My 2013

since tomorrow (or today for some people maybe??) is the last day of 2013, I wanted to do a little blogpost about how my 2013 has been c:


Best things I did this year;

 signed up on AFF. no really, signing up to aff has definitely been one of the best things I did this year. I joined on january 31st (almost a year ago wowww) and thanks to that I’ve read so many fics, talked to so many awesome people and even posted my own fics ouo

 got a dog. he has brought me so much happiness, it’s ridiculous really how much such a little thing as a pet can cheer you up. days after school when I’m so done with everything, feeling tired and sad and lonely he’s always there to greet me, so happy that I finally return back home. I’ve also gotten much exercise because of him xD yesss. I also think I've matured in one way, with all the responsibilities owning a dog brings.


Best songs of 2013;

here’s my five favorite kpop (title tracks) songs, in no particular order;

Miss Korea by Lee Hyori (her husky voice fits the song so well, and the message is wonderful)

 24 hours by Sunmi (I normally don’t like JYP songs, but this is so different and perfect)

 Dream Girl by SHINee (do I even need to explain myself?? xD I like WSS and everybody too, but Dream Girl is just perfect)

Wolf by EXO (I don’t get why Growl is getting all the awards, Wolf was simply perfect)



and an honourable mention;

 First Love by After School (I usually like happy and upbeat songs, but this manages to be upbeat and yet sad. simply gorgeous in my opinion)


My writing;

so I’ve counted, and all together I have written over 100 000+ words, and those are only of the fics I have posted. I’m actually proud of myself… I can’t help but to often feel like I’m good at nothing and that I never get anything done, but 100 000 isn’t a tiny number c’:


My readers;

I wanna say thank you to everyone who read my works, even only took one look at it. in one year I got over 600 unique subs, which means a lot, really, so thanks to everyone who found my fics worthy of subscribing to! ;;


My friends here;

each and everyone of you, thank you for making my 2013 a great year<3 I really appreciate you guys, even if all communication we do is through comments on each other’s fics or stupid wall messages, ehehe<3

and even if I don’t talk to you, I didn’t add you for no reason (most likely is that I added you but then forgot to talk to you/am too intimidated to say hi orz) and I hope we can talk someday!



one of the things that made 2013 a great year was you!! is it crazy that we never met but I still consider you a really close friend?? I’m better friends with you than I am with a lot of people I see everyday in school, you know me better, I’ve told you things I haven’t shared with many (sometimes any at all) and you always make me feel better, make me laugh and actually make me feel loved, huhuhu ;w; I’m really happy I found you (and your god damn fics pls stop killing taemin) because you’ve definitely made my 2013 a better year than it probably would have been<3<3<3


My hope for 2014;
I hope I write and post 200 000 words next year, ahaha~

Next year, I’m also gonna be less self-hating and self-conscious. 2013 was a great year, but there was still a lot of setbacks and to be honest it feels like I’m in a dark tunnel that doesn’t have an end; I can’t see the light. I lost some friends, but I’ve also gained other friends and I hope 2014 is a better year, but I know that unless I try to look at things more positively that won’t happen.

so I guess my new year’s resolution is to stay positive, do my best \o/


lastly, I just want to thank everyone here on aff for making this year better than last one’s<3

I’m sure no one read this at all (so much text xDD), but I still wanted to write it, hehe.


Happy new year everyone!


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do you mind if i did my own version of this XD