Im officially 16 !

Im not trying to boast about my birthday actually but just letting out my feelings. keke , I cant believe Im already 16 years old. It feels like time flew by so quickly and I just feels like just yesterday I end my childhood years when Im 12 . Hrm, but I got upcoming big exam after this and it seems like I have to be more serious in my studies unlike when last year when Im 15 and still played around like a kid. Sobs , Im growing so fast :')


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Oops I meant after that not a fetter!
Lol my brothers still call me 'Kid' they don't even call me by my name :( a fetter that I'd say 'I'm a teenager' 'teenager!'
I stumbled up in here but Happy birthday anyway! :D
pumba09 #4
Happy birthday!
I know!! Time flies by sooooo fast! It feels like last week when I was 11 and was making mistakes that I have to take responsibilities for x(
I'm 14 now but in 2 months I'm 15! I'm seriously soooo excited! ^^
Happy B-day again :D