` ♡ ⋮ maid latté café. ⋮ Akitagawa Ryuki


〈 hi, i am the ( Magical Otaku ) . 
⋮ idontevencare ⋮   ⋮ carine ⋮   ⋮ 4,
5/5 ⋮




( character's name ) : Akitagawa Ryuki
( nicknames ) : Ryuki for people in general, Ryu-chan for her bestfriends and family, Kiki for her the twins--only to annoy the heck out of her.
( ethnicity ) : Japanese. Pure Japanese.
( birthday ) : June 11 1993
( age ) : 19
( birthplace ) : Tokyo.
( hometown ) : Tokyo.
( languages ) : Fluent Japanese since it's her mother tongue, Fluent English thanks to her talkative nature and her habit of surfing the net for at least 4 hours a day.




( first choice ) : Kiritani Mirei
( visuals ) : 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
( second choice ) : Park Hye Min / Pony
( visuals ) : 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
( appearance ) : Ryuki is just as normal as most of the girls are, just a little smaller. She hates her height--which is 159 cm--for not being 1 cm taller. She weighs around 46 kg. If there is something noticeable from her, perhaps it's her hair. Long brown hair which she is very fond of, and she likes to style her hair just for fun. And she wears glasses when she reads.
( fashion choices ) : Her style is usually casual. Jeans, sneakers, t-shirt and shirts, and any kind of outwear. Sweatshirt is optional. But there are times when she wears loads of accessories at the same time and I mean A LOT. Like, bangles at both hands and 4 necklaces at the same time. Earrings are rare, and so does rings. But there are times when she is being feminine and wearing skirts and flats, once in a blue moon. And since she loves to style her hair, her favorite style is braids and pigtails. Messy bun and ponytail are often too, and she only let her hair down on formal occasion. This is her usual style.






