How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days ↷ Application Form ↷ Choi Mi-ra 。






My Lady
Character Name: Choi Mi-Ra
Nickname(s): Aira [pronounced as i-ra]
Age: 20
Date Of Birth: 03/17/93
Birthplace: Jeonju, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Korean - fluent ; English - basic
Face claim name: May
Back-up face claim name: Kim Jee In
Style: Aira likes to wear clothes that will make her look innocent and cute or elegant. Sometimes, people say she looks younger than her actual age, based on her appearance. links - one | two | three | four
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 54 kg


Let Out The Beast
People like Aira are charming, enthusiastic persons. She really bubbles over with energy and likes to take centre stage. She loves variety both professionally and privately. She tackles changes consistently with her optimism and firm belief in her own abilities; she is always on the look-out for improvement possibilities.
Aira has an extroverted personality type. Dealing with others, communication, discussions, and a little action are her life’s blood - and some of her strengths. She is very articulate and loves variety personally as well professionally.
New tasks, new projects, new people, fascinates her because she is always interested to increase her wealth of experience. Consequently, she has no problem running with the hare and hunting with the hounds; juggling parallel tasks to be accomplished electrifies her, and she is an accomplished improviser. Her enthusiasm carries others along and enables her to create positive impulses in her team. Mountains of paperwork, endless e-mail correspondences, and solitary work tires her quickly, and bores and frustrates her. The appreciation of her work by others is important for her. She measures her own professional values by the admiring glances of her colleagues and superiors.
Her boss once described her as the “soul of the company,” and that can be just as easily applied to an employee position, as to an independent chief of a company. Since risk represents less of a threat than excitement, freelance or self-employment are well suited to Aira. However, she must take care to have collaborating staff around her, or that she is able to work closely with other teams in order to satisfy her contact and communication needs. She is naturally suited for leadership positions because there she has the ultimate freedom making her decisions and choosing her tasks.
Choi Aira was born in Jeonju, South Korea. She has an older sister named So-Ra, which is three years older than her. Her father, Choi Il-hoon, is a businessman, while her mother, Choi Yu-Ra, is a journalist. At the age of 10, her father left them for another woman, and this kinda changed Aira's vision about guys and love. Aira and her sister was left to their mother and raised by her, alone. Three years later, they went to their mom's hometown, which is Seoul, Korea. Two years after Aira's older sister graduated on her major, their mother died due to an illness. Aira was in her last year of college at that time, so when her older sister finally got a job as a chef, she payed for all of their expenses. Aira became a journalist two weeks after her graduation.
Aira has two reasons on why she wanted to be a journalist. One, because she likes writing, and two, because her mother had the same job when she was still living.
» writing stories/aricles/ideas
» surfing the web
» cooking
» Hands covering mouth when laughing.
» She believes that guys are all the same, they only use girls for their own happiness and when they finally gets tired of the relationship, they will leave the girl behind.
» No boyfriend since birth.
» She's afraid of heights and dogs, just the big ones.
» She can't swim.


Heart Attack 
Love Interest: Xi Luhan | EXO
Back-up Love Interest: Kim Myungsoo | INFINITE
Age: 22
He is somewhat suspicious and maybe at times antagonistic towards others. He is generally unconcerned with others' well-being, and is less likely to extend himself for other people. Sometimes his skepticism about others' motives, causes him to be a little more suspicious, unfriendly, and uncooperative towards other people. At times he finds it difficult to understand where they are coming from, and wish they could just see things the way he does.
He isn't afraid to occasionally be the center of attention. He is comfortable and confident in social situations. He has a basic faith in himself in many areas of his life, allowing him to be self-assured when facing challenges. His independent streak and masculine nature allows him to make decisions efficiently and to trust his instincts.
How you met:
They've met in an all-you-can-eat buffet table of a party. They don't have any guy/girl with them, so they just spent their time eating, individually, while watching couples together in the dance floor. Luhan ntoiced Aira was all alone not too far from him in the buffet table, so he approached her and asked her to dance, which to Aira suprisingly said yes.
How do you act around each other:
Aira, on the inside, feels uncomfortable with Luhan, because she never had a guy so close to her before, but she never told Luhan that, and acts carefree around him. Luhan, on the other hand, acts so loving and caring and whatnot, he HAS TO BE, it's his 'mission'.
Scene Request with Love Interest:
» Luhan and Aira were watching a soccer game together. When Luhan was so focused to the game, Aira pretended to be thirsty and asked Luhan if he can buy her a drink. Luhan wanted to say 'no' badly, but then he thought of the mission, and agreed to buy Aira a drink. He successfully returned, but then the drink was a soda, and Aira pretended again, and said that she wanted a 'diet' soda, which kinda pissed Luhan off, but he agreed again and went to bought the said drink, when he returned, the soccer game was already over.
» A scene where Aira touches Luhan's face like wiping his sweat or cupping his cheeks, because she found out that Luhan doesn't like anyone touching his face.


Friends: Best Friend/Neighbor | Bae Suzy | 19 | Student | charming and fun | Closeness - 5
Close Friend/Classmates with Suzy | Son Naeun | 19 | talkative and sarcastic | Closeness - 4
Close Friend/Clammates in college | Park Chanyeol | 20 | happy-go-lucky and hyper | Closeness - 4
Rival: ---
Love Rival: No Minwoo | BOYFRIEND
Age: 20
How they met: They work in the same company, because both of them are journalists.
How they act around each other: Aira acts normal around Minwoo, nothing special, just friends. While Minwoo acts so over-protective about Aira, like a boyfriend kind of level.


Black Pearl 
Plotline: The Innocent
Comments: AHH !!! I like this idea so much !! it's just /faints/... Good luck on the story, and I hope you'll like my character !!^^
Scene Request: A scene where the girls and guys gets together for a party or something.







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