↺ ( the housemates ) :: Catherine Lee









Catherine Lee



kloyola :: activeness - 9 :: kristine


「the busy owner

「who are you?」

character's full name: Catherine Lee

nickname(s): Cat - shorcut for her name

ethnicity: American-Korean

birthplace: New York, USA

hometown: Seoul, Korea

d.ob: 17/03/1989

age: international - 24 | korean - 25

spoken languages: Fluent - English, Korean ; Basic - Chinese


「can i see your face?」

ulzzang's name: Park Hwan Hui

links:  gallery

back-up ulzzang: Park Sora

links: gallery

height & weight: 170 cm | 54 kg


room: room 1 | room 2 | room 3 [pick one]


「what kind of person are you?


She is logical and detail-oriented, which allows her to get things done efficiently. She is quite sure of herself, so that she tends to know the best ways of doing things. Her eye for aesthetic beauty and style indicates that she knows a lot about design. Having a routine and sticking to it is important to her; she finds comfort in tradition and familiarity. Self-reliance is something in which she takes great pride—she is confident and somehow strict. She has a basic faith in herself in many areas of her life, allowing her to be self-assured when facing challenges. Her independent streak allows her to make decisions efficiently and to trust her instincts. She approaches problems in an analytical way, not getting caught up in her own emotions. She's an independent thinker, not wedded to the preferences of others. She's a fashion maven, up on trends, but distinct in her own style. She don't follow trends, she sets them.
She greatly values self-discipline, acting dutifully, and aiming for achievement. She is likely to have a strong preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior. She seeks to avoid trouble and achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. She is also positively regarded by others as intelligent and reliable. Sometimes, however, others may see her as a compulsive perfectionist or a workaholic.


» fashion

» coffee

» arts and crafts

» her job

» books


» messy places

» getting stressed

» annoying sounds

» being late at work

» dogs


» raises one of her eyebrows if she doesn't get the point of a joke and to know that she's serious


» sketching designs for a new clothing 

» doing paper work

» shopping


» she's afraid of dogs, not really a phobia, she's just scared that she might get biten by it


「what kind of environment do you live?」

background: Lee Catherine was born in the US in an upperclass family. She was born with a silver spoon in essentially, and being an only child, was pampered throughout her childhood. Growing up, she had always loved reading books, and was considered a nerd in her high school. Both of her parents were strict to her and raised her with a fixed routine, so she'll be ready to be the next heir of her father's company but every life has it's end, and both of her parents died on an accident, they were on a vacation trip, her father was driving, while on the passenger seat was her mother, Catherine was in the backseat. On the middle of her father's driving, a truck went straight to where they was, her father turned the wheel to the left, which led the car to crash on a big tree, the accident happened and there was a person who survived, and it was Catherine, she was 18 years old when that happened. Right after her parents' funeral, the company was passed to Catherine's hands. And for the past six years it was going great, until a financial crisis came, and the company was bankrupted. Catherine has no choice but to ask another company to sign a contract with her.

family members: 

  • Father | Lee Ji-ho | 58 | businessman | quiet, determined, strict, over-protective, bossy | dead
  • Mother | Lee Cassandra | 60 | businesswoman | talkative, strict, judgemental, short-tempered, bossy | dead


  • Jung Jessica | 24 | co-worker | as cold as ice, that's what other people say about her, but she's actually warm-hearted on the inside | alive

best friends: 

  • Kim Myungsoo | 21 | co-worker | quiet and mysterious, but when you get to know him well, he's actually loud, funny and dorky | alive

rival: ---

「psst! do you have a crush?」


love interest: Xi Luhan | EXO | CEO of a fashion company

age: 23

personality: He is always enthusiastic, care-free, and upbeat. With his bright, energetic and strong personality, he endures tough challenges & trials and in fact stands up to what he believes in. He is rarely easily upset and is far less emotionally reactive to stressful or painful situations or people than most others. He tends to be calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings. He can handle most stress and emotional situations appropriately on a day-to-day basis and would be considered to be "well adjusted" by most of his friends. He has a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. He tends to be more creative and more aware of his feelings, and is more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.


back-up love interest: Park Chanyeol | EXO | CEO of a fashion company

age: 21

personality: same as above



「i'm genie for you!

scene requests: 

- a scene where Catherine was being chased by a dog and her love interest saves her.

- a scene where all the girls and boys meet each other.

- a kissing scene between Catherine and her love interest.

- a scene where Catherine is crying and her love interest cheers her up.

comments/suggestions: I made her based on the plot, I hope I interpreted her as close as to what you want.

Please do tell if you want to change or if I miss something. Thank you !!^^

password: Luhan | Chanyeol


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