( character traits ) : Peculiar, bubbly, oblivious, unforgiving, genious.
( personality ) : As most people said, Ryuki is a most peculiar mademoiselle. You can find her walking down the streets of Harajuku, wearing a headphone with her nose stuck in a manga. She is very unaware of the world surrounding her, busy with her own world of imagination and anime. Sometimes she blurted out random facts too, just like the name of Oz Vessalius' chain or names of Hokage, being a random person she is. And sometimes she talks without thinking and not regretting it, which caused certain people to dislike her. Double disadvantage of her--people thinking that she's weird, and people hates her for being a blunt kind of girl.
 Besides all the weird-ness she has, she is actually a very bubbly girl. She is very chirpy and bright and optimistic, and it almost seems like nothing can bring her down. She is the happy virus in her family, in which she would be the one smiling and laughing when others are down. But this bubbly-ness also has this kind of annoying side effect: she is also an energizer bunny. She could still be playing badminton with her dad and playing rope-jumping with neighbourhood kids after a tiring day out in amusement park. She likes being with kids, since they could understand her child-like personality and they would listen to her stories from manga adoringly. She is not a good liar, since she would stutter and be nervous suddenly when she has to lies, but she's a gifted story teller. 
 But that's only the cover. Deep inside, she's not as happy as she always shown. She is quite unforgiving for those who has done her wrongs. Don't get her wrong, it's not like she would hold grudges against those who played innocent pranks on her--she would only laugh or shrug it off, or jokingly chase them around for revenge. But for those who actually done her wrong, for those who bullied her, Ryuki holds no mercy for them. She tries to hold this down, but she has quite a temper. When she couldn't hold it any longer, she could slap a person accross the head.
 She is pretty much oblivious.. To anything. She is too engrossed in her own world of chains and abyss that sometimes she forget to say thank you or ignore other people or didn't reply to their text and messages. It's not like she's rude, really. She simply forgets. And that is another reason that she is bullied in high school--for being a pretty much oblivious person. She could be quite a slowpoke at times and sometimes she would laugh to a joke told five minutes ago. And don't expect her to respond to your words when she holds a manga with her--she's drowning in her own imagination to the point where nobody can bring her back unless she herself swim to the surface and save herself.
 On the other hand, she actually is a genious. She has a different point of view from others, and she actually catches up with things easily. She was never the model student, but her grades mostly consist of A. She could actually ace out in everything she does, but then she's just too lazy and choose to spent her time being a fangirl and imagining her life as an anime character. 
( background ) : Ryuki's name is a boy's name, actually. Touyuma and Emiko Akitagawa was expecting a baby boy, but Emiko insist on the name 'Ryuki' even after found out the baby is a girl. Ryuki means a dragon rider / dragon tamer, and Emiko wants her daughter to be a strong person and does not give up easily on life, or on her name's case, taming the dragon. But even though Shakespeare said "What's in a name", Ryuki grows to be a little boyish, just like her boyish name. Ryuki has a twin younger brother, younger then her by 2 years and they're her partner in crime.
 Since she was a little girl, Ryuki has shown her signs of weird-ness. She likes to hang upside down on a tree and stares at the cloud, and creating tales of wonderworld above the clouds. She used to talk to insects and animals, and engrossed in her own world of childhood. This goes until she is on the third grade of elementary school. Elementary school is doing great for her.. Until it's her 12th birthday. On her 12th birthday, one of her classmate is giving her an edition of Metantei Conan for her birthday.
  And there she goes, our anime-obsessed young lady.
 Starting from that day, she's been hunting down all the edition of Metantei Conan. Not pleased with Metantei Conan only, she starts reading Naruto too. She adores Shinichi and Shikamaru's quick wit and she decided that she wants to be a detective later on, when she grows up. As she grows up, she started to left Metantei Conan and Naruto bit by bit for more shojo-ish manga, such as Ouran Highschool Host Club or Alice Academy and La Corda D'Oro. She still has that for adventure mangas, but her romatic side takes over since then. And her current obsession is Pandora Hearts, 07 Ghost, and Hetalia. Oh, no, not Hetalia you s.
  But afterward, she found it that being an otaku is not easy. Junior High is okay for her, with some otaku-bestfriend. But highschool is a torture for her. People are calling her weirdos for her anime obsession, and she doesn't bother to change herself only to please people. There she spent her highschool, being a loner, holding a grudge against those who make fun of her. She made a promise to herself that she will be a successful person while those bullies will be nothing compared to her.
 Now that she's grown up, she still hasn't given up on her dream to be a detective. She is currently majoring Science and Technology on University of Tokyo, and she wants to continue to USA, to study Criminal Justice. But then, it's still long time coming. She still seeks for scholarship and earning money, little by little.
( lifestyle ) : Currently she lives in Adachi, a small part of Tokyo. She goes to University of Tokyo, majoring Science and Technology on Department of Interdisciplinary Science. Her family is a middle-upper class family. Her father works as a pharmacist on a national pharmacy company, and her mother is a headmaster of an elementary school. To earn money, she works on a maid cafe and sometimes she tutor kids for a decent payment (daydreaming, reading manga, watching anime, and being a fangirl counts as a fulltime job).
( trivia ) :
- Anime and manga. Duh.
- Sunny weather. It means summer, people, why so glum?
- Playing with kids.
- Playing guitar and singing. No, not the acoustic one. The electric one--that sounds just awesome.
- Fanfictions. Usually Ouran Highschool Host Club or Alice Gakuen since they're just so fluffy.
- Elliot Nightray, Kyoya Ootori, Heiji Hattori, Tsubasa Andou, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, Usui Takumi, Nara Shikamaru, Ryotaro Tsuchiura, Castor, and Death the Kid from Soul Eater. What? 
- Soundtrack. Any kind of soundtrack. Anime and Disney Classics preferrably.
- Sweets. But not too much, she could get a sugar rush.
- Crime cases.
- Starry night view.
- Amusement parks. And rollercoasters
- Rabbits. Well, any kind of animal, but she is very fond of rabbits.
- Making weird drinks. But it does taste good.
- Dandelion. She believes that when you blow a dandelion, the dandelion seeds will tell your wish to the universe.
- Mythology. And kind of mythology. Greek, Roman, Egyptians, Nordic.. You name it.
- Cockroaches. She will kill them in instant.
- Waking up too early
- Boring and flat people.
- Haunted house. People pay to get frightened? Seriously.
- Horror movies
- Sadako. And Yuki Onna. Sheesus they're.. Argh.
- Conceited people.
Fears: Blood. She has a phobia of blood.
- She is a shipper of KibaxHinata, KyoyaxHaruhi, UsuixMisaki, ElliotxEida, and RyotaroxKahoko.
- She wanted to learn violin after reading La Corda D'Oro, but her parents never let her.
- Has this weird hobby of designing wedding dresses after reading V.B Rose
- Tried flying from the roof with umbrella just like Mary Poppins once.
- Once, she wants to be a ninja when she grows up.
- Secretly believes that she has an Alice of manipulating people's mind.
- When she's extremely mad, she will punch the wall until her anger ease.
- When she's extremely happy, she will be a hyperactive energizer bunny. As if energizer bunny is not enough.
- When she's feeling blue, she will listen to sad songs.
- When she's embarassed, she will talk rapidly. And blushes furiously.
- When she's nervous, she will fiddle with her fingers.
- When someone bores her with their talk, she will sleep right away. Not being rude, it's just habitual.
- Sometimes she's proud of being weird. In her mind, weird means unique.
- She has this music box disguised as a pocket watch that will play this song when opened. 18th birthday present from the twins, knowing she's obsessed with Pandora Hearts. She carries it everywhere. She listen to it to soothe herself.
- She always thinks that she has a secret connection with dragon. You know, her name.
- Her favorite cartoon character is Mushu from Mulan.
- Her favorite colors are blue and red.
- Has a certain for tomatoes. For no reason. Or perhaps too much watching Hetalia.
- She refers her headphone as her boyfriend.
- She has zero tolerance policy for bullies.
( family members ) :
Akitagawa Touyuma ⋮ 47 ⋮ Father ⋮ 4
     → wise, quiet, caring, humble
Akitagawa Emiko ⋮ 45 ⋮ Mother ⋮ 4,5
     → patient, silly at times, protective, loving
Akitagawa Makoto ⋮ 17 ⋮ Younger Brother ⋮ 5
     → mischievous, blunt, a bit mature, sensitive
Akitagawa Mamoru ⋮ 17 ⋮Younger Brother ⋮ 5
     → mischievous, stubborn, protective, insensitive


