All Different || Jung Jeungson

Jung Jeungson


Appearance: Won Jong Jin; Regular shirt w/jeans and shoes
Stage Name: Jeungson
Nicknames: Fatty, Diva, Princess, King, Your Highness
Personality: Jeungson is like the typical gay best friend; sweet, caring, diva-ish, arrogant, fabulous, and loud. But at the same time he can be masculine; romantic, manly, handsome, charming. Although he is usually squealing and fanboying over books and MVs and idols, he can turn into a scary person if you make him angry. He likes to talk and laugh and make people smile. He loves everyone and likes people to know who he is. He can be very mischevious and erted, always open about watching and reading ty fanfictions. He's really into fashion since he grew up rich and intelligent, so he knows his .
Specialties: Rapping, acting, reading, knowing every word there is if you ask him what does this word mean he'll answer right away, he is good in all subjects and is considered the smartest guy in his college, he loves cooking and is very good at it, can reach high things because he is 188cm
Introduction: “Ello, peasants! Hehehe just kidding, I am Jeungson! Love me and I love you, buing buing~"
Summary: Jung Jeungson was born in Italy by his Italian-American father and Korean mother. He grew up to be very smart and he was always flamoyant. He loved attention and always strived for people to know he existed. Of course, growing up and being attracted to men led to many struggles with his friends and family. Despite that his family has not come to accept his uality, they still love him and he loves them. Unfortunately, he had to move out of Italy and into Korea with his aunt because of being bullied at school, and away from his first boyfriend Kris. There in Korea he embraced his musical side and pushed back his academic and culinary side.
Likes: Spaghetti!!, rice, books/dictionaries, cooking, rapping, acting, working out, shopping, fashion, making people laugh and smile, eyeliner, rollercoasters!, hauged houses, horror movies, attention, eating really really spicy food
Dislikes: Being so tall, rude people, animal abusers, peanuts/almonds/peacans/etc, onions, ticks, singing
Position: Main Rapper
Habits: Biting lip, clenching teeth, babbling when nervous, looking down, pouting, voice booming loud, cursing, having anxiety, shallow breathing, becoming faint very easily when exhausted or overworked, working out
Previous Work: Auditioned for YG as a rapper and dancer but was let go when he asked to already be out of the closet. SM took him in only because they thought they could make money if he told everyone he liked guys and acted feminine.
Fears: ocean/pool/drowning, dogs, ticks, fire, heights
Lucky Charms: His pet kitten Donut (she usually stays with his aunt) Story: Donut was very mean and cold towards everyone because she's a bit stuck up. But when Jeungson left to train for a few days without going to visit her, she cuddled and wailed with him when he came back. Now she responds to his voice and gets happy when he's around, even though she's very cold and hisses at everyone who comes near her.
Rooms With: I'd prefer another rapper or someone who is fun to be with ^~^
Friends: Sooyoung and Jessica of SNSD
Voice: Bang Yongguk's
Looks Up To: Do Kyungsoo!
– Although Kyungsoo is a singer and is soft and gentle, while Jeungson is sort of bossy and loud, Jeungson really likes Kyungsoo. When Jeungson first started training a year after Kyungsoo trained in SM, Kyungsoo was very nice to him and treated him so warmly. He works hard and would always tell Jeungson how he felt scared no one liked him and Jeungson would cheer him up.



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-Kawaii_Panda #1
Who's his ulzzang person?
Sorry, forgot to add that on the app.
-Kawaii_Panda #2
Just asking. Kris, as in Wu Fan Kris?
-Kawaii_Panda #3
Who names animals after food?