my fair couple | jung eunghwa


♜           ♛♚

MY fair 

  applicatoin couple




(  )star king
놀라운 대회! 스타킹.


` ( USERNAME ┊ kN42five

` ( ACTIVITY ┊ 9/10

` ( NICKNAME  Kayen



(  )hello Baby

안녕 아가야.


` ( NAME ┊ Jung Eunghwa

` ( NICKNAME(S) ┊ Your Highness; mostly everyone who knows my personality; this is because I act arrogannt and think "people should worship me" ; sometimes people will be sarcastic and say, "Yeah, okay, Your Highness."

` ( AGE  21

` ( BIRTHDAY ┊ 3/14

` ( BIRTHPLACE ┊ Rome, Italy

` ( RESIDENCE ┊ Seoul, Korea

` ( ETHNICITY ┊ Italian-Korean-American

` ( LANGUAGE(S) ┊ raised with Italian, learned English and Korean



(  )coffe prince(ss)



` ( ULJJANG NAME ┊ Ulzzang Myka

` ( LINKS 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

` ( BACKUP ULJJANG ┊ Ulzzang Neko

` ( LINKS 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

` ( APPEARANCE ┊ Eunghwa is actually 4'9 and is considered a "petite model." Her eyes are natural brown but sometimes she wears gray/blue colored contacts because she doesn't like wearing her glasses. She has a small birthmark on her inner left thigh, a scar that lies under her bangs on the left of her temple, it was from a dog accident when she was four. She is lightskinned even though she lived in Italy for awhile. She has seven piercings; on her left ear she has two top cartilage piercings, one snug piercing, one lobe-piercing, and on her right one lobe and one snug.

` ( STYLE ┊ Eunghwa is very put-together and would never be caught dead looking indecent. She believes looking good is more important than being comfortable. In her casual clothes she'll still look fancy; sunglasses, earrings, scarves, skinny jeans, high heels (because she dislikes looking short), and sometimes either blazers or sweaters to cover her loose t-shirts. But when it's things that have to do with work or school or such, she still has to look fashionable but professional with skirts and blazers and high heels. Even on her lazy days, she must look presentable before and after she wakes up: which would mean her wears leggings, cute undershirts, pretty sweaters and cute snug shoes before and after bed. She even wears massive and very odd high heels, people think she's crazy.

` ( links ┊ Casual: 1 2 3 | Formal: 1 2 3 | Lazy | Her crazy heels: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



(  )Strong heart 



` ( PERSONALITY ┊ Eunghwa isn't the nicest or friendliest girl in town, but that doesn't mean people hate her. She isn't antisocial but neither is she really social. She is very arrogant of herself and always accepts compliments. Because she is really smart, she also considers herself as "the perfect person" and strives to always look good. Even though she is small and looks younger than she really is, she has more fierce than girls she knows so people fear her. She is very confident in anything she does, she knows every word there is known to man (if you ask her what any word means she'll tell you without having to think about it.) She is also openly erted; open about watching and reading things with or a.


What people don't know about her though is the fact that she cannot stand the image of her being with other guys. Yeah, she is attracted to guys, but has a very strong distaste towards the following: tall guys make her feel trapped, handsome guys do not appeal to her in the slightest, rich guys make her gag and it makes her seem like those poor, hopeless girls in dramas, arrogant or cocky guys are turn offs. She is very interested in smart guys, who like nerdy things and don't talk much and of course short. But because she is so ashamed for liking those kinds of guys, she pretends they are dirt. She's never had a boyfriend, because she cannot bear to be with guys like her, but she doesn't know how to publicly show face with a "short geek" by her side.


` ( SUMMARY ┊ She isn't welcoming but isn't rude, she is smart and people become intimidated by her looks and confidence, making her to believe she is perfect. Even though she is small, people fear her and don't dare ever disrespect her. But despite all, she's never had a boyfriend due to her picky taste.