( friends ) : 
Amber ⋮ 19 ⋮ bestfriend ⋮ 5
     → random, boyish, mature, caring
Luna ⋮ 19 ⋮ bestfriend ⋮ 5
     → motherly, sensitive, sweet, innocent




( love interest ) : Lee Jonghyun - 22 (I alter it '.')/)
( back up ) : Byun Baekhyun - 19
( persona ) : The soft-hearted bad boy
( occupation ) : Ryuki's fellow college student + worker at rival butler cafe.


( personality ) : The typical bad boy. Skipping school, flirt with girls, fighting, and sometimes even pickpocketing and robbing. Sometimes it seems like he grows on the street, while actually he isn't. The gangster of the school, he's not someone you would like to mess with, unless you're as nuts as Ryuki. Even though he seems merciless and ruthless, he's not all evil inside. His harshness is superficial. He actually has his own soft side which is actually really sweet, and he deeply cares about the person he cherishes.
 And even though he seems like a slacker, he is a hardworker type of person. Those cold facade are only his mask that he use to protect himself from any wound in the heart.He's been hurted countless of time, and as the time goes by he decided that to keep himself away from those pain, pretending that he's stronger than most of people is the only way for him. But every time he does something wrong, his conscience would tell him to stop, that it's not worth it. And that's why he doesn't being an arse to everyone. Not to his little sister, not to kids, not elder people. They don't deserve it, he always said. In fact he's very good with kids and elder people often seek for his help.
  His parents divorced when he was 13, and none of them would take him and his little sister. So his grandmother took him under his wings and cared for him. He has been working part-time since he was 17, and being a gangster around the same time. But then, he wouldn't let his family know. His sister is too innocent for dirty job like that and his grandmother would die of heart attack if she knows his grandson is a bad boy. He works part-time in a rival butler cafe to help his grandmother who still work as a tailor for the sake of their living.
( how did you two meet? ) : The first time Ryuki met her is in the street, even though she doesn't realize it. He was there, being a gangster he is, trying to rob her. But when he's ready to confront with his fierce face, Ryuki simply pass him--since she was reading the newest chapter of Pandora Heart and listening to music. And when he recovered and tried to scare her off by pulling her headphone cable, he was very surprised to find himself scolded by a tiny girl for 'touching her boyfriend and interrupting her while she is mourning over Elliot's death'. Ryuki pass, and he was very surprised, since it's his first time of being scolded when trying to rob someone. By a girl, no less.
 Later on, they meet again in college. Ryuki recognize him, and by then they started a love-hate relationship on each other. Ryuki thinks that he's an awfully weird gangster, and he always thought that she's a weird kitten. Weird for she is indeed weird, and kitten because he thought that she's 'cute yet she has her claws'. And since the very beginning, he was interested with her.
( relationship ) : love-hate relationship. Ryuki is rather a tsundere girl when it comes to him, and he enjoys her tsundere-ness and teases her all the time when they met.
( how they act ) : He and Ryuki has this kind of love-hate relationship where they constantly fights, yet they're curious about each other. Ryuki learns the reason why he is cold and harsh, and he learns why Ryuki would slap him across the face if he bullies someone. They started to fall for each other, but then they simply won't admit it that easily. Ryuki hates it when she found herself fall for someone she used to hate, and he panicked when he found out he's in love with his arc enemy.
 When they're around each other, people often mistake them as a couple. They fight, yes, but the chemistry is nothing like enemies. They actually fight over small things, if you can call it fighting. It's him teasing Ryuki, and Ryuki would be all red and doki-doki tsundere mode all over him. But then he knows his limit, he won't tease Ryuki when she already raised her voice.








