Tree House™ ; application ; Park Jun-Ho


`Feels as if you're at home



Park Jun-Ho


Username ; kloyola

Profile ; HERE

Nickname ; kloyola



Full Name ; Park Jun-Ho

Nickname ; Jun-Ho [by family and friends]

Birthdaaayyy ! ; March 17, 1992 | 20 years old

Ethnicity ; Korean

Language ; Korean [FLUENT], English [FLUENT]

Birth place ; Busan, Korea

Hometown ; Seoul, Korea

What are you applying as ? ; Head Chef





Ulzzang name ; Lee Chi Hoon

Pictures of ulzzang ; 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5

Back-up ulzzang ; Tae Yang

Pictures of back-up ulzzang ; 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5



Personality ;  What attracted most people to Jun-Ho was his bright personality, he just has so much energy and it’s sort of contagious in a way that it makes you happy when you watch him. He has an ability to stay positive in whatever situation. He’s definitely a wonderful friend who knows how to play and have fun with you, but at the same time he’s quick to rush to your side when you’re down. He is very loyal to Woohyun(his best friend), they seem to share a really close emotional bond and Jun-Ho is always there for him. Woohyun said that when they’re together, Jun-Ho can’t stop talking, he’s someone who shares everything with his friends. He is playful. He brings out his extremely crazy and hyper side out which is so A D O R A B L E~ to sum it up he is a really good, fun and caring person.

Background ; Jun-Ho is a young man, born in Busan, but spent most of his chidhood in Seoul. His father is Park Jae-Ho, a businessman, a responsible and reliable father to Jun-Ho, even when he's very busy, he will always make an opportunity to be together with Jun-Ho. His mother is Park Yun-A, a chef, a loving and caring wife and mother, she is the one who taught Jun-Ho to cook, Jun-Ho admires his mother, she is one of the most famous chefs in Korea and also in the USA. Jun-Ho dreams to be like his mother, so he studied and graduated as a culinary master chef

Trivia ;

  • Bloodtype is A+.
  • Is an only child.
  • Is a cosplayer.
  • Likes the colors BLUE and BLACK.
  • Can play the guitar.

Likes ;

  • Culinary
  • Photography
  • Arts
  • Adventure
  • Anime/Manga

Dislikes ;

  • Gruesome Things
  • Rude People
  • Un-cooked dishes/foods
  • Dirty Places
  • Boredom

Habits ;

  • Stretches arms and legs when waking up.
  • Closes eyes when thinking.
  • Talks on his sleep.

Hobbies ;

  • Taking photos
  • Cooking
  • Drawing
  • Learning new recipes
  • Cosplaying



Family members ;

Daddy ; Park Jae-Ho | 50 | Businessman | alive | They are really close, even if he's busy with his work, very often.

Mama ; Park Yun-A | 48 | Chef | alive | Very close, she taught Jun-Ho how to cook.

Siblings ; none..

Relatives ; Park Sandara | 28 | Idol | alive | Cousin | Kinda close, They don't have the time to see each other that much, because of their work.


Friends for ever ! ;

Nam Woohyun | 21 | Idol | male | Dara introduced Woohyun to Jun-Ho | Like siblings, They always make some time to talk to one another, even if they are really busy.



Love Interest ; Choi Sooyoung

More about him/her ; 22 | SNSD | Idol

Have you two meet ? ; Yes

If yes , how ? ; Woohyun introduced Sooyoung to Jun-Ho.

If no , how will you meet ? ; ---

Back-up love interest ; Goo Hara

More about him/her ; 21 | KARA | Idol

Have you two meet ? ; No

If yes , how ? ; ---

If no , how will you meet ? ; When the time that Woohyun will be introducing Hara to Jun-Ho.



Scene Request ;

  • A romantic scene between Jun-Ho and his love interest.
  • A cute and funny scene between Jun-Ho and Woohyun.

Any Comments/Question ? ; Tada ~~!! I applied for your apply fic, it's your first, so I'll be supporting you, good luck on it, hope it will be great !! ^^

By the way, if there is a problem or an error on my app, please tell. Thanks !! ^^

Password ; TreeHouse





Thanks a million for applying ! 





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rektbyfx #1
heyo kloyola ~ ehehe
OMGGG ! I'm so sorry i didnt help anything for the detective story T___T
Idk how i can help youu !
Please tell me if you need anythingg :(

Anyway , ehehe , I just wanted to tell you that u're choosen as the head chef for TreeHouse , ehehe xD

If you have any comments , question or suggestion , please tell me ! xD
rektbyfx #2
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
Thanksss xD
Mahal kitaaa <3
Anyway , how's the detective story ? Rofl