` ( LIKES 

  1. crazy high heels
  2. reading
  3. cooking
  4. spaghetti!!
  5. looking pretty
  6. being the best
  7. her appearance
  8. learning to things
  9. when people know who she is
  10. being complimented
  11. spiders and cats
  12. rollercoasters
  13. scary movies/haunted houses
  14. iceskating
  15. fashion
  16. eyeliner
  17. mirrors
  18. spicy foods



  1. onions
  2. peanuts/peacans/almonds/etc
  3. fire
  4. drop zones/rides that go straight down really fast
  5. being short
  6. being called "short" or "cute"
  7. people who cheat or people who mess with married men/women
  8. homophobics
  9. rude people
  10. /abuse
  11. people who talk carelessly about touchy topics
  12. cake
  13. pizza
  14. being alone
  15. losing to others
  16. being humiliated
  17. being or looking indecent
  18. Exercising!!
  19. romantic things


  1. reading
  2. fashion designing in her notebook
  3. listening to music
  4. window shopping
  5. collecting high heels
  6. cooking
  7. learnings new things ranging from food, words, bugs/animals, history, etc


  1. cursing in different languages
  2. saying the following: "I swear to Buddha!" "Oh my Buddha!" "Why, Buddha?!" "Buddha, why?!" "This is outrageous, Buddha." "Sweet holy Buddha!" "Thank the Buddha!" "Buddha though..."
  3. complimenting herself
  4. looking into mirrors
  5. clenching her teeth to the point where it will make noise and she won't even notice
  6. trying to outdo or beat people at what they're best at
  7. watching means girls and qouting them
  8. whining over eyeliner
  9. reading fanfics and crying over them
  10. biting/chewing/picking at her lips
  11. becoming competitive
  12. fiddling her fingers
  13. cracking her knuckles
  14. chewing gum
  15. worshippping herslef and bluntly demanding for others to "worship Jung Eunghwa for life."
  16. squealing when she finds new crazy high heels


  1. she has a huge collection of crazy high heels
  2. she loves mean girls
  3. her favorite food is spaghetti and gets very offended if you try degrading it
  4. she listens to all genres of music
  5. she would choose spaghetti over her own life
  6. she speaks three languages
  7. she doesn't trust anyone making her spaghetti besides experts, her mother and herself
  8. she can read five books in one day, this is because she was bullied and alone as a kid so she used to her time reading continuesly
  9. she is 4'9 and 38kg
  10. her blood type is B-
  11. she can name every species of spiders
  12. she has a hunger for spaghetti all the time that it's normal for her to want it even when she is full or sick or just had some
  13. she learned how to walk when she was one and talk before she was two
  14. she LOVES spicy food where she has had to make her own sauce (it includes gost peppers, dash of salt, some lime, little bit of chicken flavoring, and a pinch of sugar)
  15. is the first person in her town to have graduated when she was 15
  16. has a pet kitten named Donut who stays with her aunt. Donut is a very cold and arrogant kitty, and used to dislike everyone around her, not even letting people pet her. But when Eunghwa went into model-training for a few days without visiting her, Donut wailed and cuddled with her the day she came back home. Donut now is very enthusiastic when Eunghwa comes around and responds to her voice; but she still hisses and ignores other people.
  17. She has a high metabolism

` ( FEARS 

  1. dogs
  2. fire/being burned
  3. drowning (oceans/rivers/lakes/etc)
  4. no more spaghetti!!


(  )family outing

패밀리가 떴다.


` ( BACKGROUND ┊ When Eunghwa was born she was very frail to the point where she spent most of her newborn life at the hospital, but they treated her well and taught her how to talk and walk. However, she was terribly shy, smaller than anyone in her classes, and was easily tearful. She was picked on only a bit but it caused her to become the type of girl to sit in her room reading books all day and everyday. It wasn't until she was 13 when her aunt got her a makeup kit and took her on a shopping spree did she realize she'd want to become a model. She learned how to become pretty and not care what others thought of her, as long as she thought she was pretty herself.

` ( MODELING CAREER ┊ When Eunghwa was 12 she desperately had the desire to become a model, she really wanted it. Her parents, on the other hand, did not approve and thought she was going through a faze. That didn't happen to be the case when she asked her parents at the age of 16 if she could explore the life of petite modeling. Her family disapproved so much she was disowned and kicked out onto the streets. She tried her best funding herself by working at a makeup studio, still going to school and pretending that her home life was clean-cut, and running to and fro to modeling companies. Of course, she wasn't accepted for two years because she was short, she wasn't beautiful but in fact too young-looking. It wasn't until she met a sponsor for SM Entertainment to promise her a career in modeling when she finally turned 18 and was old enough.

` ( FAMILY ┊ format: name || age || occupation || dead/alive || personality || relationship with your character 

` ( father ┊ Jung Roman || 51 || A lawyer || Alive || He is strongly serious and has a disliking towards nonsense dreams like singing, acting, etc. He is all business and no joke when it comes to life. He is insanely intelligent where he is known throughout Italy by his smarts. || He knows he just can't not love his family, but he is never there for Eunghwa. He doesn't know what she likes or what she does, all he knew was that she had good grades and she was perfectly fine. Sometimes, he forgets he has a daughter.

