[ ✎┇ back to school ↷ Han Iseul ]



Han Iseul
idontevencare // 4,5 // Carine


DATE OF BIRTH:  08 March 1994

AGE:  26


LINGUISTIC SKILL:  Korean / Mother Tongue, English / Fluent

FACE CLAIM:  Lee Eunjin / Girim

TEACHING STYLE/WORK ETHICS:  She is actually one dedicated teachers. She would make sure her students work hard, and she would push her students to do so. She made the students clear on their first meeting that she won't spend her time teaching students who are not willing to study, and she will make them want to study. In any way.

She may seem cute and a little timid, but she has this inner-psychopathic self. The students may make mischief, but they better know her limit, because... Well, let's just say she could be harsh and violent. Not the one for hitting, she's known for her creative and wicked punishments.

But then, she likes to teach afterall. You can come up to her to ask anything, and she'll answer you if she could. If she couldn't, then it would be a studying-together session. And she would not stop explaining until the student finally understand. She could be a little clingy for this but well, she tries.

And yes, she's not the teacher who would grade with 'Effort points'. If the students actually put up an effort within their work, it would actually end up good. She's willing to help too, anyway. It's not like she would bite or what.

With her collagues, she's all the same. She's mostly cheerful and caring and all sunshine-mode, but she likes to playfully flirt and more often than not, bug them. But it's the same, you don't actually wants to anger her since her dark side could strike literally anytime it almost seems she had a multiple personality.


-She wrote in her diary. Yes, problem?
-She loves to bake. Sometimes she would share the cookies she bake to her colleagues.
-She loathes house-lizard. But she loves to tease female students with cockroaches
-She loves to tease (bully?) Minhyuk for the sake of her own fun
-She loves to bug Jonghyun too.
-Actually she bugs everyone, on top of that Jonghyun and Minhyuk.
-She loves romance. Either it's movies or novel.
-She has a phobia of fire. She almost burnt down her house when she was 5.
-She's an awful cook. The only thing she's decent at cooking are cake and cookies.
-She loves kids. She just do.
-She has a lego keychain. It's her lucky charm.
-She hates vegetable. Actually she has a very unhealthy lifestyle and she eventually avoids Yonghwa.
-She's so clumsy. One day she forget to bring her bag home with her.
-She loves having a private karaoke session when no one is around.
-She's a very sleepy-headed person. Sometimes she would sleep on teacher's room.
-She's a holder of black belt in karate, so yeah.. You've been warned.


PERSONALITY:  [ Cheerful, caring, honest, yandere, introvert  ]

Yes, as cliche as it sounds, Iseul is cheerful. She's your typical manga heroine who would be cheerful all day long. She's a chatterbox and she socializes well, and she loves to playfully flirt with everyone as in everyone. She basically doesn't see any reason why she should be a wallflower and act all shy.

Iseul is also caring. To the point where some people would think of her as nosy. But then, she actually cares about her students. She would counsel those delinquents about their future and how being all bad kids won't help them. And sometimes she would also advice on female student's love life for the sake of having fun.

And she is also a very honest person. She doesn't like to beat around the bush and she say what she needs to say. Even when it hurts, she would have said the truth. She wouldn't lie even when her life depends to it. She is also very, very outspoken and confident to the point she (sometimes) loves to intimidate someone by her confidence.

But as we know, Iseul has her dark side. When she suddenly smile a very sweet yet dangerous smile, you would know that you've crossed the line. Then her usual cheesy smile would be replaced with a boring yet deadly expression. Her words would be short yet they cut deep. And on a very very rare occasion, she would break things. But don't wory, it's usually only  like twice a month or so.

Last, despite being all cheerful and happy, Iseul is a very introvert person. Nobody actually knows about her past history. She doesn't like to share it anyway, it's called secret for a reason. And she's not the type to talk her problem to someone, she'd rather wrote it down on her diary.







The (Written) Interview



It seems cool, I guess. I have this disciplinary teacher back then at high school and instead of disciplining kids, he negotiates a more lenient rule with the students and the teacher. But now I know it wasn't that cool, haha. It's nice though, I like it.


Hm. I used to teach mathematic and english at an elementary school. I like it to teach there, but it doesn't pay very well and one has to live, right? So I quit. I also used to do some private tutoring for highschool student, but it was a long time a go.


Honestly? I freaked--uhm, sorry. I was...  Surprised, more or less. I've heard a lot of interesting story about this school, and from what I heard, this school is kind of... Different. But then, I can't wait to actually see the students in person!


-When a bunch of delinquents want to beat Iseul up but they're the one ended with bruises.
-When Iseul punished her students by telling them to give cups of tea she has prepared to 200 people outside the school
-Camping trip? I don't know haha.

LAST COMMENTS:  I kinda promised myself I won't do any apply fics anymore but there you are... God CN Blue applies are my weakness haha. It's brilliant, I thought we're going to be the delinquents but teachers? That's nice. AND IT'S CRACK. I love you.




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