Kidnap My Heart [ Ahn Sae-Ra ]


Kidnap My Heart {Ahn Sae-Ra}


❀  G E N E R A L  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Full Legal NameAhn Sae-ra

Nickname(s): Sarah - her english name

Birthdate + Age: 03/17/93 - 20 yrs. old

Birthplace + Hometown: California, USA | Seoul, Korea

Ethnicity: American-Korean

Language Spoken: Korean - fluent ; English - basic

Username: kloyola
How should I call you: kristine
Activity Level: 9

❀  P H Y S I C A L  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Ulzzang Name: Park Hwan Hui

Link: gallery

Back-up ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye

Link: gallery

Height(cm) + Weight(kg): 171 cm | 50 kg

Style: In her day to day basis, she will just wear comfortable clothings, like jeans and a plain t-shirt, just simple. But if there's an occasion, like BIGBANG's concert, that's where she go overboard, she will wear makeup, wear cute dresses and high heels, even though it hurts, she will do it so her BIGBANG oppas will notice her.

Others: none.


❀  P E R S O N A L  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Personality: She greatly values self-discipline, acting dutifully, and aiming for achievement. She likely has a strong preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior. She seeks to avoid trouble and achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. She is also positively regarded by others as intelligent and reliable. Sometimes, however, others may see her as a compulsive perfectionist or a workaholic.

She is rarely easily upset and is far less emotionally reactive to stressful or painful situations or people than most others. She tends to be calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings. She can handle most stress and emotional situations appropriately on a day-to-day basis and would be considered to be "well adjusted" by most of her friends.

She has a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. She is open to experience, is intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. She tends to be more creative and more aware of her feelings, and is more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.


❀  Music [mostly kpop and BIGBANG]

❀  Drawing/Arts [she likes drawing anime versions of BIGBANG]

❀   Singing/Dancing

❀   Being awkward with someone

❀   Sasaeng fans

❀   Haters of any kpop group [especially BIGBANG]

❀    No one knows she likes BIGBANG, except her closest friend and her family.

❀   She has a secret liking on BIGBANG's TOP.

❀   Her room is filled with BIGBANG posters and merchandises, so she doesn't allow anyone to go inside it.

❀   Besides BIGBANG, she also has a liking on other idol groups, such as EXO, 2ne1 and INFINITE.

❀   She might be from a middle-class family, still she can't go to inside any concert or fansigning, because it's too expensive. and her dad is too thrifty to give her money.

Background: Sarah was born in America, but grew up in Korea. She is from a middle-class family, her dad is a dentist, while her mom is a baker. An only child, but not pampered, since she is raised being an idependent girl. Sarah studied in Seoul University of Arts majoring in practical music. She became friends with a lot of people mostly kpop fanatics, which influenced her on also becoming one of them, although she doesn't show how much she likes it. BIGBANG is her first favorite kpop group, until now. She will go to their concerts and fan-signing events, or wherever they go, but she will just fangirl over them from afar, since BIGBANG is a really famous boy group, the entrance fee is way so expensive, but she won't do crazy things just to get inside, like sasaeng fans does. After graduating, she also tried auditioning in their entertainment, YG Ent., as a trainee by singing to their song 'Day by Day', but sadly she didn't got in.


Family Members: 

❀ Father ❀ Ahn Sae-hoon ❀ strict, thrifty, over-protective, and funny ❀ alive ❀ they will fight sometimes when her father doesn't want her to go to a BIGBANG concert or fansigning event, but a few minutes later, they will be laughing about it and her father will finally agree, but she has to spend her own money.
❀ Mother ❀ Ahn Mae-ra ❀ supportive, reliable, loving and kind-hearted ❀ alive ❀ they get along well, since her mom is very supportive about her loving BIGBANG, although she likes to follow her husband's orders, and one of it, is not to give any money to Sarah at all if Sarah's just going to spend it all on her kpop boy band, I mean boy group.

Your Closest Friend: the ultimate fangirl - Sarah has known Ji Han for a long time now, and Sarah can easily let out her feelings for BIGBANG when she's with Ji Han, since she feels comfortable with her and she's the only one who knows about her liking on BIGBANG.


❀  O T H E R  I N F O R M A T I O N 

Plotline: The secretive fangirl

Love Interest: TOP from bigbang

Scene Request(s): a scene where BIGBANG or at least one of them will sing a song for Sarah or one of the girls. Maybe GD can, since he's a solo singer, especially Hello, his duet with Dara.

Questions/Suggestions/Comments: Hello~!! it's me, the owner of silver linings, I applied, since I want to, if someone ever made this, which you did, thanks !!^^ And if there's a problem in my app, please do tell, so I can change it.
Password:Day by Day by BIGBANG



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