{+ -┆pitch perfect } >> Shin Inhyung







So, give me a name and don't

tell me it's bonquisha!     


character name: Shin Inhyung
nickname:I n/a
date of birth and age: 19
birthplace and hometown: Seoul, South Korea
ethinicity: Korean
height/weight: 162/49
major: Law

 [ me, myself, and i.  wth is this bs, psychology class? ]



So, i have size a s, i must be a star now!     


ulzzang: Min Hyo Sun
gallery: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
gallery: 1 // 2 // 3
appearance/style: Inhyung is not the one to would be careless about her appearance, but feminine is definitely not her usual style. Her style consist of jeans, sneakers or boots, t-shirts or checkered shirts, and sweaters or cardigans. But then, she loves wearing accessories, any kind of accessories. Oftenly something like ribbons or hairbands. But there are times too when she is feminine--only when she know she has to. Oh yes, headphone grows as an accessory too for her.
This is her usual style. Or something like this. Or this
extras: She has many scar on her feet--due too her hyperactive behavior as a kid.

 [ i'm gorgeous and i know it. ]



So, i'm not some average girl, i'm extraordinary !     


 She is your not-so typically tomboy. She is boyish, yes. She doesn't really belong to those preppy girls. She runs faster then any other boy, and she could fight the strongest boy in the campus by ease. She is blunt and more ofthen than not way too honest, and she's not guilty by being blunt. But being a tomboy doesn't mean that her friends are all-guy, no. In fact, most of the boys in the campus kind of fear her since she always ignore and give them this kind of deadly death glare every time one of them tries to talk to her. Not that she hates boys, she only thinks that those loud and sweaty boys are not worthy of her time. And she likes being alone, anyway. Girls are gossippy and boys are noisy.
  But when you are her friends, she's not as distant as what everybody thought. Sure, she still doesn't talk much. But she is the best listener and advisor you could ask for. And if possible, she is willing to help her friends in everything. She is very protective towards her bestfriend. She is also very nurturing and caring, and not to mention her sudden explosion of unplanned aegyo.  Yep. She never do aegyo purposely, but when she unintentionally do it, she looks so cute. Oh, her creative minds is also good at making smart pranks to pull on her friends.. Or her enemies.
  She is not a very active talker, yes. But when she talks, she is a sly talker. She knows that words are her strongest weapon. She knows that she has this charm when she talks, and sometimes she uses this for her own good.. And for the worse of others. Other than that, she's actually a genious. She grasp concept easily, and she memorizes things quickly. But Inhyung is too damn sleepy and lazy she decided to slack off and not being a perfect model student. But yes, most of her grades consists of A.
 Inhyung is a first born of a very wealthy family, so she is trained to be a tough girl. She is a holder of black belt in karate, and her geniousity is no worse. But behind the tough facade, she actually has a soft spot for romance stories and kids. Hey, she's a girl after all. But she doesn't like to show it that much to others.
 But one thing to connect her with the other tomboy is the fact that she is quite hot-headed and on rare occasion her hands would 'slip' and she would slap someone across the face.. And not regretting it. They deserve it, anyhow. And Inhyung is not a girl who would apologize to someone that easy--she is too proud for that. Unless she knows that she is very wrong, then she would willingly apologize.
breakdown: distant, lazy, mischievous, genious.
- Being a couch-potato all day long
- Tear-jerker movies
- Playing with kids
- Rainy weather. So that she can has her excuses for sleeping in classes.
- Music. Any kind of music would do, she's quite versatile.
- Being with her bestfriends
- Sitting up in the tree
- Watching shapes in the cloud
- Red bean ice cream
- Tomatoes
- Amusement park. The only place you can see her went hyper and insane is here.
- Pulling pranks on others
- Annoys people just for the heck of it.
- Having debate with others. She knows she wil win anyway.
- Sunny weather. She's a cold-blooded creature
- Flatterer. Those boneless creatures.
- Clowns. They're ugly.
- Barbies. Same case as clowns.
- Long talks. Boooring. Unless it's something she likes.
- Quitters.
- Sleeping.
- Playing guitar.
- Reading fantasy novels. They're inseparable.
- Sleeping when she listens to long, boring talks. Not trying to be rude, it's habitual.
- Putting a poker face when she's intimidated.
- Being extremely moody when she hasn't sleep for two days.
- Slap someone across the face when she's fuming mad.
- Sleep-talking. About anything.
- Doodling when she's bored. Or impersonating Donald Duck
- Clapping hands when she's happy.
- Fiddling with her headphone cable when she's nervous.
- Hides her tomato-red blushing face when she's ashamed.
- Fire. She almost burnt down the house when she was five.
- Clowns and barbies. They're ugly and stupid.
- Darkness.
- She loves to sleep under a tree.
- She loves the 'Crux' constellation. And when she's frustrated, she would be out in the middle of the night only to see the giant cross.
- She loves sakura flower and trees.
- She loves Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story
- She dislike to drink coffee
- She loves to play board games.
- She actually sings well, but she doesn't like singing that much.
- Her favorite song when she's down is City by Sara Bareilles
- She loves crime shows. She collects CSI:NY, Castle, and Law and Order
- Her all-time favorite movie is You've Got Mail and The Proposal
- A fluent english speaker
- When she's mad she will cuss in Japanese. Favorite cuss word: "CHIKUSHO!" means S or F. You know.
- Loves Kyoya Ootori from Ouran High School Host Club
- An excellent baseball player
- Her favorite animal is wolf
- Her favorite color is red and lavender
- Her dream is to visit London one day
- Willing to be up all night to watch soccer. Her favorite team is Chelsea.
- A fan of Milk Tea, this Korean-Indie Duo
- She hungs her headphone with her anytime and anywhere.
- She only use her phone practically to listen to music.

