The Boyfriend Competition- Yong Eunchan Chasing The Shy Boy

⚪⚫ annyeong! Yong Eunchan imnida!










maimaibaby | ahh... since it's summer, probably more than 2 | mai

▫▪▪▪▫ first and foremost ▫▪▪▪▫

birth name » Yong Eunchan

nickname(s) » She ain't got a nickname.

birthday + age » 4/13/93 + 20

height + weight » 163cm + 45kg

ethnicity » full blown korean

blood type » a

birthplace + hometown » austin, texas + seoul, south korea

languages spoken » English: Fluent | Korean: Mostly sort of fluent.

▫▪▪▪▫i'm a diamond▫▪▪▪▫

ulzzang / model » jin jae yeong

visual(s) / gallery »  gallery

back-up ulzzang / model »Mikki

visual(s) / gallery » gallery

other » she has a tattoo on her chest (very small) that says Dum Spiro Spero which means While We Breathe, We Hope. She keeps it hidden though, and no one knows it exists. She has a scar under her eye that's barely visible that comes from a dog bite.

Style » Eunchan is considered fashionable across campus; a trendsetter in every sense of the word. A true risk taker in the fashion world, Eunchan is always ahead of the curb when it comes to clothing because when she's ditching classes, she usually spends her time shopping. Rebelliously, she tends to choose the dark clothes of a delinquent rather than the posh clothing that other girls her age tend to favor. She prefers to look like some sort of gangster rather than a feminine student.

Eunchan isn't really a fan of living in the dorms seeing as she's always competing to look the best, and doesn't like having to dress her absolute best all the time just to show those biznatches that she's the absolute best. She doesn't like her designer satin pajamas (satin makes her feel uncomfortable when she hasn't shaved in a while) and especially hates having to keep her makeup fresh and her hair neat. Like, why can't she just unwind? 

▫▪▪▪▫who are you?▫▪▪▪▫

Personality » "I am the best, after all." 

Yong Eunchan is a confident, cocky girl that holds the world in her palms. She's beautiful and rich and powerful; what isn't there to be confident about? Her confidence leads her to be a bit blunt and rude, always saying whats on her mind, not caring who she hurts in the process.

"Who is Yong Eunchan? Ah, she's the type of girl that shows up to class twenty minutes late, texting, with starbucks."

Eunchan is considered a bad girl; a girl who doesn't really care about school or her future and would rather break hearts and go to night clubs, partying her night away. A reckless girl who never gets enough sleep and rolls into class hours late, she's on the fast track to getting kicked out of college.

"Charmed, I'm sure."

Eunchan is, despite her flaws, very charming and considered cool. She doesn't get worked up, she doesn't get upset, and she never reacts oddly to anything. She's always smiling coyly and responding cooly to all thins that come her way. Nothing surprises her or makes her mad, and she's always prepared for anything that comes her way. She's not afriad or intimidated by anything in the world (besides a few key things) and therefore doesn't really care what anyone thinks of her.She'll fearlessly approach a boy and ask him out because hey, who could reject her?

"I don't think the queen is happy."

Yong Eunchan has never ever been rejected and she's never not gotten what she wanted. She's too tenacious, too determined, and too strong-willed to not get what she wants. Even if you tell her no, she'll find a way to get what she wants. However, even though it seems like she never gets discouraged or never loses her strong will and confidence, Eunchan actually does get her feelins hurt. Although she seems inhuman and too confident, too much of a bully, too careless, she's actually a vunerable girl. Having lost her mother at an early age, Eunchan grew bitter and built up a shell for herself to hide her flaws and to stow away her vunerabilities and her sometimes too tender heart.

Background » You've heard the story over and over again: girl born into a rich family, spoiled until she became rotten. She gets comfortable in her life, and she gets bored. Knowing she won't have to work for anything, feeling depressed that she doesn't have parents that hang around all the time. 

