→ Perfect Isn't Always Perfect Application


liu mengxin

about   you:

aff username: [ simplistx ]

profile link: [ ok here ]

name: [ Lin ]


your   appearance:

ulzzang name: [ kwon su jeong ]

photo links: [ s t r a n g e r ] - one of these pages just needs to be refreshed after the error message. I have no idea why.

back-up ulzzang name: [ jung roo ]

photo links: [ + + + + ]

style photos: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ] - the same deal with the refreshing the page.

style description: Almost plain, but with just enough feminity to escape androgyny. Solid colours (though never bold or overly bright) with minimal embellishments. Half her closet is made up of blacks and whites and greys. She likes things that are cleanly cut and fitting. Casual, but elegant.

extras: Sadly, her way of dress is very much influenced by how she wants to be perceived, rather than what she may personally want to wear. She wishes to be seen as strong, independent, mature, and intelligent, and as a consequence avoids sheer fabrics and pastels and lace because she thinks that they would make her seem vulnerable and naive. (However, deep down, she's secretly envious of the 'cute' girls on campus. She's not stupid or blind to the aesthetic appeal of a pretty dress - she just believes that it would harm her image/reputation to wear something that feminine.)

height: [ 5'8'' ] 

bloodtype: A-



your   basics:

character name: Liu Mengxin

nickname(s): [ Xin, Xiao Xin (Kris calls her this, and she 'hates' it. 'Hates'.) ]

birthdate: [ 12/22/1992 ]

age: [ 20 ] 

ethnicity: [ 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Chinese ]

birthplace: [ Dalian, China ] 

hometown: [ Seoul, South Korea ]



your   life:

personality: Mengxin is a very strong-willed and intelligent young woman who wants to be taken seriously and hates being looked down upon. She is also fiercely competitive, and doesn't take failure well. A perfectionist, she will beat herself up over any misstep, no matter how small.

To most, she is seen as kind and amiable, patient and willing to help, even though her reputation preceeds her and many are too intimidated to approach her. However, there are certain people (including a certain Physics Student Union President) who have the ability to easily get under her skin, and towards them she is easily irritable and can get into heated, passionate shouting matches with them when the wrong button is pushed. In these matches, she can be quite a frightening force to be reckoned with (though aforementioned PhU President just finds this funny and cute).

Nonetheless, she's actually quite shy and lonely beneath the exterior. Of true friends she has rather few, but the few that she does have, she is very protective of, and will not hesitate to speak out against any wrongs done to them. They're the only ones who know of this inner Mengxin, simply because they bothered to stick around to get to know her, and she is very grateful to have them in her life. 

background: The main cause for her headstrong independence stemmed from the relationship between her mother and father. Her mother used to be a model, and caught her father's eye that way. Her mother had fallen in love with her father very deeply, and after a whirlwind courtship, became pregnant with Mengxin, putting her career on indefinite hiatus. Unfortunately, as it turned out, her father was already married, and left as soon as he learned of the pregnancy. Heartbroken, her mother became ill when they returned to Seoul (her mother's hometown). The money her mother had made during her time as a model was not enough to support both of them, so she began teaching piano. Mengxin grew up in that environment of near-poverty, and got jobs as soon as she was capable, swearing that she would not let only her being a woman define her worth, that she would never be cast aside like an old toy that had lost its interest.


  • playing the violin
  • reading (long, meaningful novels - haruki murakami, albert camus, etc - but also jane austen, because she secretly does harbour romantic ideals, as teenage girls do)
  • just taking some time for herself, taking a break from constant studying and work, curling up with a hot cup of tea, some soft music, and a good book
  • swimming/skating, depending on the season
  • chess


  • instrumental music
  • chemistry, biology, astronomy (she is a molecular genetics and pathobiology double major)
  • dark chocolate, dim sum, sashimi, lemon tea with honey, fruit
  • minimalism
  • cats



  • crowded, noisy environments
  • prejudgement
  • overly sugary sweets, coffee
  • insults to her intelligence
  • loud pop music
  • physics + math



  • she clenches her hands into fists whenever nervous or angry, and sometimes pierces the skin with her nails; alternatively, bites the inside of her cheek till it bleeds
  • she bites the ends of her pens when working on difficult problems
  • looking up and sighing when tired or exasperated



  • Despite her desire to be in every way her own woman, she nurses a secret wish deep down for her own version of prince charming - someone who is graceful and courteous, kind and polite, intelligent and respectful. She believes that this would be someone who could love her for who she is as a person, and someone who would never abandon her. 
  • She is bilingual, fluent in both Chinese (Mandarin, with a slight Northeastern accent) and Korean.
  • Although her mother is a pianist, she decided to teach herself violin after learning the basics of music. Her reasoning at the time (she was six) was "All girls play piano. I don't want to be 'all girls'."
  • Knows how to cook quite well; makes a killer beef stew.
  • Mengxin, to her chagrin, often ends up crying when seriously angry. This, in turn, frustrates her even further, since she sees crying as weakness.
  • Is a complete lightweight and can't handle alcohol at all. She becomes very giggly and cutesy when drunk, with all the 'oppa's' and aegyo that she normally abhors.


your   relationships:


Mother: Kim Yeonah - Used to be a model, now piano teacher. Her health is very delicate and as a result doesn't go out much.

