[the con club] wen ruilin



Wen Ruilin

Your name, s'il vous plait
[username] simplistx
[your name] lin/ace.
[activity level] 4(.5)



And who is your lovely companion?
[name] Wen, Ruilin (pronounced 'rei leen')
[nicknames] Xiao Rui (term of endearment used by parents/older acquaintances) 
[age] 20
[dob] September 12, 1992
[ethnicity] Chinese
[height] 168 cm
[weight] 50 kg
[blood type] O
[identity] target
[occupation] step-daughter of the Chairman and Executive Director of the ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (one of the 'Big Four' commercial banks of China). Currently studying Finance and Behavioural Economics at Peking University (PKU), on exchange to Seoul National University. Mother is a pharmaceutical researcher.

You look beautiful tonight
[ulzzang] Kwon Sujeong
[pictures] 1 2 3 4 gallery
[back-up ulzzang] Wang Yi (Yi Yi)
[pictures] gallery link
[appearance] Sweet and demure-looking. Delicate and pure. Waist-length dark brown hair usually lightly and loosely curled.
[style] Ruilin dresses to emphasize her appearance - whites and pastels, solid darks; conservative feminine clothing with a modern touch. Clothes that highlight grace and elegance. However, she doesn't venture into the 'cutesy' territory of frills and lace. Ex. 1 2 3 4
However, when she is alone or with comfortable company, she reverts to much looser, comfier clothing. She's fond of huge baggy sweaters and shorts or tights.

Tell me about yourself
[quote] "Don't judge a book by its cover - otherwise you might find yourself completely out of your depth."

[personality] On the surface, Ruilin appears in every way the sheltered and poised heiress, groomed to perfection for high society. She is very kind and gentle, with perfect manners. However, she is actually very cunning and intelligent, a formidable businesswoman in her own right and not someone whom you would want as an adversary. She keeps up the image of being a naive and almost mindless girl because she finds that it serves her better than presenting herself straight-up as she really is. Behind her mask, she can easily manipulate people into doing what she wants without raising any suspicion, as opposed to if she actively challenged them.

However, behind closed doors, she is just someone who is kind of lonely due to her lack of trust in people, and somewhat of an introvert. She prefers staying in in her pajamas as opposed to a night out at a club or some social convention, curled up on her couch with her cat, a good book, and either a mug of hot chocolate or a tub of ice cream, depending on the season. Ruilin yearns for company, but doesn't really know how to find it when she's cloaked herself so well and peoples' perceptions and expectations of her are so different from who she really is.

[background] Ruilin never knew her birth father, since her mother has never talked about him, and there are no pictures of him anywhere. Her mother raised her by herself until Ruilin was fifteen, and even then it is questionable how much of the 'raising' she actually did, since she was very devoted to her research. Ruilin did a lot of reading while she was growing up, and sort of raised herself based on books. However, the books she read were very pensive books, from authors like Camus, Huxley, Murakami, Golding,Vonnegut - rather pessimistic and dark reads about the reality of human nature and society. Thus, this greatly affected the shaping of her worldview and personality. 

When Ruilin was fifteen, her mother married her step-father after a year of dating after meeting at a research gala for which her mother was a presenter. During the first year of her new life, she was very quiet and tried her best to be unnoticed as she observed how this society (totally alien to her at the time) functioned, and how she could fit into it.

Wen Yuming | 45 | mother | pharmaceutical researcher 
Yuming is a very strict woman, though not unkind. She is very intellectual and extremely passionate about her work. She loves her daughter, but fears that she doesn't really understand her now, so their interactions feel very impersonal and awkward.
Liu Zhiqiang | 54 | step-father |  Chairman and Executive Director of the ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
A shrewd businessman but also a loving husband. His last wife passed away over a decade ago from cancer. He sees only the mask that Ruilin puts up, and knows that it is a mask, though he doesn't know what's behind it. He hopes that she'll one day feel comfortable enough to open up to him, but doesn't push her.
Jingjing | 2 | pet (species: cat) | confidante/therapist/guard dog 
Ruilin's orange maine coon, a gift for her 18th birthday from her step-father. Jinging's species is quite large, and when he puffs himself up in defense, he can make for quite a terrifying sight for anyone he perceives as an enemy to either himself or Ruilin.