Well, that's not really how Eunchan's life went, even though she allows people to believe it. She grew up poor, actually, with an absent father and a mother that worked two jobs. She was well loved by her mother and treated very  well. Although she sometimes went to bed hungry, she enjoyed her life very much. Growing up poor in a poor neighborhood in Texas taught Eunchan things that a rich and lavish lifestyle could never have taught her; she learned to be tough, to have a sharp tongue, and to always stay one step ahead of everyone else. She began growing aware of her lower status in  early elementary school, seeing as she was the subject of ridicule from other students, but she fought with them tooth and nail and would solve problems with her fists rather than words.

And then her mother died, and Eunchan found out her only living relatives (that they could locate) were her grandparents that lived in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea. She found out that when her mother was seventeen, she ran away from home. And most of all, she found out she was an heiress. With aging grandparents that were happy to have a remnant of their daughter, Eunchan embarked on a new chapter of privaledge for Eunchan in which she got whatever she wanted and never suffered a single consequence for her declinging behavior. The fact of the matter is, Eunchan feels bitterness towards her mother for denying her a comfortable life because of her mothers pride. She's also depressed that her mother is gone, but she doesn't realize that it's why she acts out so much.Having met the other girls upon moving to Seoul, she has been happily competing with them ever since; sometimes saying snarky or rude things and offending them in the process.

Habits/Quirks » scratches her neck/head when she's getting irritated or confused. She's always trying to maintain her cool and keep totally calm, so it's hard to tell when she's mad if you don't know her very well. She usually gets more aggressive with her itching the angrier she gets.

She can sleep with her eyes open, so if it seems like she's not listening to you, she might be asleep. She doesn't get a lot of sleep, so she tends to catch it when she can. People are starting to think she's narcoleptic, because she call fall asleep virtually anywhere.

She doesn't get crushes often, so the best way to tell if she actually likes someone is by the amount of skinship. If she's comfortable grabbing their hand, she doesn't like them. If she's neverous or uncomfortable, she's crushing.

Likes » sleep / clubs / partying / being able to sit around looking hideous without anyone to judge / new challenges /  huge cups of coffee in the morning...

Dislikes » waking up too early / class / loud people / things that come too easily (mainly boys. play hard to get, geez.) hot weather / uncomfortable clothes

Fears » Losing everything, drowning, and anything that flies (might get caught in her hair or fly down !)

Trivia » She's not actually very bright/intelligent and therefore feels hopeless in college.

She's never been rejected for a date (except by Niel)

She's always late to class

She owns sixty eight pairs of shoes and has an outfit to match all of them.

People claim that she's never worn the same outfit twice.

She actually hates fasion and wants less shallow interests, but doesn't know where to start. She feels like she was forced to be this fashion forward girl because if she weren't the pretty one in the group, she feels like she wouldn't be able to compete at all. In other words, she thinks she's only really good for her looks.

Because she's not very bright, she's clumsy and derpy and tends to say/do stupid things.


▫▪▪▪▫I just found my love▫▪▪▪▫

Plotline » Shy Boy

Name » Ahn Daniel (Niel)

Personality » Can a shy boy have a secret? Yong Eunchan didn't think so. She hardly ever even noticed Ahn Daniel; her eyes always going right over his fluffy head as she zoned in on potential targets for her competition. The Jock? Too stupid. The Future President? Too annoying. The Bad Boy? Too easy. She never even noticed the shy boy, such was his super power of blending into the background. Niel is almost impossible for someone like Eunchan to notice because he's quiet and shy. He's the type of guy she would slam into in the hallways and when she snarled at him and told him to watch out, he'd stutter out an apology. 

Actually, this has happened on more than one occasion, earning him the cruel nickname of "St-stu-stutters" and "chameleon" from the bully Eunchan. He would blush an ugly, blotchy shade of red and run off, mumbling apologies as he went, keeping his beautiful doe eyes trained on the floor. In other words, he's basically a painfully shy pushover and subject of bullying from Eunchan. What she doesn't know (but learns) about Niel is that he's also passionate, motivated, dedicated, and insecure. Underneath his quiet, introverted shell, he can be loud and, oddest of all, really explosive and a little bit cruel. (I'm soooo elaborating on this!) 

