CynSny application



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A b o u t y o u

Aff Username; angelsasha
Aff link;


T h e B e s t Y o u
Name; Angela Park Minjung
Nickname; Gel (pronounced 'Jelle'), Jelly, Min, Jungie
Stage name; Angelle
Persona | Position; The Hyper Face Of The Group | Lead vocalist, Visual

Age; 17
Hometown; Singapore
Date of birth; 27 January 1996
Nationality; Dual-citizenship in Korea and Singapore
Personality; Minjung is never shy around strangers and acquaintances. She is usually the one to break the ice, and can babble non-stop about something she loves, before sheepishly realizing that the other person may not be interested at all. She speaks her mind, but tries her best to be nice when putting across something unpleasant. She knows that she can be insensitive at times, but doesn't know how to change it. Although always jovial, she is horrible and comforting or cheering people. She is also usually not willing to step out of her comfort zone, but is willing to try new things if with her close friends. She gets close to people easily, but only a few stay her friends for life.

She is also more comfortable around boys than girls, with her opinion that it is easier to be herself around boys than girls. She isn't very good in sports, yet always relents when her guy friends ask her to play because she does have fun if the boys she are playing with aren't unreasonable about the scoring system, or purposely target her to test her skills just because she is a girl.

Depsite being outspoken, she is the type to keep her problems to herself and always tries to solve them herself. However, if someone she trusts notices it and shows her concern, she will eventually open up to him or her. She doesn't like people who constantly poke their noses into her affairs, especially if it doesn't concern them at all. She also constantly worries that people around her don't like her even if they don't seem like it, which is why she tries to talk more, trying to reach out and connect to her peers better.

Even though she is wealthy, she is humble and down-to-earth.

Language; English (fluent), Mandarin Chinese (Fuent), Korean (Fluent)
Dislikes [5+];

  • Insects
  • Animals
  • Unnecessary noise
  • Screeching sounds
  • People who fake their personalities
  • Fresh/goat milk

Likes [6+];

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Surfing the internet
  • Shopping
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Salty snacks
  • Photography

Fear [5+]

  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Rollercoasters
  • Not being loved

Fun Facts/Trivia [6+];

  • Obsessed with polaroids pictures
  • Myopic and wears contact lenses
  • Loves hoodies/pullovers
  • Is tech-savvy
  • Cannot cook
  • Cannot cycle
  • Hates cleaning



Y o u r A p p e a r a n c e
Ulzzang name; Kim Seuk Hye
Ulzzang appearance [5+]; 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | more

Back-up Ulzzang name; Park Hwan Hui
Back-up Ulzzang appearance [5+]; 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | more

Casual Appearance [2+]; 1 | 2 | 3
Practice/ Training Appearance 
[2+]1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Formal Appearance [2+]1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Bedtime Appearance [2+]
1 |  2 |  3


Y o u r F a m i l y B a c k g r o u n d

Parents [Name|Age|Occupation|Dead or Alive]; Song Hyejung | Mother| 49 | Businesswoman | Alive; Park Jinkyung | Father | 50 | Businessman | Alive

Siblings [Name|Age|Occupation|Dead or Alive]; Park Minkyung | Brother | 19 | Student | Alive
*Siblings can no need to be an idol. If you dont want to have a sibling, then it's fine.


Y o u r B a c k g r o u n d

BestFriends/Friends [ Max 5 ] : f(Sulli, Krystal), SHINee's Taemin, SNSD's Yuri [best friends] all SM artistes in general [friends]
Fan Club Name : Angelics
Fan Club Colour :          
Fan Club Symbol : Angel wings
Rival [Friendly or Competitive]: None
Reason for Rival : N/A


l o v e

Love interest [Name | Age | Group ] : Kim Kibum Key | 22 | SHINee
Personality of Love Interest : Bubbly, talkative and a huge prankster, Minjung is never bored around him. he complains a lot and cares more about his appearance more than average boys do, hence many people think he is a 'diva' or a '' before knowing him better. However, once you get to know him, he is really caring towards everyone, even to strangers, and is down-to-earth despite his idol status.
Back-Up Love interest [Name|Age|Group] : Lee Jinki Onew | 24 | SHINee
Personality of Back-up love interest : Onew is very sweet and lives up to his nickname 'tofu' very well. However, once angry, he can get very scary. Although most people say his sense of humour is horrible, Minjung finds him quite funny and his lame jokes still make her crack up one way or another. Many people describe him as the 'dream boyfriend'.
Favourite kind of Date | Ideal Date : No preference. It doesn't have to be romantic, as long as the two of them have a lot of fun and enjoy each other's company.
Ideal Boyfriend : Someone who knows her inside out, and they treat each other like best friends, not afraid to make friendly insults
Love Rival : KARA's Nicole

Status of Relationship [Ongoing | Have Not Met | Have Met are Good Friends | Have Met but not close ] : Have met and are good friends


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