♚ R O Y A L || Lee Anne



Being Royal is not a status, but a mindset. Therefore we are Royal.





AFF Username: kloyola

What Do I Call You: Kristine

Activeness: 8


The Basics:


Character Name: Lee Anne

Nickname: Anne [for that is her birth name]

Date of Birth + Age: March 17, 1994 | 18 years old

Place of Birth: London, England

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Ethnicity: British-Korean

Languages: British English[FLUENT], Korean[FLUENT]



Royal Beauty:


Ulzzang Name: Shannon Williams


Back Up Ulxxang Name: Park Hwan Hui

Images: ONE || TWO || + GALLERY

Height + Weight: 168 cm | 55 kg

Style: She wear anything, as long as it's comfortable.

1 l 2



Royal Behavior:



Anne has gained a significant amount of intelligence over the years due to her love of books, providing her with a wide vocabulary, active imagination, and open mind. She is very confident and outspoken in her opinions, and seldom, likes being told what to do. Unlike most people, Anne isn't concerned about other's appearances, and is able to look past how people appear and into their hearts.

Anne is somewhat a women's-libber for her time, and refuses to be mistreated, undermined, demeaned or controlled by any man. Anne willingly listens to her parents,, and considers the opinions of them. She is quite obstinate when it comes to stating her points, upholding her opinions, and maintaining her ideas.

Anne's personality transforms when her family moved to Seoul. At first, she frequently dreams about a life of adventure and romance, not realizing that sometimes adventures might take a turn for the worst. As Anne begins to spend more time with Nichkhun, and their relationship blossoms into a strong friendship, she begins to fall in love with him without realizing it. As she matures, Anne realizes that having dreams is great, but sometimes you need to look beyond them and find what you're truly looking for.


Anne is typical teenager, who was born in London, England,but grew up in Seoul, Korea. She is half-British, half-Korean, because her father is British while her mother is a Korean. Her father is Lee Christopher, a businessman, popular in UK, while her mothe ris Lee Yu-Na, a housewife, she takes care of Anne, for Anne is the only child they have. Anne is an only child, she has no siblings.


  • Art
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Adventure
  • Books


  • Boredom
  • Gruesome Things
  • Dirty Places
  • Liars
  • Being Alone


  • Listening to music
  • Surfing the web
  • Watching movies


  • Happy || she jumps when she's very happy, and if it's an object, sometimes she even hug the person who gave it to her.
  • Sad || She looks around like she's looking for something.
  • Jealous || She rolls her eyes to the other girl or to the boy.
  • Confused || She scratches her head.
  • Angry || She locks herself in her bedroom or somewhere else.
  • Nervous || She will ask a bunch questions to a person.
  • Worried || She will walk back and forth.
  • Bored || Eats everthing she likes, or watch a movie.


  • Likes the colors - PINK and VIOLET.
  • Is an only child.
  • Blood Type is A+.
  • Can't Swim
  • Has a fear of heights or Acrophobia.



The Royal Family:



  • MOTHER: Lee Yuna|| 49 || Housewife || loyal and reliable || They are treating each other, like they are in the same age.
  • FATHER: Lee Christopher || 47 || Businessman || trustworthy and determined || They are really close, especially because Anne is a Daddy's girl.



The Royal Court:


Best Friends: 

  • Choi Sooyoung || 22 || SNSD || happy-go-lucky and bubbly || They are like sister + They met when Sooyoung's family moved to Anne's neighborhood.


  • Kim Heechul || 29 || SUJU || funny and charismatic || They get along just fine + Heechul's father is a friend of Anne's mother.


The Royal Love:


Love Interest: 

Nichkhun Horvejkul || 24 || 2PM || kind-hearted and cheerful || Heechul introduced them to each other || Close Friends

How they act around each other:

They act around each other like they are siblings, Nichkhun protects Anne and Anne does the same to Nichkhun, sometimes they will eat lunch with the company of the other one. But as they do those actions, they are slowly falling in love with one another, without realizing it.


Back Up Love Interest: 

Kwon Jiyong || 24 || BIGBANG || serious and responsible || Sooyoung introduced them to each other || Close Friends

How they act around each other:

same as above.


Past Relationship: none.


Scene Request: none.



The Royal Life:


Stage Name: Lee Anne

Persona: The Angelic Rapper

Postion: Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist

Back Up Position: Main Rapper

Personal Fan Club + Color: A.N.gel/s [A.N. from her name "ANne" and gel to make it sound like ANGEL/s | BLUE & WHITE



The Royal Input:


Song Suggestions: Follow Me -2NE1

Group Fanclub Name: [I have nothing in mind, sorry, but maybe QUEENS or KINGS, but I think it's already taken]

Any other suggestions: none.


The Royal Goodbye:


Comments: Goodluck on the story, hope it will be great, and I also hope you will like my character!!^^

                       if there is a problem in my app, please tell me.

Feedback: The story was a great idea, I like YG entertainment, because BIGBANG and 2ne1 is there, so I'm glad that you build this story.


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