` ( mother ┊ Jung Eunsol || 39 || Stay at home mother || Alive || Very strict when it comes to her daughter, knows nothing about silly dreams or even females with education. She believes children should not even be seen or heard, females shouldn't get jobs or go to school because in the end they were made to marry, have kids, and stay at home. Eunsol feels she never knew her daughter at all and was very disappointed by her daughter's personality. This is because when she was only 16, out of force and convincing of her family, she married Roman to escape the poor life. Roman was very wealthy, but even though she saved her family off the streets, he showed no love or compassion for her and only treated her as a mere servant.

` ( siblings ┊ Jung Jason || 21 || Doctor || Alive || A cocky, smug person who has no consideration for people. He has good acting skills where he pretends to love poeple when in reality he is very closeminded: hates homouals, people with dreams, people who are "ugly", etc. || Older twin brother of Eunghwa, but unlike her he is tall and closeminded. He is one of the many reasons why she has a picky taste for men, because she wishes not to marry a guy like him. He is overprotective and warned pretty much the entire male populartion that if they even thought of touching his sister, he would kill them. Eunghwa is always being compared to him and sometimes cries because she wishes to be accepted like he is. She has lost trust in other girls because they would pretend to be her friend, but then she'd find out it was because they liked her brother, and when the time came where he dumped her friends, her friends would leave and hate her.

` ( other 

` ( FRIENDS ┊ Kim "Key" Kibum || 21 || Idol - SHINee || Alive || He can be described as the typical "gay bff", but has never disclosed his orientation and truthfully he doesn't care what others think. A male version of Eunghwa except for the fact that he is more outgoing, and loves to bask in the glory of dressing oddly extravagant. || When Kibum went to live in Italy for some time, he hung with a gang of girls who would talk rudely to a little girl. Feeling pity, Key decided to try to befriend the girl, despite the little girl refusing him. Later in time, he learned her name was Eunghwa. They became not close friends, but they are the closest to each other than they are with others. They stayed friends until he left to Korea at 16 to become an idol.



(  )wE gOT  mARRIED 

우리 결혼했어요.


` ( LOVE INTERESTS ┊ Do Kyungsoo || EXO || 21 || He is shy, gentle, caring and nerdy. He likes Pokemon, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, things like such. He likes cooking and is known to being very tidy. He isn't very talkative and doesn't know how to trust others completely. When he was a kid, he was bullied to the point where everything made him cry for being small and having an odd appearance. He doesn't know how to talk normally to the opposite , therefore shows no interest in them whatsoever. || He and Eunghwa don't get along well, mostly because Eunghwa pretends he is a "worhtless geek" and that he "isn't up to her standards." He just goes along, sometimes laying snarky comments about her being so arrogant or too smart for anybody's own good. But whenever Kyungsoo sings with a shaky voice of goes out of tune, Eunghwa cannot hide the love in her eyes, sometimes hugging him for singing. Or when Eunghwa reluctantly takes off her makeup, Kyungsoo will remove her hands and kiss her cheek, telling her she's the most beautiful "like this"; meaning when they are close together and looking into each other's eyes. Their will be times when they hold hands and when they realize it they pretend it's nothing, but cough and blush and change the subject.|| Eunghwa and Kyungsoo are completely awkward, because Eunghwa knows that Kyungsoo is the guy she's always dreamed of. Kyungsoo doesn't know how to approach her because he is scared she will degrade and humiliate him. Eunghwa sometimes won't talk to him or seem nice to him because she is afraid people will make fun of her for liking a "worhtless geek." But when it comes for the time of them being alone, Kyungsoo will find the courage to flirt with her and she will shyly flirt back, eventually causing them to have secret meet ups and knowing looks. Off camera, whenever he takes his makeup off or his hair isn't styled or anything, sometimes Eunghwa can't help but smile and think he's the most perfect thing in the world. || Spaghetti Couple, Short Couple, KyungHwa, Polar Opposite Couple, Smart Couple, Lip Couple


