「The Secrets of Luminaria」┋ »Jung Eunghwa«


The Secrets of Luminaria

What is this place really?



( Jung Eunghwa )


Welcome To The City

Username: kN42five

How active are you?: 9-10

Name/Nickname: Kayen


Allow Me To Take Off Your Coat

Full Name: Jung Eunghwa

Nickname(s): Your Highness: people say I'm arrogant because I call myself beautiful and say "people worship me" a lot.

Age: 19

Birthdate:  March 14, 2293 (Same day as White Day and Albert Einstein^^)

Ethnicity:  Italian-American-Korean

Languages: born/raised speaking Italian, learned English, learned Korean


You Look Rather Lovely

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seul Mi

Picture Links:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up Ulzzang:  Kim Jee In

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Height: 152cm

Weight: 40kg

Style Description:  Casual/Going out | Fancy | Work/School | Lazy | Eunghwa likes to be very put-together, wearing things from scarves to high heels. She doesn't believe in feeling comfortable, she believes in looking good in what she wears (which makes everyone go crazy.) Whenever it's school, she is all professional and no joke with blazers, black squirts, and maybe high heels. For casual it ranges from no high heels to higher high heels and things like sweaters or picnic dresses. She wears sunglasses, hoop earrings, no rings. For fancy she'll go all out in makeup, in the perfect outfit with high heels and a sleeveless/strapless dress. And even when she's at home on lazy days, she still has to look "glorious".


Show Me Your Inner Light

Personality: Eunghwa isn't the nicest or the friendliest of people, but she still cares for others and wouldn't say or do anything to push people to feel sad. She is very arrogant on her looks, her good grades, her languages, her talents in reading fast and knowing every word there is (if you ask her what any word means she'll tell you right away without thinking about it), and even though she is really short she is confident and people are intimidated by her. She can be even a little erted and admits to watching things like or a or reading R-rated books. She is very strict on herself and must be "perfect."

But what people don't know is that her taste in guys aren't very high, despite how many people think she'd date the tall, handsome jock or the rich guys, she won't. Because she likes guys who are shy, sweet, very very smart, and short. She has a strong distaste for taller people and thinks everyone is "a ing giant." She also uses a lot of profanaitites and curses without shame, because she is quite careless about what other people think of her. Even though she is used to beating people at everything, and not having true, close friends, she still wishes she had the boy of her dreams who was smart, nice, shy, soft, caring, and of course short. Although some people even fear her because they're afraid to approach her and make her scoff at them.

Background: When Eunghwa was born, everyone had a feeling that she'd be very different than others around her. As she grew up, she wasn't very social and was very shy towards other people, and was usually bullied because of her height and her shyness. But as she grew older, she became more and more upset by people around her and learned to "not take from anybody." She is known to be the smartest and the shortest in her family, and some of them disapprove greatly on her behavior.

Her behavior is influenced because she has a feeling from reading thousands and thousands of books in her entire life, that there is another world somewhere. She's been studying new worlds and alternative uniserves and things called stars and galaxies ever since she was twelve. Her family thought it was some weird obsession that she'd leave behind as she got older, but when she requested her family when she was sixteen if she can explore, because she really believes there are many people some other place, they became infuriated and disowned her. Now she is living by herself at the age of 19, but still goes to school and has a reputation of not being close or friendly to anyone. It doesn't matter to her though, because she wants to meet new people on her journey.


  1. Spaghetti!! (it's her favorite food)
  2. running
  3. cooking
  4. fashion designing
  5. doing her hair and making herself look presentable
  6. when people know who she is and they respect her
  7. spiders and snakes
  8. reading
  9. learning new things


  1. peanuts/almonds/peacans/etc
  2. pizza
  3. cake
  4. ticks
  5. not looking pretty
  6. losing
  7. being alone


  1. reading
  2. learning new things
  3. usual excercising
  4. looking at species of spiders and snakes
  5. fashion designing in her sketchpad


  1. biting/chewing her lip
  2. picking at her nails
  3. twitching her eye
  4. becoming competitive
  5. outdoing someone
  6. trying to beat other people
  7. grinding/clenching her teeth unknowingly to the point where it makes noises
  8. cursing outloud in different languages


  1. dogs
  2. oceans/water (drowning to be exact)
  3. being on stage and freezing up, even though it's never happened during spelling bees and such she's still afraid it will happen
  4. no more spaghetti!!
  5. fire or being burned
  6. and abuse
  7. being alone where she can't defend herself


  1. She can read five books in a day due to her loneliness as a kid, she used books to pass time
  2. She can be very flexible and has a strong aura about her
  3. Even though she hasn't learned self defense, she's learned to make people think so
  4. She is good at tricking people
  5. She is the first 14-year-old to graduate
  6. Never had a boyfriend because she is a bit ashamed to be attracted to guys who aren't "popular" or "extremely good-looking."
  7. Type blood B-negative


Aren't We Family?


