`〈 Cheon Naeun 〉 WELCOME TO 7/11


Welcome to 7/11— Application Form



Basic Information  

ACTIVITY LEVEL I check often, but don't stay on super long


Basic Info  

NAME Cheon "Bumpkin" Naeun
BIRTH DATE 04/12/94 
HOMETOWN Seattle, Washington. USA
LANGUAGES English- Fluent | Korean- semifluent


Cheon Naeun  


About You  



THE PAST She grew up a farmer girl in Seattle, Washington on her parents vegetable farm. She was raised to be a little bit more on the 'cow girl' side and has been raising livestock all her life, competing in livestock competitions and shows. She has a particular love for horses though, and has been in a few equestrian tournaments. Basically, she's just a good old country girl. But as she grew up, her parents began to worry that she had lost her heritage so they decided they wanted to send her back to Korea to restablish her roots. A normal girl would pitch an absolute fit, but a sweetheart like Naeun would never go against her parents wishes so she packed her bags and shipped herself off to the mother country, not knowing a of the language and not really having any plans for herself. 
THE PRESENT Naeun is currently residing with her bat--crazy grandma in Seoul, currently unemployed but desperately seeking work. She's doing her best to take care of the old lady, but it can be hard when your grandma is senile and delusional and goes between being convinced you're a homocidal maniac to being her dead husband. Yeah, let's just sat that sweet, polite little Naeun doesn't really know what to do when her grandma is demanding that they reinstate their vows.
THE FUTURE Naeun doesn't really have any goals set besides earn up some money and get the heck out of her grandma's house. As she was doing her weekly grocery shopping at the 7/11 and trying not to faint over the gorgeous Lu Han, she discovered a HELP WANTED sign on the front door. And hey, who the heck doesn't want to be working in the prescence of that gods gift to women? So she immediately filled out an application praying for a spot in the afternoon shift as their faithful little bodyguard.


PERSONALITY TRAITS Bumpkin, innocent, sweet, shy
IN DEPTH PERSONALITY She's a bit of a country bumpkin, in all senses of the word. She's not the brightest lightbulb in the box or the sharpest crayon, or any of those other metaphors that would kindly avoid calling her stupid. She's not very sophisticated, but she's very polite and is always there to help anyone that needs it. She prefers activities like camping, hiking, and horseback riding to gossiping and shopping. She's the type of girl that likes to go out and play in the mud or go fourwheeling.

She's innocent and uncorrupted in any way, which means she will not understand any of your erted jokes and she certainly will not understand when someone is hitting on her. But it's more of a willful ignorance, because she really just doesn't know how to respond to advances so she pretends to be unaware so as not to ever have to deal with anything outside of her perfectly happy bubble. Naeun is also very sweet, a girl that is always looking for a way to help out or to make things better for everyone. She's the kind of girl that will make a big lunch for her coworkers "just cuz." She'll comfort you when you're feeling down even if she's not exactly feeling so great herself. Her motto in life is "Just don't become a burden," which means more often than not she'll sacrifice her own happiness for others.

Naeun is a bit of a stalker, as in she will follow people she likes in order to get to know them better. It's called her "indirect bonding" because she's painfully shy and doesn't want to, I don't know, hold a real conversation. Nope, not Naeun. It's much easier to simply go through their things when they aren't looking or secretly follow them home so that if she ever does decide to hold a normal conversation, she has ammunition prepared and will know what they like. It's probably best you don't catch Naeun off guard with a conversation because the only real thing that can get her to talk is her one true love in life: food. Yes, all she holds precious and dear can be thrown clear out the window if there is food involved.  NOTE: When she first hears of the boys wanting to go on a serious diet, Naeun is the first one to jump on board with the whole idea and is willing to sacrifice her love of food to help them get over their love of food. She is willing to toss it all aside and become a bossy little dictator, enforcing strict new eating rules to help them reach their ideal weights. Oh, and she will stalk them home and make sure they are adhering to the rules of her new diet. 





ULZZANG PICS o1  o2  o3  o4


Character Trivia  

OBJECT A garbage disposal. This girl can eat. You put it in front of her, consider it devoured. She's like a garbage disposal, if you don't want your food, she probably does. Her trademark saying is "You gonna eat that?"
COLOR Yellow. It's such a cheerful and innocent and lively color, just like she is. 
SMELL Febreeze: It's a flowery scent that covers over bad things, like how Naeun holds in all her bad feelings and emotions.
ANIMAL Dog: Loyal, bouncy, great defender, and usually a bit on the stupid side.