Father: Liu Zhiqiang - In Mengxin's words: "Some stuck-up, misogynistic, rich guy from some pharmaceutical company in China" Has never met Mengxin.

siblings: --

best friend: Song Qian, stage name Victoria, 21, dance major. She was a former student of Yeonah's, having studied piano with her from the age of five to the age of twelve with her before discovering her passion for dance. A fiery and spirited girl, Qian is outspoken and hotheaded, and is never afraid to speak up for what she believes in. Unfortunately, this also means that she sometimes doesn't think before she speaks. However, her heart is in the right place. She has known Mengxin from since they were toddlers, and knows about her family situation. She is the caring older sister Mengxin never had, and while she is usually very brash, she can be very mature and calm when Mengxin needs advice.

friends: Seo Joohyun (known as Seohyun), 19, molecular biology major. Mengxin sees her as a combination of a little sister and a mentee, having discovered her genius memory when she first came to a Biology Club meeting in her first year. Very shy and soft-spoken, but wise beyond her years. She often provides a calm voice of reason for Mengxin whenever she becomes angry.

Liu Amber, 20, astrophysics major. Polar opposite of Seohyun, also friends with Victoria. Outgoing and very friendly, rather tomboyish, with more male friends than female. Mengxin admires her ability to do physics and math, which she absolutely detests.

rival: --

reason: --


your   love:

the perfect guy: Kim Joonmyun (K), 22

personality: Mengxin thinks that he's everything she ever wanted in a man, the ideal prince. He's the president or executive of a slew of student organizations and committees, including the student council. His father is the CEO of a large digital technologies corporation, and he is expected to inherit the company. He's double majoring in business and psychology. On the surface he appears to be very charming and polite, but in reality he is rather arrogant and inconsiderate of other people's opinions, believing himself superior.

relationship: A true 'senpai notice me' relationship. Mengxin admires Joonmyun from afar, building up her image of him as a perfect angel. As for Joonmyun, he finds Mengxin to be an oddity, and doesn't know exactly what to make of her, since he doesn't really hold women in high regard intellectually.

the right guy: Wu Yifan (Kris) (M), 22

personality: Blunt and curt, blessed with the uncanny ability to get under Mengxin's skin. Double major in physics and math, incredibly intelligent, known as something of a child prodigy. He can come off as very cold and almost rude with his cutting remarks (he doesn't mince words), but underneath the ice he's actually quite warm and caring, though he doesn't like to show it.

relationship: Kris is the president of the Physics Student Union, while Mengxin leads the Pathobiology Student Union, and they constantly heads over this. Kris knows about Mengxin's distaste for physics and math, and in turn belittles biology and chemistry (which Mengxin loves). In addition, the PhSU is much larger in number than the PaSU, with more trophies and honours under their name, which he also rubs in her face continuously. She, in turn, works furiously against his accusations, pushing herself to exceed his statements. Their arguments have almost become the stuff of legend, with Mengxin nearly braining Kris with a chair once.

He doesn't become aware of this until it is pointed out, but Kris teases Mengxin in a much more playful way compared to his criticisms of others (which are usually very harsh and cold and to the point - he doesn't waste his breath). He admires her tenacity and intellect, though he won't admit it. He also doesn't like others making fun of her, feeling that he's the only one with the right to do so.

the list:

exom: xiumin, chen, luhan, kris, lay, tao

exok: d.o., sehun, kai, baekhyun, chanyeol, suho


the   end:

suggestions: if it weren't clear enough, an argument between kris and mengxin. also, eventually i'd like to see joonmyun break mengxin's heart, and have dear kris throw a small fit, then try and fail miserably at comforting her (because he has no idea how to deal with a broken mengxin who won't fight back), then go off to 'deal' with joonmyun. also rain is coming down in buckets while this happens bc rain = wet clothes = awkward funtimes yes good ok. 

also kris getting jealous over mengxin+joonmyun and being extra irritable and snappish, but refusing to acknowledge it. and amber just shaking her head at his stupidity (b/c she's in the physics union as well).

also drunk mengxin w/yifan

also mengxin realizing that she has to take a physics credit and ends up having to ask kris to tutor her (much to her horror and distaste, but she needs to pass this course with flying colours to keep up her perfect GPA). teasing and chaos ensues, but then mengxin realizing that maybe kris isn't as much of an as she made him out to be.

comments: Just wondering how you're going to make this work. The combinations of the boys have to be pretty specific, don't they? For example, what if someone decided they wanted, say, baekhyun as [the right guy] and kris as the [perfect guy], but with different identities for both of them? :/

password: holy this song gives me serious plot bunnies (JJ Lin's A thousand years later)


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thanks for your comment on the story! you're absolutely right that the combinations of boys have to be VERY specific. Which is why choosing applicants will be very hard for me. But I will make it work some way. In the case that you're saying that the right guy and the perfect guy have different identities, I think it would make more sense if it is that way no? It wouldn't make sense if the right guy and the perfect guy have the exact same personalities/identities. haha tbh I'm actually a little confused with your question. If you can elaborate more I would love to answer your question! thank you for your comment!