Kim Minseok || EXO || 22 || Is a man made of small talk, doesn't know how to start, continue, or end a conversation. Although he doesn't talk, people still find him loveable. He is usually ridiculed for being "the ugliest in EXO", so he doesn't fall too much into camera time. But he is extremely caring and unselfish to the point where he would risk his life to help someone. || He likes to fight back with Eunghwa because he finds her amusing, but still he does romantic things (because she really dislikes romantic things) and always cares for her health. He'd go out of his way to buy her whatever she wanted at any time, as long as she wanted it and she got it he could sleep without feeling guilty. || He doesn't talk to her much because she has a hard time talking to him. They try, but she always tries in private because she doesn't people to know she likes a "worthless geek." And even though Minseok feels hurt she keeps him in the dark, he can't stay away from her. || Food Couple, Short Couple, Baozi & Spaghetti Couple, BaoGetti Couple, MinHwa Couple


Yoo Youngjae || BAP || 20 || He likes to talk back and be very haughty. Although he is always insecure and thinks he is the "ugliest person in the world", he pretends like those thoughts don't exist. He is easily hurt by people's words and sometimes cries in private because he wishes he could "be better, actually look attractive to someone." || He often bickers with Eunghwa, since he is also as smart as she, they always argue about text-book things. He often plays games because it annoys her and acts like a cocky, cheesy guy, saying things like "I love you, my wife" just to get her to groan or talk about Buddha. He acts very childish on screen. || He doesn't dare approach her, doesn't even look her way. He is very attracted to her but has no heart to admit it because he feels she is out of his league. Eunghwa feels like even though people think he is the least handsome of BAP, she finds him perfect. She always tries to talk to him, but in private where no one will see them. But he is always pushing her away because he has no trust left in him to be close with her. || Aegyo Couple, Baby Couple Childish Couple, Smart Couple, YoungHwa Couple, Lip Couple


Yang Seungho || MBLAQ || 23 || He is very fatherly and loving, always stealing hearts without even realizing it. He is always modest and doesn't believe people when they say he is handsome. || He cares very much for Eunghwa: "Even if sometimes she acts like a spoiled brat." He says things like Eunghwa is very pretty but she is too private, that he wishes they could get along. He likes to cook for her and tries to make her smile or laugh, never giving up no matter what. || He is always asking people for her, always trying to get her attention but always fails. This is because Eunghwa is actually shy and can never find the right words to talk to him. She always blushes and feels her heart jumping whenever he's around. People actually think she hates him, when really she might just be in love with him. || Mommy & Daddy Couple, Prince and Princess Couple, Lip Couple, SeungHwa Couple


Lee Jinki || SHINee || 23 || He is clumsy to the point where people call him a hazard. Even though he can be awkward and make lame jokes, he finds love for everybody and has the biggest heart in the entire world. He is caring and will never put himself first. || On screen he and Eunghwa playfully fight whether chicken is the best food in the world, or spaghetti. They always fight on whether they will have chicken or spaghetti for dinner and sometimes settle for eating none or both. Even though he is a clutz, he has the ability to make her laugh or smile, even when she insults him and acts coldly to him like he is a "worthless geek". He often calls Eunghwa his "Your Highness" and sarcastically she'll call him her lovely husband. || Even off screen, they still argue which food is better, but always end awkwardly and they always do something that makes them feel embarassed. But Eunghwa and Jinki still blush and subtly flirt with each other. In private, he'll be very affectionate with her; such as hugging her, calling her compliments, cupping her cheek, kissing her hand or cheek sweetly. || Chicken & Spaghetti Couple, ChiGetti Couple, Lip Couple, OnHwa/JinHwa Couple


Kim Hyungsoo (K.Will) || 31 || He is clumsy, adorable and shy, but very sweet and caring. He doesn't talk much but when he is nervous he talks a lot. He has a way with making even men blush at his smile without knowing it. He isn't very confident and doesn't know how to interact with people, because he thinks he's very weird. He likes Harry Potter and Pokemon like it is his life. || He always tries to get Eunghwa to smile, he treats it like a mission and has a notepad of ideas that he'll do to make her smile. Sometimes when she starts acting up, he'll kiss her forehead and pat her head. He still cares about her and wishes he could "cherish her forever, buy her everything, just so she can love me back." || Even though he stutters when he is near her, he always tries talking to her and asking her out. He knows that she is only acting cold because she doesn't want people to know she likes him. So sometimes in private he'll make plots to kiss her or tell her how much he loves her. Whenever Eunghwa is with him she describes her heart going "budoom budoom." Even though she hates romantic things, she melts whenever she is in his arms and wishes she could always be cuddled with him. || Age Couple, Age-Gap Couple, Ten Year Couple, Onesided Couple, HyunHwa/Khwa Couple


