Finding Hope Angst Competition

Hi there everyone ^^

Akane_Angel and I are bringing to all of you angst writers a challenge!

We both feel that angst writers are some of the best in AFF since they are able to depict all types emotions, not necessarily only sad ones, very beautifully and realistically.

Finding Hope is a our writing contest where you can choose to or not to use the given prompts :)

And you may use entries that are for other contests as well ^^ which, in my opinion, is quite a bonus.

We want to read your stories too, and feel the emotions that you convey in your writing.

Oneshots are preferred but chaptered fics are accepted as well, as long as they have at most 10 chapters.

All groups are accepted as well ^^ so don't be shy, Akane and I don't bite. XD

Click on the link to the competition for more info and I hope to see you there :D

Good luck everyone and I'll be waiting to hear from you all~



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