↷ battle of the bands. ( Song Soojin )



                Song Soojin.  

                  ( idontevencare ) ( Carine ) ( 4,5 ) ( no ) 




                  Bassist / Sub Vocal



                where you are



                ↷ name: Song Soojin

                ↷ nickname: practically everone calls her Soojin. But her mom calls her Jinnie, and she despises it.

                ↷ birthdate: february twenty sixth

                ↷ age: nineteen

                ↷ birthplace: seoul

                ↷ ethnicity: korean

                ↷ languages: Fluent korean—obviously. Fluent english, since she spent her childhood reading fairytales and myths in her big brother’s book, which is in english. And those The Beatles songs she’s been listening since she’s 5 from her dad’s music player.



                love girl






                                ↷ ulzzang: Ulzzang Hyejin ( gallery )  




                                ↷ back up: Hong Heejung ( gallery


                ↷ style: She doesn’t care about her appearance that much, but she likes it simple. She likes outwear like hooded jacket, sweater, or cardigan. For the bottom, it’s either any kind of pants or knee-lenght skirt. And she’s still working on killer heels, so nothing more than a 5 cm heels for her shoes.

                ↷ appearance: She is considered rather short. She usually wears her hair down, but she likes to braid or put it into pigtails too. Oh yes, she also love to do some experiment with her hair color. She loves any kind of necklaces and bangles, but she rarely wears them. Only simple necklaces.



                myself more than you



                ↷ personality:  People said she is child-like. Well, that’s true. She’s pretty much stubborn and she won’t believe what others told her unless she experience it herself. She’s cheerful and loud, and often a little cheeky too. She talks without thinking. But despite her loud exterior, she hates it when others are fighting or they have a tense atmosphere. And yes, she strive hard to get what she wants. But she would always do it in fair ways. She hates cheaters. And she hates people who complaint too much on others—it's useless, she thinks. Just do it on your own if you're not pleased with others' job.

 When she's with her friends, she's just the same Soojin. When you know her, she's just as normal as others. But when you're close enough with her, you'll find out that she's actually very very much predictable. And to make it easier for others to 'read' her, she's not a good liar. But then, you could only read her. You could know whenever she's in trouble or mad or extremely happy, but when she decided not to tell you how, the farthest you can go for is guessing. 

 Soojin is easily discouraged and unconfident. Being overshadowed by his so-called perfect brother, it seems normal for her to be so. She needs someone to push her when she’s stuck in a place. But it’s not that hard to put her back on her vibe—small words of encouragement would do, unless when she's unconfident, nervous, and panic at the same time. When it happens, then she needs someone to calm her down and not affected by her panic attitude, which includes rambling any kind of awful 'what ifs' she could think of. But normally she doesn't panic much, since she is your typically optimistic person. She is extremely curious—she could strangle you to death if you don’t tell her what she wants to know. And if you insist on not telling her, she’ll find out herself. 

 Behind her childish personality, she’s not a crybaby (even though she’s an absolute scaredy-cat). She hates to cry, and she hates it too when others see her cry. She would usually cry when she feels betrayed. When she wants to cry, she will excuse herself from people and cry by herself. And she's not the type to share her problems to others. She thinks that she doesn’t want to burden others with her own problem. She also hates it when others pushed her to share her problems. 'Why should I? It's my own problem', she thought. She would only tell her brother, and that's only if she wants to. Or when he could talk her into share her thoughts.

 Oh, and she’s extremely random. She could blurt out things like constellation names or tales from ancient Greek out of time and place. She has no problem with getting along with others, since she’s quite easy going.


                 ↷ character traits: child-like, curious, random, low self-esteem.


                ↷ background: Soojin has a quite random family. Her mom, Song Moonjin, is a painter. Her father Song Seungjun is an architect, and he used to be in a rock band with his college mates. Her big brother, Song Joongki, is a doctor—and sometimes he wrote for kids magazine too. She grows up listening to her dad strumming his guitar, playing with her mum’s canvas and paint, and reading her brother’s tale. Her father introduced her to guitar, yet she falls in love with bass later on—since ‘guitar is too mainstream’, she said once.