Yoo Ricky || Teen Top || 17 || He is ambitious and likes running around and being childish. He often yells whenever he thinks he is being wronged. He takes people's words to heart but acts like he doesn't. Even though he seems cute, he is really loud and won't back down to anybody. || He and Eunghwa fight all of the time, they are never quiet and are usually yelling loudly at each other. Despite her being older than him, he is thought out him to "the oppa" while she is "the lovely wife." Even though they fight, he stills gets immensly jealous when other guys hit on Eunghwa. He'll shield her with his own body and claim that he is her husband and that no one else will cherish her like he does. || He and Eunghwa fight to and fro, but sometimes end their conversations with subtle flirts like "Well, stop being so Goddamn cute." "If you make me blush one more time, I swear." "Don't make me kiss you, I will do it." Sometimes when they alone alone and they fight, they'll pause by how close they are and cough with leaning back to give each other space. || RickHwa Couple, Childish Couple, Couple, Noisy/Shouting Couple


Kim Joonmyun || EXO || 21 || He cares for everyone no matter who they are, has no heart to reject people. Sometimes he feels guilty whenever he can't accomplish something and it eats him away until someone tells him it's all right or he does accomplish it. Even though he is shy, he tries to be confident and manly. || Even though Eunghwa bosses him around and doesn't thank him, he always feels happy when he gets the job done. He'll say things like "I want her to boss me around, so I know I'm needed. I want to be the only one who will fulfill her wishes," But even though he obeys her, he still wants them to be closer and tries very hard to win her heart. || When the camera turns off Joonmyun always bows, smiles and thanks her. Sometimes he'll even add a compliment along the lines of, "Your hair looks pretty today." Even though Joonmyun is aware that Eunghwa hides their small relationship, he accepts it and always finds time to be with her. They don't get many chances to be by themselves where no one will see them, so in haste attempts they'll meet up in a closet or obscure places to talk and be openly affectionate with each other. || JoonHwa/SuHwa Couple, Guardian & Princess Couple, Fairy Tale Couple, Mommy & Daddy Couple, Short Couple


Jung Ilhoon || BtoB || 18 || He isn't very friendly, pretty much the male version of Eunghwa. He doesn't care what people think, he likes to shop, hates when people call him cute or pretty, is arrogant about himself, doesn't trust others. Although he has more face to be himself. || He and Eunghwa clash in a way that is so unflattering it makes many fans love them as a couple. They fight most of the time, but then Ilhoon will cover his ears and sing, "LALALALALA~ I can't hear you!" Or will nonchalantly say, "No one curr." But he is very protective over her, and even when other guys look at her, he gets angry and glares. But when guys try to hit on her, he'll hold her close and just smirk, as if saying, "Yeah she's mine." || Even off screen he still feels compelled to let people know that she is his, much to Eunghwa's dismay. There are times when she will ignore him, but then he'll get serious and physically make her pay attention by gripping hr wrist or grabbing her shoulders. Despite his rough physical contact, Eunghwa is always smitten and thinks he is perfect for her. Whenever they fight and people leave them to be by themselves, they just give each other knowing smiles, always challenging each other until the other one backs down. || Jung Couple, Sibling/Twins Couple, IlHwa, Fabulous Couple


Shim Changmin || DBSK || 24 || He can be considered a male version of Eunghwa except for the fact that he is openly caring and is tall. He likes to be blunt and always tries correcting people. He gets angry when he's hungry so he's dependent on people to cook for him all. || The two often fight but Changmin thinks it's "a waste of time" for fighting, so sometimes he just ignores her or tells her "Sure, whatever." Since he doesn't know how to be romantic, the two have no way of getting on each other's nerves. They'll play video games, cook and eat food, go to fun places or the mall, and talk about family problems briefly. || Changmin sees Eunghwa as a waste of a pretty face and figure, but all in all he stills is attracted to her attittude. He "likes a challenge", so he is always trying to woo her or make her blush. Eunghwa will subtly respond but other times is too shy and will sometimes ignore him. || Fat Couple, Food Couple, Twins Couple, ChangHwa




` ( RIVAL ┊ Ham Yujin || OC || 21 || She is a very dark-type of person who always plots to get things that are taken or don't belong to her. || She and Eunghwa went to makeup work together in Italy and has always been envious of her. She even though she dislikes "worthless geeks," she'll take anyone away because she isn't shy and isn't ashamed.




