Café L'amour Application || Park Min-Jee

Hello, My name is Park Min-Jee



Username: kloyola

Profile Link: HERE

Activeness: 8


Character's Name; Park Min-Jee

Any nickname(s)? ; Min, Min-Jee

Date Of Birth: March 17, 1996

Age: International: 16 || Korean: 17

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Ethnicity: Korean

Place of Birth: Busan, Korea

Hometown: Seoul, Korea


Appearance: Kim Seul Mi

Pictures: 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5


Back-Up Appearance: Seo Ji Hye

Pictures: 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5



She is always enthusiastic, care-free, and upbeat. With her bright, energetic and strong personality, she endures tough challenges & trials and in fact stands up to what she believes in. She has an optimistic and honorable spirit which is not impressed with financial wealth and social status; always remaining firm on her principles.

She is rarely easily upset and is far less emotionally reactive to stressful or painful situations or people than most others. She tends to be calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings. She can handle most stress and emotional situations appropriately on a day-to-day basis and would be considered to be "well adjusted" by most of her friends.

She has a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. She is an imaginative person, a down-to-earth, conventional person. She is open to experience and is intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. She tends to be more creative and more aware of her feelings, and is more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.


Min-jee is a very rich young lady, born in Busan, but now lives in Seoul, Korea, her father is Park Sung-Min, a businessman, a very friendly and an open-minded father, while her mother is Park Min-Ah, a painter, famous, not just in Korea, but also in America, a very reliable and sympathetic wife and mother. She's an only child, her father and mother didn't want to bear a child anymore because they want to focus on Min-Jee and her education.

When living in Seoul, Min-Jee had lost her pet, Yumi, her and her parents searched for Yumi. They found her at a cafe, named Cafe L'amour, Min-jee took a look inside, and was amazed on how beautiful it is, her mother suddenly greeted the owner, Min-jee was curious about that, and asked her mother, if they know each other, her mother said yes, and told her that she worked their when she was young as a waitress, before being a painter. Min-jee's mother also said that she first met Min-jee's father right there. It amazed Min-jee on how awesome the cafe is, and planned to have a cafe just like that someday with her friends.


  • Photography - She has a hobby of taking photos of everything she finds interesting.
  • Arts - She likes arts, ever since she was a child, her mother would teach her how to draw, paint, anything related to arts.
  • Music - She likes music, because it inspires her in every way it can.
  • Jokes - it makes her laugh.
  • Green - it's her favorite color.



  • Gruesome things - she finds it disgusting.
  • Lonely time - She doesn't like being alone, she likes being surrounded by people and enjoying her company.
  • Dirty places - she is a neat freak sometimes.
  • Being scolded - she doesn't want anyone to be mad at her, in her wrong doing.
  • Laziness - it stops her in doing anything.



  • Talks on her sleep.
  • Bites her lower lip when nervous.
  • Hugs the person next to her, if scared.



  • Taking photos - she would love to be a photographer someday.
  • Listening to music - it makes her feel comfortable.
  • Surfing the web - she likes to be updated in the new trends and topics.
  • Painting - it's a hobby taught by her mother to her.



  • Is an only child
  • Can't Swim
  • Has a kitten named Yu-Mi
  • Can play the piano and electric guitar.
  • Is afraid of heights.
  • Was taught by her mom on how to paint.
  • Likes the colors GREEN and YELLOW.




Park Min-Ah || 48 || Painter || She tends to have a greater concern for social harmony. She values getting along with others. She is generally considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise her interests with others. She also has an optimistic view of human nature -- she believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy.

Park Sung-min || 49 || Businessman || He greatly values self-discipline, acting dutifully, and aiming for achievement. He likely has a strong preference for planned rather than spontaneous behavior. He seeks to avoid trouble and achieve high levels of success through purposeful planning and persistence. He is also positively regarded by others as intelligent and reliable. Sometimes, however, others may see him as a compulsive perfectionist or a workaholic.


Jang Wooyoung || 16 || Student || He is comfortable and confident in social situations. He has a basic faith in himself in many areas of his life, allowing him to be self-assured when facing challenges. His independent streak and masculine nature allows him to make decisions efficiently and to trust his instincts.



Love Interest: Nichkhun Horvejkul of 2PM

Occupation: Student

How did you met? They met when Min-Jee accidently thought that he was a new employee of the cafe, and suddenly talks to him about her order, after Nichkhun explained to her about the mixed-up, she invited him to sit with her and have a little chat.

His is it? Popular and sensitive, with outstanding skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. He sees everything from the human angle and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others and probably place the needs of others over his own needs. He appears to be more extraverted than most people. He tends to seek out stimulation and likes the company of others. he enjoys being with people, and often perceived as full of energy. He tends to be enthusiastic, action-oriented individuals who is likely to say "Yes" to new opportunities. In social groups he likes to talk and tends to be more assertive than others.

What does he look like? HERE


Back Up Love Interest: Kwon Jiyong of BIGBANG

How did you meet? They met when Min-Jee bumped unto him, when she was about to leave the cafe. Or same as above

His Personality...How is it? GD could be as hard as he wants; as cool as he wants, depending on his mood. He is the kind of cheerful guy; he could easily calm himself down. GD has a high self-esteem, he is easy going, talented, and has strong charisma. He also the one who could be relied on; lovable. Or same as above.

What does he look like? HERE


Any questions/comments? I like the story, I like cafe based stories, Good luck on it!! Hope you like my chracter, by the way, if there is a problem in my app, please tell.

Any scene requests? none.

Can you tell me what do I love? Cupcakes

Can you give me some of it~?  CUPCAKE 1 l CUPCAKE 2


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