Four Brothers and a Wedding ¦ Jang Hyun-Seok


The Youngest Brother

Username: kloyola

Activeness: 9

Nickname: kristine



Name: Jung Hyun-seok

Age: 22

Personality: Hyunseok is a guy who can play with every girl who swoons over him, but still be able to manage his relationship with his girlfriend, with his sweet talk.

The prankster in the family, loves to joke around especially with his little sister who he finds an easy target and doesn't take anything seriously, except his job.

He owns a cafe near their house and probably spends most of his time there, working or sometimes partying with his friends. He comes home late, which his family find as a bad habit of his.

Why you do not like the Groom: Because Hyunseok can sense that he will only cheat on his little sister for another girl once they're married, Hyunseok knows his own species[playboy] when he saw one.

Likes: Pranking other people especially his lil' sister | Girls | Parties | His cafe/job | His girlfriend

Dislikes: Anyone who makes her lil' sister cry[he's the one who should do that] | Woo Jiho[the groom] | Anyone who tries flirting with his girlfriend or little sister


Love interest: IU | 22 Soloist

How you act together: They feel comfortable with one another and likes each others' company, since they are a couple for almost a year now. Although Hyunseok sometimes look at the other girls, he still thinks that IU is the prettiest.

backup love interest: Jei | 22 | Fiestar

Face Claim: Park Jae Hyun | Ulzzang

Back up face claim: Park Tae Jun | Ulzzang

Style: one | two | three | four

1. How do you interact with Haneul? - As the plotline says, I prank my lil' sister a lot, since she's the only one who's younger than me, and I feel superior when around her, I can make her do things and order her around, since I am older.

2. What are your thoughts about the wedding? - Ugh, do you have to ask that? I hate the groom, so I hate the wedding as well. Cancel it, lil' sister !!

3. Do you think the groom is worthy?Explain. - No, because I hate him, and he doesn't deserve my lil' sister !!

Scene Suggestions:

  • Haneul and Hyun-seok bickering with one another.
  • Hyun-seok and Jiho got into a fist fight.
  • Hyun-seok apologized to Jiho for being rude.
  • A scene where a random guy tries to flirt with Hyun-seok's girlfriend, then Hyun-seok got jealous.
  • A scene where Hyun-seok's girlfriend broke up with him because he was caught cheating with another girl. And of course, Hyun-seok will do anything, he will be sweet, cute and funny, just to get his girlfriend back.

Comments: Sorry for sounding so rude especially on the Q&A, I just have to stay on character, and the youngest is the jerk one, so this is the result. And also for the format of the app, I hope it's ok, even I change it.

Please don't treat me special, because the story idea is mine, just treat me like your applicant and just like the others. Even if you won't accept my character, still, I wish you good luck on the story !!^^

Concerns: none.



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