( ✍ )running man



Note: this section is the survey that we will use to determine your love interest for the story. Please make it fit with your character's personality, background ect.


I like all colors really, but if I had to say black (but really black can be considered a shade not a fullblown color)


Short guys, he has to be short or she won't really learn to like him. If he likes to cook it'd be easier so they can cook together. Guys who take care of themselves rather then be slobs, so he has to be tidy and clean and neat. She has a thing for guys with thick lips. He can't be muscular/too muscular bcause that doesn't appeal to her. She likes guys who like things like Harry Potter because she does too and she'd like to watch all the movies with her boyfriend some day. Guys who don't talk much in public but in private they can be talked to. Guys who don't draw too much attention to themselves because she likes to be private. Caring guys who will think of her health, sweet guys who will wonder if she's cold, gentle guys who hold her hand not too tightly or hold her just right, guys who can listen to her problems even when she denies she has any. A guy who will think she is beautiful no matter what. A guy who isn't afraid to hold her hand even in private if they were a couple.


Of course, as long as he is short, sweet, gentle, caring, tidy and all it doesn't really matter. He can barely speak the languages she speaks and she'll still be very happy with him.


Not a lot really, but if it's K.Will it's totally fine.


If they aren't together, it won't matter because she isn't clingy or anything. But when she noticeably starts to care, she has to contact all the time to know he's eaten, is all right, is getting sleep, etc. Sometimes she'll listen to his voice on TV if she knows she can't bother him.


The kind where the guy doesn't talk much in front of other people, but talks about if she's hungry or if she's cold. The kind where even though he is awkwardly romantic, he still tries to make her feel like a princess. A guy who isn't afraid to tell her No, a guy with slight authority but not too much. A very private relationship where she won't tell anyone about it. Where the guy tells her she's beautiful. The kind of guy who is smart because she doesn't feel right with guys who aren't. She likes holding his hand and if she could she'd hold it all the time. The type of couple where they can look at each other for minutes and not falter, because she can look at him all day and wonder how he exists because he is perfect. Where they can be on the phone and sometimes not talk because they are content with hearing the other one breathe even.


A lot, if he has problems Eunghwa would want to fix them. IF they cannot be fixed she'll stay by his side. She doesn't control over his friends or if he wants to hang out with other people, because that is really understandable and she won't get hurt by it. But because she is afraid to be cheated on she'd like to know who he's with. She'd like if he told her No, but at the same time tell her yes with a smile.


Not very good, mostly bossy and always has something snarky or sarcastic to say. Even though she dislikes skinship with other people, she'd like to cuddle with him and him only. She will cook for him clean up, and still treat him right. She won't hit him or whine or complain because she finds it annoying. Sometimes she'll get shy by him and blush.


Eunghwa isn't religious and she won't care if her partner is. And if he doesn't like things like homouals and stuff, he's going to have to deal with it.


Reading text books, guys who tell her facts she doesn't know of, mostly really smart things she really, really likes. Hand holding and cuddling. Liking and disliking the same things. Going to an amusement park and even if he is afraid of the rides, if he goes with her she gets happy and feels warm inside. When they cook together. Sometimes just lying in bed and looking at each ohter, maybe kiss or not kiss, but she still likes the feeling. When he drinks all of favorite alcohol and kisses her with the taste.


Well, sometimes Eunghwa will gain weight and go on the Paleo Diet; consists of things that aren't man-made like noodles, rice, potatoes, beans, candy, etc. She'll eat what is called like a "caveman", where they eat light and things like some natural fruit/veggies, no sugar or salt in anything, no dairy, no bread, but things like lean meat and chilli peppers. She would be okay with someone on a diet.


It won't matter to her, she lived with her twin brother for awhile and it doesn't faze her. So she's fine putting it down.


No, she believes the human brain is the human brain, and if it's smarter than so be it. She doesn't believe in one gender being "better" than th other.


Eunghwa will definitely flip and get angry, cursing and saying things in other languages. If it's really bad she won't talk and just ignore him. But in the end she will feel guilty and apologize if he hasn't already.


Yes, absolutely. Eunghwa has to admit she loves alcohol, but not enough to be "-faced" drunk.



(  )immortal song

불멸의 노래.



` ( COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS ┊ I think this is a really cool idea and hope you guys can fulfill it^^ Fighting~


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