✈ Idols Air Application

Idols Air


Lee Anne




✧ Username + link : kloyola

✧ What should i call you ? kloyola




- Good morning, i'm Moon Yuna, nice to meet you! So tell me, what's your name ?

☆ My name is Lee Anne, and it's nice to meet you too, Moon Yuna.

- What a beautiful name! And how old are and when are you born ?

☆ I was born in London, England on the 17th of March and I am now 24 years old.

- Ok, and what are your origins?

☆I'm half British-half Korean, for my dad is a Brit, and my mom is a Korean.

- Really? So do you know others languages than Korean?

☆Well, I know British English, and a little Japanese.

- Ok. So, tell me about yourself. How would you describe yourself?

☆ I'm a confident, mature type of girl, I'm kinda childish at times, but I know my limits, and when to be serious. I'm also a very honest, trustworthy person, someone who can be relied on and will help you as long as she can.

- Tell me 5 things that you like and 5 things that you dislikes.

☆I like photography, music, arts, adventure, and cosplay, while I dislike gruesome things, annoying people, loud noises, liars and also boredom.

- Do you have any hobbies?

☆ My hobbies are listening to music, singing and taking photos.

- And do you have some habits?

☆ I have a habit that when I'm scared or frightened, I hug the person beside me, even if he/she is a stranger to me.

- Ok, i see. Maybe you can tell me some fun facts about yourself.

☆ I'm a cosplayer, and I have a pet cat named Yu-Mi.

- What are your two main defects?

☆ I can be clumsy at times, and is easily be scared by bugs or insects.

- Have you ever work somewhere?

☆ I tried applying for a cafe before, as a waitress, but I didn't get in.

- Why are you applying for?


- Ok, thank you so much. I will recontact you soon!


Welcomeonboard, whoareyou?


Ulzzang name : Shannon Williams

Links : 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5

• Ulzzang back-up : Park Hwan Hui

• Links : 1 l 2 l 3

• Height : 170 cm

• Weight : 50 kg

Extras : Ring - here


Ladies&gentlemen, tellmeaboutyourfamily.

• Background :

She a British-Korean girl who was born in London, England, but moved to Seoul, Korea, when she turned 17, Her dad, Lee Christopher John, is a businessman, who works in the music industry, a friend of YG and JYP, while her mom, Lee Hyuna, is a photographer, she is known in the UK and Korea. Anne has no siblings, for she is an only child.

• Parents :

Lee Christopher, 52, Businessman, Father

Lee Hyuna, 50, Photographer, Mother

• Siblings : ---



• Love interest : Nichkhun Horvejkul, 24, 2PM, charming, humble and funny.

• Scene request : A scene where Anne accidentally falls on Nichkhun's lap.



• Comments : Good luck on the story, it's my first time applying in an air-based story,

so I hope you like my character

and if there is a problem in my app, please tell. Kamsahamnida !! ^^

• Questions : none.

• Password : sorry


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