doesn't know where to start. She ends up trying to pick things up in the middle, becoming lost, losing focus, and becoming frustrated with herself.
Song Qian (Victoria) | f(x) | 22 years old
A dance major a year above Mengxin, Qian is a very fiery and spirited girl who isn't afraid to speak up for what she believes in. Unfortunately, this also means that she sometimes doesn't think before she speaks. Nonetheless, she's the caring older sister Mengxin never had, and while she is usually ver brash, she can be mature and calm when Mengxin needs advice.
Shim Changmin | TVXQ | 25 years old
Changmin is very smart and even more snarky. He's one of the few people who has known Mengxin since she was a child, because their fathers worked in the same department. They briefly dated back in high school, but that soon ended because it was like dating a sibling. Nonetheless, he and Mengxin are very close, and people often mistake them for a couple. He's now working in the Seoul office of their fathers' company.
Amber Liu | f(x) | 21 years old
Amber is an aspiring actress who is extremely outgoing and friendly. A bit of a tomboy, she has more male friends than female. Because of this, she has a better understanding of how boys' minds work, and is often the one her friends go to for relationship advice.

  have, don't have  
ULZZANG 〉 Kwon Sujeong

PICTURES gallery
HEIGHT 〉 1.7 m
WEIGHT 〉 119 lbs

She's relatively thin for her height, but nowhere near runway-model thin. She's not very toned or muscular either; instead, she's rather soft, though not flabby. She does have some curves. She's never dyed her hair or done anything special to it, mainly because she likes the original colour (upon first glance it looks black, but it's actually a dark brown that shows some lighter brown and the occasional auburn highlight under the sun). Her eyes are dark brown.
Mengxin dresses in a semi-conservative, but still cute and fun way, with a little edge. She doesn't wear pieces that are 'y', preferring classy and sweet instead. She's a big fan of tights or tight jeans and a loose, baggy shirt or sweater. Compared to her friends, her style of dress is probably a little more mature and calm. She doesn't tend to do 'statement pieces', with loud patterns or neon colours. Instead, her closet is mainly black, white, soft greys and pastels.
Casual: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
Semi-formal: 1 2 3 
Formal dress: 1 2 3 4

  with laughs or with tears  
LOVE 〉 Wu Yifan (Kris) | EXO M | 22 years old
CRUSHES 〉 Lee Sungyeol | Infinite | 22 years old
Mengxin's 'ideal type' and the type she actually needs are quite different. Her ideal type is someone who is carefree and funny and as much of a dreamer as she is. However, such a person, while an excellent companion, would not make for a stable, grounded relationship. Instead, the type that she actually needs is someone who is just that; stable and grounded, someone who is realistic and down-to-earth. In this relationship, they would both balance out each other's opposing traits.
(hooo boy this thing's gonna be long imsrry orz)
Specializing in acting because people thought that his 'modelesque' appearance would be a waste. However, he was something of a genius as a child, and his parents didn't want him to completely throw that away, so he's also taking physics and math minors. He likes what he does as well, but has a problem where he doesn't emphasize enough with his characters, so his performances are rather wooden. He doesn't so much as interpret his characters as analyze them, as if they were experiments or sets of data. He needs to put more emotion into his work. Mengxin's teachers eventually get him to tutor her, and they initially rather hate each other because he thinks she's a complete idiot who doesn't even try and has no dedication/doesn't understand the meaning of 'hard work' and she thinks that he's a cold robotic prick with a stick shoved a mile up his arse with no emotions whatsoever but then THINGS HAPPEN~~~~
Mengxin going out on a date with Sungyeol perhaps? And then realizing that they're just much better as friends. Yifan is not pleased when he finds out about this date.
And then him catching her and Changmin hanging out and similar reactions.
Also Mengxin teaching him ~how to feel~ awwww
Also, because she overworks herself/gets sick easily, maybe Kris ending up having to take care of her, and through this realize that she's not exactly the floaty, brainless airhead he thought she was, and Mengxin realizing that he might actually have a heart (deep, deep down there somewhere...)?

COMMENTS 〉 I'm not sure how many of your applicants know this, but colourblindness usually means that the person only can't differentiate between red and green; they can see the rest of the spectrum fine. So I hope nobody applies with something like 'their world is black and white', because that would actually mean a disorder with a whole other host of problems you'd need to worry about.
SUGGESTIONS 〉 I kind of listed a bunch up in the Extra's section orz. But I probably will have a lot more when you select the other applicants?!!
Please remember to turn in your application at the right location!
Thank you for applying!



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