
Hey everyone! I know that I've gone MIA for a bit and that's because school recently started for me and OMG I seriously have no time. 

I think I'm juggling one too many AP classes this year, and the amount of homework that I get for APUSH is just ridiculous so I won't be able to update often if at all.

I might actually go on a mini-hiatus again.

But fear not, for readers of "Just Between You and Me" since it's a collection of fluff shots - sorta, I will try to keep up with that one and maybe update this weekend.

No promises though okay?

As for "Our Timeless Memories", it might be put onto hiatus again, I'm sorry :(

I am not planning to start any new stories as of right now either even though I have so so many ideas.

I simply have way too much on my plate. 

Thank you for your understanding!! 


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tinhnghichbe #1
I love "Our timeless memories"
And I'm about to come back to school too :((( I don't want too :(((
Good luck with your studies :)