Jung Jason | 41 | Professional chef | Is very distant towards other people, very quiet but when he gets angry he's very scary. He's very closeminded and doesn't approve of a lot of things like premarital , homouals, raising animals, people not looking presentable, etc. He must perfect antyhing he does or else it would feel like a waste. | Although he isn't strict for anything, he is only a bit strict towards Eunghwa, because she already does so well in school. He disapproves of her fantasy that there is another world and sometimes will result in not talking to her for months. He isn't home all of the time so he feels as if he barely knows who his daughter is. | Alive


[Jung Eunsol | 37 | Stay-at-home-mom | She is very strict and about everything. She is also closeminded and disapproves of many things like her own husband's liking for cooking. She doesn't believe in following dreams and believes all woman are made to marry young, obey the husband no matter what. She also believes girls don't need an education becase they will result in marrying and staying home without a job. This is because her family, at the unfortunate cost of them being very poor, convinced her to marry Jason because of his family wealth. She married at the age of 14 because she was desparate at saving her family from being on the streets and dying from hunger. Even though her family became safe, Jason never showed her love or even compassion, leaving their relationship together only because of their daughter. | She doesn't understand her daughter, and isn't sure if she really can accept her. She always wanted an obedient daughter who did her every command but when Eunghwa grew up to be her own person, she became disappointed with the blood of her child. When Eunghwa asked if she can explore, her mother immediately kicked her out by the help of her family who also think of Eunghwa as the black sheep of the family. | Alive

Other Relatives:

Park Bom | 28 | Singer | Cousin | Idol - 2NE1 | She is very kind and beautiful, she travels around to make a name for herslef and for her talent of singing. Although she is really shy and doesn't have confidence in herself, whenever she sings she feels like she can do anything. She is open to everyone and loves everydespite who they are. | Bom does not know Eunghwa exists at first, having moved out of town before Eunghwa was born. But when she finds out she might have a cousin who believes in another world (such as herself) she feels compelled to find her cousin and to learn whatever her cousin knows about the possible other world | Aliv]


Best Friends: [No more than 2~]

Kim Kibum, aka Key | 19 | University Student | Male | Idol - SHINee | Key can be much of a diva and labeled as the "typical, gay best friend", even though he's never discolsed if he was gay or not. He likes to shop and look extravagant, mostly causing him to become an outcast to the town. But he doesn't really care what anyone thinks as long as he feels confident about himself. | When Key was young, he used to be friends with a gang of girls who would talk smack about a girl he didn't know. Feeling pity for the girl, Key decided to befriend the poor girl even though she refused his friendship. Later on, Key found out her name to be Eunghwa | They are sort of on and off with each other, usually bickering but nonetheless they are stil friends. Although they aren't close, they are closer to each other than they are to anyone else | Alive


The Key To Your Heart

Love Interest: Do Kyungsoo of EXO

Age + Birthdate: 20 | January 12, 2293

Personality:  Do Kyungsoo is the kind of guy who no one really pays attention to. He is private and keeps a lot of things to himself. He likes things like Star Wars, Pokemon, Lord of the Rings. He is an outcast in his own world and is used to being lonely. However he is very smart and that is something people have always known about him. When he was young he was bullied a lot for him being short and quiet, this made him not trust anyone and never talk to people. He always has a blank look in his eyes that he's lost or scared something is going to happen. But he is very caring and when he can he'd like to help others. He also cooks a lot and is very tidy.

Have you met yet?: No

How you met/meet: Can he be from the world above? And then I'll meet him when Eunghwa goes to a university to learn more about the new world. She finds an attraction about him because he is exactly the dream boy she's always wanted, but always acts like he isn't anything to her.


Back-up Love Interest:  Youngjae of BAP

Age + Birthdate: 20 | January 24, 2294

Personality: He is very shy and very smart, but at the same time very slow and has the act of talking back to others when he feels is right.

Have you met yet?: No

How you met/meet: Can he be from the world above? And then I'll meet him when Eunghwa goes to a university to learn more about the new world. She finds an attraction about him because he is exactly the dream boy she's always wanted, but always acts like he isn't anything to her.


This Is The End

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Password: Lanterns


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