( how did you find out about this job? ) : One of my friend inform me that a maid cafe is hiring. I'm not in the wrong place.. Right? Oh, I'm not, sorry.
( why do you need this job? ) : I'm saving for my college money. I mean, my parents currently pays for my tuition, but if I really want to continue studying Criminal Justice.. Well, I guess that would cost a lot of money. AND IT'S MAID CAFE OMG. LIKE THE ONE IN KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA. No reason for not applying, really.
( how do you feel about dressing up in costumes and themed events? ) : Dressing up? Like cosplay? COUNT ME IN. I can even design the costumes, if you really want to--according to the themed event, right? So what are the--oh, sorry. I rambled.
( how would you deal with a customer who was trying to harass you? ) : Slap him across the face. Or kick him to the place where the sun no longer shine. Or maybe I could strangle him with my headphone cable...
( of all the other workers, who do you get along best with? ) : The typical tomboy is just soo fun to be with! I mean, the older senpai is nice too, but she's a perfect partner in crime, I'm telling you.
( and who do you not get along with? ) : The ice princess. I mean, chillax, you don't need to be that irritable. I am irritable myself, but I don't snap at people for every five minute or so...
( what is your favourite manga and why? ) : You serious? Okay. Well first goes to Alice Gakuen... I mean it's magical, it has adventure, it has shojo side. What else could you ask for? And then Ouran Highschool Host Club.. They're just damn hilarious and Tamaki's antics are cute. BUT KYOYA OH MY GOD LET ME SPAZZ OVER HIM. And then there's V.B Rose, it's really cute with sweet dresses all over it.. And then the old classic Naruto and Metantei Conan--I mean, no otaku could despise them, no one. Even with the overlenght storyline and all. KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA OH MY GOD How can I forget it? The perfect shojo. Pandora Hearts OH MY GOD BISHIE EVERYWHERE I MEAN EVERYWHERE. 07 Ghost has an awesome plot and funny lines.. And La Corda D'Oro, Hetalia.. Ah, I'm sorry. I just can't hold myself back....








( scene suggestions ) : when the girls are visiting the rival butler cafe, and Ryuki meets her love interest.. Their fights will be precious I assume OwOb oh, and if I may request... When Ryuki was walking down the street in the night and someone tries to rob her and her love interest come.. You know, the usual fluff O////Ob
( themed event day suggestions ) :
- Wedding themed. It's kind of random I know but.. Well..
- Masquerade.
- Traditional new year costume.
- Anime character. Like, cosplay O.O
- Fantasy RPG style. The one that includes mage and archer and stuffs..
- Medieval days
( comments/questions/etc ) : I guess no, for now. '.')/.






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