  At school, she's a normal kid. Not the smartest, yet she's not dumb either. She has lots of friends, but none of them are close for her. Her teachers know her as the cheeky yet cheerful girl, and her friends know her as the girl who loves music. She was once in a band too with her friends at school, but they separated after they graduate from high school. From this small band, she started to develop more feeling about bass, or about music in general. If it was like, then it's love now.

  When she was sixteen, she started to wonder who she is actually. Growing in a family where everyone’s characteristic is quite strong, she feels as if she’s the shadow figure in the family. She feels like she hasn't found herself, since every part of her family blends so well in her. She inherited her father's introvert attitude, her mum's cheerfulness, and her brother's imagination. So when she graduated from high school, she asked for her parents’ permission to live on her own. They let her, only if she promised to visit her parents’ house at least three times a month. So now she lives on her own.


                ↷ lifestyle: She currently lives on a small cozy apartment near her campus, where she studies journalism. When she’s not in campus, she will be working part-time in a nearby bookstore own by one of her classmate. Or if she has no part-time shift, she will be easily sighted in a park near her apartment, sitting by the swing, listening to music on her headphone. She is pretty much an average girl with average lifetsyle. She doesn't enjoy being on parties much, though. Only if she has to.


    ↷ trivia:

  • She likes anime, dandelion, myth, fantasy novels, sky and stargazing, and rollercoaster rides.
  • She hates hospital and everything that has to do with it.
  • She dislike horror movies, yet she peeks when she watches it with her friends
  • She hates drama queens.
  • She loves crime dramas such as CSI:NY or Castle so much. She would re-watch them all the time on DVDs.
  • She loves Pizza Aliens from Toy Story. She could has all her things covered with stickers of those green, cute things.
  • She brought her headphone with her everywhere.
  • When she's fuming mad, she will put her headphone on and ignore the world.
  • When she's sad or under pressure, she will be extremely quiet.
  • When she's bored, she will doodle or sleep.
  • And when you bother her pretty sleep merciless-ly, she would throw things. Anything she could reach.
  • She will tap her fingers or talk rapidly when she's nervous.
  • Her twitter account (@ssoojinsong) pretty much sums up her ramblings.
  • Sometimes she uploaded her cover of CN Blue songs to her YouTube account, which has the same username with her twitter.
  • She would drink plenty amount of cold chocolate milk when she's frustrated.



                still in love




                                ↷ love interest:  [Lee Jonghyun / CN Blue / 22]


               ↷ personality: He’s your typical kind of guy—insensitive, boyish, blunt, and dense when it comes to love. He’s not the one to talk much, he likes to show it in his actions. He’s extremely honest, sometimes it annoys people. But when it comes to the ones he cares about, you won’t dare to lay a hand on them. Because once you do, he’ll send you flying to a place where the sun no longer shine, since he had quite the temper. But when he’s on his good mood, he’s silly and mischievous.

                ↷ character traits: insensitive, blunt, mischievous, confident.




                                ↷ back up: [ Kang Minhyuk / CN Blue / 21]


           ↷ personality: Sometimes it feels like he’s immersed in his own world where nobody else belongs there, especially when he’s reading, practicing, or composing songs. He always said that he can’t do aegyo, but since he’s born with that, every action of his is one. He seems hard to approach since he doesn’t talk much, but once you get to know him he’s totally a different person. And since it’s not easy to be his friend, once you’re his friend then he won’t let you go that easily. He's not the type of guy who shows affection much, he rather watches from afar, only comes when he thinks it's necessary.


               ↷ character traits: lost in his own world, quiet, naturally cute, caring.


