♥Absolutely Yours Application♥ Song Mi-Yun






        [Song Mi-Yun .]




        *" Back To Basics ."


        Username: kloyola


        Name: kristine


        Activeness: 9




        Character Name: Song Mi-Yun


        Nickname: Mio - it's her japanese name, by her family and friends.


        Age: international - 17 ; korean - 18


        Height: 168 cm + 5.5 ft


        Weight: 60 kg


        D.O.B: 03/17/1995


        Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese


        Blood Type: A


        Languages: Korean - fluent ; Japanese - semi-fluent


        Plotline: The Joker




        * " Blast To The Past . "





People like Mio are popular persons full of energy. She is reliable, well organized and helpful. Traditional values are important to her. Founding friendship also plays a central role in her life. She has a marked social streak.

Her type is the most social among all the girls. For her, it is essential to choose a profession where she can deal with as many people as possible. She recharges her batteries with the help of people contact and the personal exchanges needed for her very special talents to unfold. She is the prototype of the caring person in the positive sense, because she loves to act on behalf of others and cares for them. If she has the impression that there is a way to contribute by improving the quality of their life, it satisfies her more than anything.

For her type, the feeling to be needed, loved, and appreciated is more than vitally necessary. Therefore, working in seclusion is not for her. It is just too much counter to her extroverted nature, and her need for interpersonal interaction. She has the best ideas during dialogues with others, as she stimulates her creativity. Instead of developing abstract aid projects with the help of a drawing board, she prefers to engage herself on the frontline with person to person contact. For her, it is important to see the results of her work so she can go home feeling that she (again) made the world a better place - at least a bit.

But as a popular saying states 'don't judge a book by it's cover', and this represents Mio the best because behind this strong, energetic girl hides a weak girl crying for freedom and happiness. Little did everybody knows, she is living a life she never dreamed of, living alone in a school's rooftop, because that's the only choice she has for running away from her parents who never thinks what their daughter dreams to become. She just keeps her problems to herself, all bottled up in her heart, because she's afraid that people will feel bad about her, and she doesn't want that to happen. She wants to make everybody happy, while she cries in the rain.



Mi-yun, was born in Hokkaido, Japan, but her family moved to Seoul, Korea when she was just 5 years old, so you can say she grew up there. She has an older sister named Mi-ra, a part-time model and student. Her father is a doctor, while mother is fashion designer. Her parents are very strict and bossy when it comes to her and her older sister.

It wasn't just hard for Mio, but also for her older sister, since she is the first child. She was forced to be a model by their mom, and was pressured to be as smart as their dad. Until one day, her older sister died in a car accident [will be explained in the 'Story about biggest fear'], and the attention was given to Mi-yun. Mi-yun doesn't want to be a model or a doctor or anything her parents ask her to be, she wants to be a singer, but no matter how many times Mi-yun tries to say this to her parents, it doesn't affect them, which made Mi-yun to runaway from home and live a free life.

Mi-yun attends an academy, which only those who have musical talents gets in. She lives at the school's rooftop and her tuition fee is free, since she agreed to the school's permission to use her picture in the school's recruitment posters, but she doesn't have any food with her, which is why she often steals food from her friends.


        Family:  Song Mi-Sun | 50 | Father | Doctor | strict and future-minded | Closeness - 3

Song Akira | 52 | Mother | Fashion Designer | bossy and judgemental | Closeness - 2

Song Mi-Ra| N/A - 2 years older than Mio | Older-sister | deceased/model | caring and nice | Closeness - 5


        Best Friend: Bae Suzy | 18 | best friends/classmates | reliable and sympathetic | Closeness - 5


        Friends: Kim Myungsoo | 19 | close friends/neighbors | mysterious, yet kind to Mio | Closeness - 4

Xi Luhan | 17 | schoolmates | shy and clingy to Mio | Closeness - 4

Park Chanyeol | 17 | schoolmates | loud and funny | Closeness - 4




        * "Blurred Lines . "



> sweet things

> pranking her friends and teachers

> freedom

> being surrounded by friends

> making others happy [except her parents]



> being compared to her sister

> feeling of hatred

> being left behind

> her parents' orders

> people pitying her



> going to the rooftop of the school

> singing and playing the piano

> cooking and eating



> losing someone

> being betrayed



> She runaways from her parents.

> Her older sister died at the age of 18.

> She doesn't show her true self to anyone, even her friends.



> singing

> playing the piano

> cooking


        Story about biggest fear:

Her biggest fear is losing someone special, just like what happened to her older sister. She hates being compared to her sister, but she doesn't hate her as a person, she actually loves her with all her heart, because she's the only one who understands her and even taught her how to sing and play the piano. Until, one afternoon, her sister was involved in a car accident. She was driving her car at night in a small alley after her photo shoot in some place far, in the midst of her driving, she was getting sleepy and lost control of the car, the brakes were not working properly and the car unfortunately crashed on a convenience store, soon after the accident she died due to massive blood loss.




        * Love Of Mine .




        [Lee Chunji .]




        Full Name: Lee Chunji


        Age: international - 19 ; korean - 20


        Blood Type: B


        D.O.B: 10/05/1993



> sports

> being dependent

> keeping promises

> being on time

> music



> hatred

> trouble/conflict

> failure

> hurting someone

> being embarassed


        Personality Traits: down-to-earth, reserved, and reliable



People like Chunji are down-to-earth and responsible-minded. He is precise, reserved and demanding. His most prominent quality is reliability and he will always make every effort to keep any promise given.

He don’t appreciates too much commotion around him preferring to work relatively independently of others. He need to gives himself plenty of time to work in peace and deal with his projects thoroughly and intensely. His ability to concentrate is exceptionally high and if he is interested in something he can truly immerse himself forgetting everything around him. Very strongly team-oriented professional fields, or employment where his concentration is continuously disturbed, or his work is disrupted, is not really for him. It is just too important to him to complete his projects really well.

Reliability is his middle name. Whoever hands him a project can rest assured that it will be handled diligently and delivered on time. The thought not to keep a promise or a commitment on time is total horror to him. Therefore, it is important to him to be in an environment providing smooth working conditions where he receives consistent and predictable feedback about his efforts. Clear and definite objectives, and the assurance that the necessary resources for his activities will be available, are a must.






        * This Is Me .




        [Park Hwanhui .]


        Ulzzang/Idol Name:  Park Hwanhui


        Gallery: one | two | three | four | five


        Backup Ulzzang/Idol Name: Kim Seuk Hye


        Gallery: one | two | three | four | five


        Extra's: none.




        * " Extra! Extra! Read All About It . "


        Comments/Questions: annyeong ~!!^^ I'm the owner of silver linings applyfic ideas, I just wanna try applying, so here, I

hope your story will be a success. fighting ~!!!^^


        Scene Requests: kissing scene with love interest. sweet moments between Mio and Chunji will be enough for me.


        Co-Author: I'm not a good co-author, sorry ...


        Thanks & Good Luck !



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