  1. In addition to Korean and Mandarin Chinese, Ruilin is also fluent in English and Japanese (owing to the fact that she eventually wants to work in international business)
  2. She has a weak immune system, owing to a severe viral infection when she was a baby. Unfortunately, she is also allergic to penicillin, and hates hospitals.
  3. She plays violin and is currently learning piano.
  4. She hates coffee but will drink flavoured lattes like nobody's business (favourite flavours being vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, and peppermint). She also likes herbal teas with honey and lemon.

Shall we be friends?
Song Qian | 22 
Qian (or her stage name, Victoria) is the only person other than Ruilin's mother who has known her since a young age and is still in touch with her now. The two have studied together since grade school to when Ruilin's mother married her step-father, resulting in Ruilin switching to a private school. She is an aspiring dancer and is studying ballet at the Bejing National Academy for the Arts. A very fiery and spirited girl, Qian is never afraid to stand up and speak out for what she believes in. However, as such, she has never really mastered the art of subtleties, and often doesn't think before she speaks. 
She has never seen Ruilin's 'mask' persona, instead being familiar with 'Xiao Rui' - the girl she used to gossip and giggle with during sleepovers, comforted when she cried over Disney movies, and taught how to cook.

Shim Changmin | 24
A fellow finance student at SNU, Changmin is also an intern at an investment banking firm in downtown Seoul. They met at first in one of their shared classes, where they bonded over shared distaste of their professor, and again at a gala. These two meetings threw Changmin for a loop due to the fact that Ruilin doesn't really put up her mask at school, instead being just a straightforward force to be reckoned with. However, to Ruilin's surprise, he took this in stride and never questioned this, reasoning that she probably has a reason to do so. He's a very down-to-earth person, very witty and very snarky. His treatment of Ruilin didn't change when he found out about her status, which Ruilin appreciates very much.

It tkes two to tango
[love interest] Wu Yifan (Kris) | age 23 | Upon first glance, Kris can seem very intimidating with a permanent scowl on his face. However, his demeanor changes into an irresistibly charming one when he smiles. This tactic of appealing to the 'ice prince with a soft side' trope has worked incredibly well with his past conquests. Smooth words and masculinity define him here. The people he swindles are usually people of very high class who, to him, toss around their money like toilet paper anyway, never really appreciating the hard work that was put into earning it.
Yifan is something of the opposite. He's actually an awkward goof with a soft spot the size of the Pacific Ocean for things like baby animals and cuddling and homemade food and sappy movies, and has no clue how to act around someone he actually likes. His friends know this, and mercilessly about it. He has long since given up trying to stop them. Nonetheless, he's very protective and caring of the people he cares about, his irritating friends included.
*** He's currently pursuing a Master's degree in macroeconomics at Yonsei, and plays off of the 'starving intellectual' image to appeal to the soft-hearted and, in his opinion, weak-minded. However, this has some truth in it, since both his parents had passed away by the time he finished high school, and their living conditions had only ever been mediocre at best. Thus, his life had been rather hard before he fell into his current lifestyle.

[back-up date] Lu Han | age 24 | He comes off as extremely friendly, outgoing, effortlessly charming, and impossible to dislike. Most of his conquests end up falling for him before they even realize it, and by the time they do, they're already in bed with their clothes strewn on the floor. The morning after, they'd wake up to a cold and empty bed, as if he had vanished into thin air along with a significant chunk of their money. 
The truth is, Luhan is afraid of commitment, since the meaning of the word was completely ruined for him by his parents who had kept up their marriage solely for image's sake (they were prominent figures in the entertainment industry). Along that train of thought, he's also afraid of actually falling in love, because he doesn't trust anyone not to abandon him.

Any questions?
it's like you called all their names at once





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