glossary of kyuri91 [me&chara;]

Technically speaking, I have 13 original characters for 17 titles now. Each of them has different personality which brought new touch for each title.
It's not a mere coincidence but I must admit that at least I put one trait on them, my own trait or behavior, in creating the characters.
I'm not going to write the details but it's fun to know it by myself. Really.
- Park Kyuri
Even though it's two different story lines, both Kyuri have same personality. The similarity I share with Kyuri is the fact that I don't believe in love with best friend; the same way she acted towards Yoseob.
- Kim Sora
Remember the scenes where she denied her own feeling towards Yoseob? Remember the scenes she denied that she's jealous? Yes, I am a queen of denial when it comes to love; this is the trait I gave to Sora.
- Choi Yoon
No, I don't have any of the 'speciality' she had. But the principal of "There is always a price for everything" is something I always believe as well.
- Yeong Hyunae
Emotional is the trait I put in Hyunae. She's quick in assuming things and I'm nothing different than her in that point.
- Cho Yunhee
I remember reading comments for this title, telling me that Yunhee was really dense in love. Oh yes, thanks to my best friends, I realize that I'm really dense in love, thank you.
- Ryu Hin
Hin is probably the only character that shared almost nothing similar to me unless both of us believe that sometimes things are better left unsaid.
- Im Haemi
I'm not perfect like Haemi. No cooking, no singing, no composing. Nothing. But one of my biggest weaknesses is included in her weakness as well: no sense of direction.
- Park Haneul
I want to be like Haneul. To be carefree and enjoy the freedom. The small trait I have that I gave to her in this story is the love of music; even though I don't have any talent in music.
- Lee Yunha
Yunha hates to be alone. And I feel the same. Even though I always assure myself that it's alright, I can't deny the fact that I hate to be alone.
- Sun Eunna
Thinking that boys and girls are really different is indeed one of my habits. Thinking about how complicated a relationship can be is one of my daily thoughts. And I created Eunna with the habit and thought.
- Dae Dalbit
Dalbit liked encouraging quotes and I do the same. She tried to live her life to the fullest in her own way and I do the same too. Dalbit is a character I always adore because of her bright attitude.
- Kim Yeona
A girl who blocked the world when the fact was different from what she imagined before. I will do the same whenever I feel the world is too hurtful for me; not for long but I block people from approaching me for moments.
- Yoon Hari
Hari is the most similar character with my original personality. The sarcasm, writing hobby, hiding feeling, afraid of rejection, and a little bit temperamental.
Hari is me in a story by myself.
Thank you for reading this random post! XD


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