Apply || Sour || Flavor~

username: maimaibaby 
profile link: ayoooooo
nickname?: maaaaai~
tell me about yourself: aw, you wanna know more about me mimi? haha. Um. I'm a student, and I actually don't do this sort of stuff very often. I'm doing it cuz you've been bugging me, so I decided I'd apply. I'm a hyper active, never asleep kind of girl, and um....idk...why do you ask this you weirdo?
why are you interested in applying as sour?: because sour can be sweet and sour can be...not so sweet. Sour is an aquired taste, bby~ hahahaha. I'm only teasing you, you big ole greaseball. 
 whoissweet, basically?
 name: Park Geum Hee
age: 17
ethnicity: Korean
family/friend nicknames: n/a
birthday: november 15th, 1996
place of birth: south korea
spent all her life: busan
languages: korean, and only korean.
thegirl in the mirror
ulzzang name: Kim Jee In
pics or gtfo: 01  02  03  04  05
backup girl name: Yeon Ji Hee
pics or gtfo: 01 02 03
fashionista: she dresses in a bright, punk style. She likes bagg blothes and broght, popping colors. She prefers jeans and hoodies and tee shirts over skirts and dresses and will probably refuse to wear dresses at all costs.
height: 174 cm
weight: 56 kg
persona: In front of a crowd she is the perfect blend of sweet and sour. She knows how to tease and taunt her fans, but make them love her all the same. She's bratty to her fans sometimes and says irresponsible things, sometimes insulting netizens. But she always knows how to win their affections back and can be a very sweet, humble girl. She comes across as having a bad attitude sometimes with fans and it worries the associates and other staff members because they think she's unlikeable and has to soften up her image. She comes across as cold and like she doesn't care what fans think because she says cocky things like "I don't need them to like me," and such.
reality: You might not believe this, but she's a total sweetheart. She's one of the nicest, most hyper and bubbly girls on the planet. Like. Seriously. She's a spaz. Her energy is never ending, she's always bouning around talking your head off. She can be the worst person in the world to deal with or the easiest to deal with because, despite her attitude, she's pretty respectful if you play your cards right.
haterade: Oh, god. Just know not to get on her bad side, because she can be the devil reincarnated if you tick her off and she hates you. She will literally do everything in her power to destroy your life. But it's okay, because she doesn't ever really hate someone, just...temporarily dislikes them. If they apologizel, all will be right in the world again. But she will force them to apologize by relentlessly ignoring them (if they're lucky) or bullying the crap out of them (if they're not so lucky). If she likes you and you piss her off to the pointthat she "hates" you, she'll sulk and pout you to death. Geum Hee never really hates anyone and is willing to forgive people so long as they apologize. She doesn't even care if it's genuine, honestly. Just an apology is fine.
lovergurl: Awkward....she tends to speak too loud and too fast when she's nervous, and boys really make her nervous. She went to an all girls school before, ok? She isn't used to being surrounded by such handsome guys. She'll try to do cute aegyo things and end up failing epically and complaining to herself. right. in. front. of. him. Or she'll freeze up and not talk at all.
BFFFL: SPAZ-FREAKING-TASTIC. They are an amazing duo that does horrible, horrible shenanigans together. Her best friend gets embarrassed easily and well....Geum Hee is embarrassing. Face it. She's embarrassing. If you say something like "Oh, Geum Hee, stop embarrassing me!" she will make a scene. She will make a huge and horrible scene in which you walk away scarred for like. They're fangirls together.
Please write detailed answers to these. A paragraph or two, or more.
this  is sour defined
Coffee because it makes her HYPER. 
Anything sour apple flavored.
The color green. ISH SO PRETTY!
Soda. It has caffiene. Caffiene is good. Everyone likes caffiene!
Mash-ups, and making mash-ups. Who doesn't like their two favorite songs, mashed together?
Ice cream
Bubble tea --but not taro, that is freaking disgusting. How can anyone like that?
Chocolate. No idea why. She doesn't like the taste very much.
People that hold grudges, or people that say she's embarrassing. Really? Then why do you want to be my friend, jerkface?
The fact that she loves animals.......and they hate her.
People that judge her based on her stage persona. She gets like that because she's nervous, ok? Geez.
favorites: green ||  Monsters Inc || ICE CREAM || go to KPOP CONCERTS || ADVENTURE TIME ||
hates: Vegetables. There is nothing appetizing about that stuff. Who can honestly be a vegan?!
Talking really loudly and jumping all over the place when she's excited, making up words because she can't get them out.
Belting out the words to every song she knows that comes on the radio.
Acting spastic and too energetic for anyones own good.
Waking up really, really late and really, really groggy.
She eats in her sleep.
She fangirls really hard and cyber stalks the hell out of BIGBANG.
She has a GD&TOP cover group she does with her best friend, and they do guerilla concerts all the time.
She likes to play video games.
She dances and learns new dances all the time. She's especially good at popping, crumping, and things that are like that. She has a really good robotic style movement.
She is an excellent swimmer
She was once a gymnast but broke her ankle and was forced to quit.
She has a collection of cute stuffed animals.
Her favorite clothing brand is PotReVenGe, a japanese visual store.
Her favorite perfume is....nothing! She doesn't wear perfume or body fragrances.
She cannot cross her eyes.
She can whistle almost every song she knows.
She is the most 'shipped' in the group. 