Eunchan doesn't know that Niel's parents have time and again told him not to attract attention to himself; that if he wants to live happily, he'll be quiet and polite. Eunchan doesn't know that under the blushing, stuttering, surprised Niel is a completely different Niel that she hasn't yet had the pleasure to meet. Underneath the weak and passive Niel is a troublemaker and a bit of a brat with a strange sadistic streak. 

Interactions » (Shoot, I'm about to write a book...)

When Eunchan was searching for the most likely prey, she came up short time and again. She didn't want the idiot Jock with whom she had nothing in common. The Jester was too much to handle, the future president isn't really her type... WAS THERE NO ONE LEFT TO TRY FOR? And then...she slammed into Niel in the hallway. "YAH!" She snarled, her normal reaction to whenever that idiot wasn't watching where he was going. But then, when she saw that familiar cheek pinking, she got an idea. A sick, twisted, crazy idea.

Why not this shy boy? Why not steal his heart? It wouldn't be too easy, and people would be talking about it for ages; she would be a legend. So, instead of yelling at Niel, she put on her best charming smile and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, coyly telling him that since she ran into him, she owed him some dinner. But Niel wasn't as stupid (or desperate) as she seemed to think he was. He glanced up at her, meeting her eyes for the first time since she met him, that she had ever seen his eyes. Without batting a lash, Niel rejected her offer and walked off cooly, leaving Eunchan startled in his wake. 

When she had looked into his eyes, she had seen something. She had seen a hidden ferocity and coolness, emotions that left her knees feeling a little weak. Her heartbeat picked up, her face heated up...And she knew she was in some deep trouble. Had she...just...developed a crush on the resident nerd? The st-st-stutterer? The chameleon? And...had he just rejected her? Eunchan didn't like how that scenario played out, of course, and began trying to get to know Niel a bit better. Little known fact; Eunchan isn't used to being rejected or not getting what she wants, and it was a strange new sensation to be rejected day in and day out by Ahn Daniel, who suddenly wasn't blushing and stuttering when he told her things like "For the hundreth time, no. I won't go to lunch with you."

She feels like her luck has turned when she catches some girls bullying Niel and decides that she can prove her love (no, she doesn't love him! It''s... just...she wants to win the competition!) to him by saving him. Right as she's getting ready to storm over there and stop those girls, she gets the surprise of her life! Instead of cowering and running off, Niel retaliates by shooting nasty insults in their direction, calling them pathetic for picking on someone percieved as weaker, and then smirking and leaving them (and Eunchan) gaping. Overcoming her shock, Eunchan follows Niel and confronts him about his total change in persona, only to be greeted with shy Niel again, who gapes at her and turns pink and merely says he was having a 'bad day.' But the image of Niel acting so bold and so...strong is stuck in Eunchan's head, and it has only served to fuel her growing crush on him.

(In other words, Eunchan has a crush on him and it's only getting worse as she discovers that he's not really a shy guy, and despite his insecurities about his looks --which are genuine, he thinks he's ugly- and is instead a strong person who knows how to handle himself. Also, he's a secret prankster that has been messing with the bullies around campus regularly.)


How do you end up? » I don't want to break Eunchan's heart! She really does fall head over heels for Niel (even though she acknowledges that it's odd for her to like him so much) but she's like... you know, fan-girl in love with him where she pretends to be tough in front of him but totally melts when he walks away like "Aaaaaaah, he looked really handsome today.... I wish he would move his hair out of his eyes..." and then day dreaming about him. Maybe she could eventually win Niel's heart? I think he dislikes her at first though because all he sees is her trying to do something cruel to him. I can even see her trying to confess to him (in private) and he like... gets angry at her and shoves her into a wall or something, and they just stare at each other for a moment before he takes off. He's an angry guy, kind of, and does scary things sometimes like that. Does this make sense? So I think she'll confess to him a lot and he'll reject her, and then maybe something happens (something dramatic?) and he finally accepts it? IDK. I see this couple as being dramatic more than cute. I see it being a girl that made mistakes in her life, a girl that had a fuxed up view of reality, finding what she really wants and needs in life. It's about a girl that has always gotten what she wanted being rejected and put down, time and again. And it's about a boy who has never felt loved or never felt strong enough to open his heart being resistant to those feelings because he's scared that it's not real. LOL I'm sorry it's so dramatic and like...out there!!