                ↷ relationship: Pretty much it’s Soojin bugging them both. When it’s Jonghyun, it will be Soojin pulling pranks on him and Jonghyun will have his revenge. Or both of them will be pulling pranks on others. But when she’s with Minhyuk, it seems like they get lost in their own world. They will be talking nonstop about aliens and Muses and Cassandra and Narcissus and the five parts of human according to Egyptian Myths, since they both love fantasy books. And sometimes, it’s Soojin talking nonstop and Minhyuk listening. Or it's Soojin annoys Minhyuk by saying things like 'Aaw look how cute you are~' or pinching his cheeks, and Minhyuk.. Well, he bears with it. Or sometimes pinch her cheeks back. And they'll have this pinching war.


            ↷ how did you two meet? He found out that Soojin likes to cover CN Blue songs since she uploaded some to her youtube account, so he started to talk to her online. When finally they decided to meet up, Soojin has this mini heart-attack knowing that the person she’s been talking to for hours on the computer is a Member of CN Blue. They started being friends (yes secretly), but they both know it was no ‘friends’ at all. She began to develop her feelings to him after days of hanging out, talking, and pulling pranks on each other. She started to know him not only as a member of CN Blue, but also as a musician, a friend, and moreover, a boy. She also became a tiny little bit more open to him. But since he's a member of CN Blue, she decided keeping this only for herself, without knowing that he also has the same feeling for her.



                i'm sorry




                                ↷ love rival: [ Byun Baekhyun / EXO-K / 20]



                ↷ personality: He’s cocky, if that helps. He has this kind of player aura around him, and he gets what he wants. He’s like two different pole—he could be all cute and caring and kind, and the next second he could be annoying and rude. But behind his harsh attitude, he deeply cares about those he treasures most even though maybe he won't admit it. And even though he seems like 'all play no work' kind of guy, he strives hard. He knows what he wants, and he'll work hard only to reach his dreams. He's not much of a jerk actually, he’s just extremely awful at expressing himself. But after you actually know him, he’s actually nice. He bickers with Soojin for times, and Soojin hates him for being so arrogant.


            ↷ character traits: Stuck up, player, loner, caring


                ↷ relationship: They're in the same campus, so pretty much they meet quite often. But Soojin pretty much avoides him, because when they meet, they will bicker about.. Well, almost anything. Baekhyun's mismatch socks, Soojin's pizza planet alien keychain, anything. When they don’t fight each others, it’s either they’re having a cease-fire or miracles are happening. Having a crush on Soojin since high-school, Baekhyun hates it so much seeing Soojin and her love interest, yet he can’t do anything about it. So instead of telling Soojin in a ‘normal’ way, he ended up being such a jerk and keep on giving rude comments about her and her love interest. And that helps him with nothing—Soojin hates him even more. He would tell himself not to be rude, that this is only a crush and he doesn't need to be that rude.. But in truth, he only denies the fact that he falls harder for her each time he saw her smile, or even when they argue.



                la la la


      ↷ band name suggestions: 

  • Chanson
  • Rune
  • Mercy
  • Glow in the Dark 
  • I don't know.. I at names .-.

                ↷ song suggestions:


                ↷ scene suggestions: I don't know--any cute brother-sister scene with Joongki? Or a scene where Soojin get hospitalized while she hates hospitals to death.. I'm curious of what kind of chaos she will cause '.')b

                ↷ comments/questions: So far, I guess no. But I'm not quite sure about my love interest part. Has it fulfill your requirements or things like that. Ah, I'm just being insecure so nevermind. ._.  Ah, I have a question now. May we alter the age of the love interest? Because I re-read the cheat sheet and you said the age difference allowed is only 2 years younger / older. I realized that my character's age and Jonghyun has 3 years gap, and I don't feeling like changing it. But if we have to keep it that way, well, I'll cope. Thanks for answering! :3



                ↷ password: (we) (will) (win)


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oh! when i was talking about the age difference, i meant that if your love interest was say 22 in real life, then you could only make him younger or older by 2 years to make it realistic (so the youngest his age could change to would be 20 and the oldest would be 24).

i didn't mean that the age difference between your character and her love interest was a maximum of two years, but the age of the love interest/rivals themselves!

so yes, it's fine to have your character and jonghyun be three years apart. heck, my character and yonghwa are three years apart so it's fine! hopefully that clears it up?