Love Interest  

His NAME Oh Sehun
Occupation he makes thanwiches.

personality traits Childish, weird, cheerful, bratty

character persona The Lip-er
relationship  Naeun doesn't know much about Sehun other than he's always sort of quiet, minding his own business in the corner making them sammiches. Until they all go out to lunch after work and he becomes this creepy, pouty, clingy monster of a maknae that tries to bully everyone around him into treating to dinner. Oh, and he his lips almost constantly. She doesn't realize he has a lisp and instead just pronounces everything the way Sehun pronounces it, to his constant annoyance. Is she teasing him, or is she just freaking stupid? Naeun is pretty uncomfortable around Sehun because for some reason he's always shooting her dirty looks, and he basically hates her guts because he's pretty sure no one is stupid enough to think his lisp is normal. Needless to say, he hates her and tries to bully her and she is all but impervious to it. He also hates her for her strict implementations of the new diet rules because she has ruled out his one true love: boba. Although Sehun is always trying to sneak away and purchase one of the delicious drinks, she somehow always pops up out of no where and drags him back kicking and screaming. In Sehun's mind, Naeun in the devil.

Love Rival 

His Name Nam Woohyun
occupation Trolls the store. And he's apparently a student, when he's not busy trolling.

relationship He's a handsome flower boy type that Naeun is basically head over heels in love with. She thinks that he's the greatest thing since chicken curry with his good features, bright smile, and friendly attitude. Woohyun, however, has no idea she exists. He trolls the store and bothers the employees enough that he should technically be kicked out, but she doesn't have the heart to just toss him out like that.

ending THEHUN! If that could ever work in any realm of possibility.


Final Questions  


Why should we hire you? Well ya'll need a security guard, right? I know I'm a girl and all but I'm pretty tough you know? It takes a lot of strength and a lot of guts to walk up behind an angry horse, threatening to kick you into next week, just because you gotta change their shoes or something. I mean, you don't just get guts like that from just anywhere. I reckon I'll be a pretty darn good employee even though I'm not very intimidating or anything, mostly because I can pick a man up and toss him clear out. Shoot, that's easy peasy in compasion to lugging around a two hundred pound squealing pig cuz he's being stubborn and don't wanna get in the car.

name 4 idols you'd want as regular customers

Onew/Lee Jinki-SHINee: This guy eats a lot of chicken and is alays enticing the hungry staff into going to lunch with him. They can leave the sotre unattended for a little while, right? 

Key/Kim Kibum-SHINee: This guy basically comes in to berate them about their failed attempt at dieting by pinching their cheeks and asking them if they're even trying to lose weight or if they just want to be little pudgers for the rest of their lives. His insults fuel her fire of forcing them to diet, and she's even starting to think about making the have 'bonding time' over intense physical workouts. Thanks Key. Thanks.

Amber Liu-f(x): They're both from the States so it might be interesting for them to both meet, because they could probably sort of make friends. Although Naeun will think Amber is a boy the first few times, even after she hears the name. "Funny, Amber isn't a common boys name...Oh well!"

Ahn Daniel/Niel-Teen Top: Because he looks like a cat in her opinion and she will develop some weird animal thing for him and always call him kitty. He's completely creeped out/terrified of her and wishes he didn't always have to stop in the shop in the afternoon.


what is the first thing you would buy at 7/11 Donuts! No..wait..chips! Ah, no...Cakes! No...Skittles! Can I buy it all? Does it really have to be one thing only? Aigoo...how do people pick...
what is your thoughts on the employees of 7/11 Oh, everyone is real nice. Real handsome, too. That Baekhyun, and then there's Yifan, and oh my gosh don't even get me started on Lu Han!! Everyone is real nice, real nice. Though that Chanyeol fella... I don't know about him. Is he doing good at his job? When I stop in to buy groceries in the morning, he always seems to be wandering around like a lost little puppy. He's tall as a rail, too. Oh, shoot, am I rambling? 
if 7/11 was being robbed, what would you do Well I am the security guard. But it depends. They robbing us at gun point, or do they just got a stick? I've seen peopl get robbed with sticks, it's not as ridiculous as it sounds. Now if they're robbing us at gun point it's best to just let them go their way. Guns are too dangerous to be fooled with, and we got security cameras rigged just about everywhere anyway. The police officers'll catch 'em. But if they just have a little stick, well, that was a mistake now wasn't it? I'm not afraid of a little stick, I'll knock 'em right on into next week.


comments/questions/concerns Naw, you did a good job. Can't wait for the initial deadline, even if I'm not very lucky. I'm sure you guys have strong applicants *-*
if you are not going to be chosen would you still read this fic Yes, when I have the time. The concept was what drew me in, not the whole applying and praying to Krisus I get picked.
password One of you likes Dongwoo, right? Well, checkit.

Some things 

never change

but no seriously why did they let him take his picture like that. My school never let us do that.



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____. you win for being the first one to catch my bias being dongwoo.
/bonus points up in hurr