▫▪▪▪▫Please Explain...▫▪▪▪▫

Note: Please answer in first person pov.

What are your views on your old rivalry? » Psh, what rivalry?  Those girls that think they can compete with me, you mean? Ahahaha, it's hardly worth my time. When it comes to pointless stuff like school, yeah, I lose a few rounds. Who cares? No one is perfect (I'm just really close). But they always lose when it comes to other things, like sense of fashion, looks, and especially boys. Honestly, look at me! Bahahahaha, those girls don't stand a chance //takes huge sip of her coffee, burns her tongue, sticks it out to cool it off.// AISH! STUPID HOT COFFEE!  UGH.  //looks a little embarrassed, and irritated.

Why did you choose the guy as your prey? » //looks surprised, then angry//  How is that any of your business? Look, I don't like Ahn Daniel. That very idea is completely ludiculous. Eh? What do you mean Ludiculous isn't a...oh, it's ridiculous or ludicrous? No, just.. Just shut up! It's what I meant, you knew what I meant. Anyway, it's a trend to make up words now so get with the times, loser. I chose Niel because he...Because he's not the easy target like all those other desperate losers that fall all over themselves to get a date with me. 

Niel-yah is... different. Plus, how crazy would it be if a girl like me ended up dating him? It'd make me a legend on the campus, we'd be like one of those weird movies, except reversed because the guy is usually the forward one and the girl is almost always shy. I mean, can't we consider this an act of charity anyway? A girl as popular and beautiful as me with a chameleon like him? That's stuff people would be talking about forever. It's going to be my legacy.


The Shy Guy: Why do you think he's so shy? Do you think that's who he truly is? » I have no idea why he's so shy, maybe because he's a nobody loser? Bahahaha, he's just so easy to overlook, honestly. Aren't some people just born shy and...intoxicated?...introverted...? Is that the word?  Anyway, who cares... I think he's just born that way. Or...well, I did. And then I saw that look in his  eyes, and saw what he said to those girls and.. I mean... It kind of changed my perplexive a little bit I guess? He seems like he's hiding some part of himself, but I don't know why he would.


▫▪▪▪▫Closing Remarks▫▪▪▪▫

Comments/Questions » Ugh. If you need me to get some more story-line going, I will.

Suggestions? » AAAAAH Idk, I'm just so excited for this story.

Scene Requests » A scene where Niel rejects her again (maybe a little harsly) and she finally cracks and when he's walking away she asks "What is so wrong with me? Why is it so impossible to like me?" and it's just a dramatic scene where he turns around to maybe say something, but walks away anyway.

A scene where he gets impatient with her tendancy to mix up words and snaps at her. "It's perspective, you complete moron. Not perplexive. Perspective. God how did you even make it into college?" But instead of being mad she looks at him in shock and then laughs and he thinks she's gone crazy, but she says something like "I think I must be lucky, because I'm the only person to have seen this side of you. It makes me feel special." and it's on of her I love Niel moments (sort of) and he blushes and gets annoyed with her.

I know that they're dramatic, but cute scenes are totally awesome too. Like, maybe Niel gets irritated watching her do her homework because she's answering like absolutely everything wrong and he jumps in, erases it all like mad, and begins trying to explain stuff to her but she just stares dumbly at him like oh my god he touched my hand.

Password » (i) (win)

Persona » The Fashionista

Theme Song? » I'm The Best, 2ne1.  The Baddest Female, CL.

Love Interest's Theme Song? » Shy Boy, Secret

layout credit goes to ↪misstea↩



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When I was reading Niel got angry like out of nowhere I was like: "Angry...anger issues...L.Joe" XD
Her character oh my god she makes up words and she just goes out and shops and you picked one of my fave ulzzangs and this isn't even a sentence anymore XD I like her and the 1st POV thing was priceless! I think she would make a good addition to the competition!
And their interactions.
Yes, dramatic times would be cool, since a lot of other scenes were cute (on apps)! I like how you made Niel and just...gah! (HIS EYES)
And she's a fangirl over him, I just...I go now XD
/slinks off