 [ i like punk-rock, anime, and hot guys.  i'm ing awesome. ]







So, my boy is rockin' and 

one fine specimen of a man!     


love interest: Byun Baekhyun
major: Science and Technology
occupation/clubs: Drummer from Campus Band
 A Sunshine, this kid. As a complete opposite from the distant and lazy Inhyung, Baekhyun is very chirpy and happy. He is one optimistic kid and he constantly kills the girl with his aegyo and eye-smile. But this happy virus is not your typical all-play no work guy. He has his dreams and ambitions, and sometimes he hates it that people knows him only for his cuteness. He strives hard for what he wants.
 Then again, he's not all fluffy. Deep inside he is a mature guy, and he is also sensitive. He teases people, but he knows his limit. He could be super-serious when it comes to his dream (to be an IT designer) and people he loves. And he could send people flying when his beloved ones are endangered.
how you met/will meet: 
 It was a cool day, and Inhyung was sleeping under a tree. Baekhyun was sitting in a branch right above her, studying. He unintentionally drop his 20-cm thick book right on Inhyung's face, and Inhyung wakes up, cussing him in Japanese. Baekhyun was so sorry and tries to make it up for her, but his efforts makes themselves fall for each other.
how do you act around each other:
  Inhyung will be tsundere and Baekhyun will be his usual chirpy self. Baekhyun will until she blushes hard and Inhyung will be very defensive yet cute. But as the time goes, Inhyung grows to like Baekhyun's rants and Baekhyun found Inhyung's presence calming.
back up: Wu Yi Fan / Kris
major: Engineering
occupation/clubs: Alley Cats
 For Inhyung, this guy is a pain in the . He is such a tease, and he always tease and chase Inhyung playfully. Well, at least she thinks that he is being such a joke. While for him, it was no joke at all. He has been interested in her since the very first time she slapped him across the face. He could be an , yes. But overall he's not that bad. He could be cute and funny, and his real-self is not that playful. A bit of player, and also a damn genious.
how you met/will meet:
 Inhyung was walking around the campus when Kris is messing around with his friends and bumped into her. But then she was reading a book (Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan) and her book fell... And a bus accidentally grinds her book. Kris thought he would get away easily, since Inhyung looks pretty much like a timid and defenseless girl. But the next moment, she slapped him across the face, punch him in the nose, and leave. Kris finds Inhyung amusing, and he decided to chase after her.
how do you act around each other:
 They fought, yes, but somehow it gaves the aura of a lover. Kris with his flirty teasing attitude, and Inhyung with her somehow violent attitude. But of course she can't help it when Kris is being a gentleman suddenly.

 [ i may not need a man, but sometimes i can't help but have my eyes on one special guy. ]



So, music is my soul, so let me let out the beast

within me!     


how did you get in the 'red hots': 
Inhyung was sitting on a tree branch, feeling kind of unusual blue. She suddenly feels so lonely and she started to sings to City by Sara Bareilles, when suddenly this girl pops up and shout to her from under the branch. Inhyung nearly fall due to shock, and when she gets down the girl asked her to join 'Hot Reds', the a capella group. She refuses at first (thank her lazy nature) but then she decided that it's better than nothing.
talent: singing. a little bit of rapping.
what is your view towards music: 
Music? Hm. Honestly, I won't say 'music is my life', 'I can't live without music' or those kind of BS. I like music, yes, but not to that extent. It is a part of my life, but I can survive without it. But then, I like music since it brought people together. Well, it's not called as universal language for nothing, yes?
Now if you let me, I'll continue my beauty sleep. Thankies.

 [ music knows me better than anyone else. ]



So, let your thoughts flow!     


comments/questions/concerns?: So far no.
scene requests: No, I'll leave it up to you since my imagination haha. But can I ask for a fluffy scene? >///<
what should i call you: Carine
activity level: 4
password: Cherry - Yui

 [ i'm in love, so let me be a part of this please. ]






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