Her fanclub name is 'Lemonheads'
what is your stage name: Lemonade
why did you pick it: Because she's sour and sweet like lemonade
what is your stage persona: She can be a bit bratty and sour, but she has her moments of absoulte adorable sweetness. She will often do very cute things to take care of her unnies and it wins her approval from netizens. She gets nervous and sort of afraid to be herself so that's why she acts bratty instead of being her normal, bubbly self.
why: She thinks the fans wouldn't like her for her bubbly personality. Sometimes netizens think thats fake and she doesn't want to be percieved as fake so she...fakes...
what position do you want: Lead Vocals, Main Dancer, Sub-Rapper
why: Her secret skill is dancing, so she wants to be able to do it a lot. She's got good vocals; they're her hidden gem. She has a very powerful voice that comes out clear and can give you goosebumps. Obviously she can rap or else she couldn't do the GDTOP stuff, but she's better at TOP because he raps slower.
what are her best attributes: She's sweet, she's funny, she's a mood setter that can cheer anyone up.
what are her worst attributes: She gets upset easily, her feelings get hurt  a lot, she cries easily, she throws temper tantrums
what are her insecurities: she doesn't think people really like her. There is no real reason behind it, she just thinks people dislike her.
why: she sort of...dislikes herself deep down. She thinks she's too loud, too happy, too cheerful. People used to be really mean to her and say she had nothing in that "tiny brain" of hers besides happy things, and that she can't keep her head out of the clouds.
what does she do to cheer herself up: She pretends it didn't hurt her feelings, and then later she just sort of brushes it off. Her other method is binge eating ice cream and crying to her bff.
what makes her upset: People that say things that are too harsh. People that hate her, being hated. When animals attack her. [she just wants to be friends!]
what makes her angry: She'll hold a grudge against you if you call her a mean name or if you lie to her. Or if you steal her food!!
Give reasons for each. explain them in detail.
born so sour itsscandolous
family members:
          Park Gongmi || 39 || father || her hyper activeness scares him a little, but he hates how she fakes in front of a crowd in hopes to be accepted. He thinks she's beautiful just the way she is.
          Park Namjung || 38 || mother || she's a spaz just like her daughter, and the type of mom that is always asking about grandchildren. ["Yah umma! I'm only 18!" "It's never too early~ Girls these days are already having children!" "YAAAAAAH!"
this is my world:  Geum Hee's parents work in a tea and coffee house, and since a very young age Geum Hee was sneaking coffee and spazzing out. It permanently impacted her brain, apparently. She's always wanted an older sibling (brother, especially) so she's likely to cling on to her sunbae's. 
everybody has a story: Geum Hee was...hated, all through out her life in school. Everyone thought that she was too much; too happy, too hyper, too annoying. She's naturally clumsy, so their constant attempts at tripping her usually worked flawlessly. She was constantly bruised and battered in the knee area and her hands were permanently scraped and still, Geum Hee never stopped smiling and forgiving those tormentors. She would rub the back of her neck and smile, ignoring all the awful things they did. And they'd only get angrier and meaner, wondering if she was some sort of idiot because she doesn't realize they hate her. Finally, the straw that broke the camels back was when someone told her "Don't you get it? We hate you. You're obnoxious. Why are you so fake, always pretending to be happy and cute? No one can always be happy like you."
then i became a star: She auditioned. Some girls, she knew, were recruited to audition and therefore were a bit more special than she was, but Geum Hee just plain old auditioned after some of her GD&TOP cover group fans were practically begging her to audition.
but it wasn't all rainbows: Once again, Geum Hee is a bit unpopular. But this time it's because she's too cocky and bratty, not because she's too hyper. Geum Hee just never seems to be able to make friends :(
I spent 4 years in hell, just for this moment. 
can't we all just get  along?
rival: Manager GONG CHANMI
reason: Oh, they do not get along at all. Chanmi is always being mean to Geum Hee, always yelling at her for being bad or not acting the way she's supposed to act and it really upsets Geum Hee. She's always crying because the manager bullies her.
that b*tch is like: She's mean to Geum Hee and yells at her a lot because Geum Hee is always causing problems and the manager has to look after her and fix those problems. So they heads a lot and Chanmi yells at her and it makes Geum Hee cry.
relationship with her: Chanmi always feels bad after making Geum Hee cry but she doesn't know how to fix it.... She just doesn't want Geum Hee to be dropped from the company.
he stole my little heart: Zelo
he's perfect because: He's very cute and playful and knows how to have fun. He's an accepting person that Geum Hee can be herself around (she thinks. They may not have actually met or anything, but they're meant to be! She swears!)
Love at first sight when: Okay, so they haven't really met yet or anything. But she will meet him. She's absolutely determined! [She does meet him, at their first fan event.  She is completely freaking FLOORED when she sees him and can't even sign his paper and just stares, open mouthed, terrified. "A-ah, Lemonade...are you okay? Are you going to sign it?" and she turns red and just like...dies. haha.
we're sorta like this: They meet again at a MusicBank performance and they end up talking a bit more comfortably, but not VERY comfortable. Zelo admits to being a fan of FLAVOR and she totally spazzes out and blurts out "YOU'RE MY ULTIMATE BIAS!" and he just freezes and she's like "Er...haha, I meant that-"
"It's okay, you're my bias too." 
backup boyfriend: Moon Jong Up
he's okay because: He's sweet and always smiling. He's a bit like Geum Hee, but he's sort of shy and awkward. She thinks he's really cute when she meets him in person.
I liked him when: She meets him in person. He strikes her as a rally pure hearted and sweet guy and he always smiles and says nice things. But he's a bit awkward, which she finds endearing.
we're sorta like this: They actually make friends really fast. He's super nice and easy for her to be herself around and chatter to. She can talk forever and ever with Jong Up.
scene requests?: Just the ones I already mentioned... If I think of more, I'll send them!
Sweet beginning
anything else? Questions, comments, concerns? Did I miss anything? I LOVE YOU~ Hehe. Your crap takes forever, you impatient old authornim. Just kidding mimi
If not, we'll contact you soon so that you can proceed to the next part of the process.


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