Olympian Application ║ Lee Akihiro

Olympian Application


Hephaestus || Lee Akihiro



─ Credits Go To;

Username; kloyola
Profile link;
Activeness; 8
What should I call you?; kloyola


─ It's Only a Title;

Character name; Lee Akihiro
Nickname; Hiro
Date of Birth; March 17, 1994
Age; International - 18 || Korean - 19
Ethnicity; Father;Korean
|| Mother; Japanese
Languages spoken; Korean[FLUENT]
| Japanese[FLUENT] | English[FLUENT]
|Place of Birth; Osaka, Japan
Hometown; Seoul, Korea


─ I'm a Master Piece;

Ulzzang; Lee Chi Hoon

one || two || three || four || five 

Back-up Ulzzang; Park Tae Jun

one || two || three || four || five

Height; 178 cm || 70 in
Weight; 60 kg || 133 lbs


─ So You Thought You Knew Me;


He is more compassionate and cooperative toward others. He tends to have greater concern for social harmony. He is generally considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise his interests with others. He also have an optimistic view of human nature -- he believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy.

He is rarely easily upset and is far less emotionally reactive to stressful or painful situations or people than most others. He tends to be calm, emotionally stable, and free from persistent negative feelings. He can handle most stress and emotional situations appropriately on a day-to-day basis and would be considered to be "well adjusted" by most of his friends.

He has a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. He is open to experience, is intellectually curious, and appreciative of art. He tends to be more creative and more aware of his feelings, and is more likely to hold unconventional beliefs.


Hiro is a very rich young man, born in Osaka, Japan, but grew up on Seoul, Korea, his father is Lee Jun-ho, a businessman, and was a photographer before, while his mother is a former singer, a famous one to be exact, but every life has it's end, and both of his parents died on an accident, they were on a vacation trip, his father was driving, while on the passenger seat was his mother, Hiro was in the backseat, on the middle of his father's driving, a truck went straight to where they was, his father turned the wheel to the left, which led the car to crash on a big tree, the accident happened and there was a person who survived, and it was Hiro, he was 8 years old when that happened. He moved on from that accident and goes forward to a normal life, with his grandparents, his grandpa, Lee Seung-Il and his grandma, Lee Soo-Yun. All was left to Hiro was his father's very first camera and his mother's knowledge in singing.


  • Photography - his favorite past time besides singing, is to take photos of everything he finds cool and interesting.
  • Jokes - because he likes to play pranks and fools around his friends a lot.
  • Music - because he thinks that it's the coolest thing that a man had ever made.
  • Arts - ever since he was a kid, he always wanted to draw, sing, take photos, anything that is related to art.
  • Eating - because every food, her grandma made him, is delicious, and so he likes eating it, all of it.


  • Gruesome things - he finds it disgusting.
  • Being Alone - he doesn't want to be left alone because he likes people surrounding him and talking to him.
  • Failure - nobody likes failure.
  • Sore-throat - it stops him to sing perfectly.
  • Laziness - it stops him to do anything he likes.


  • Wakes up early.
  • Stretches both arms and legs when waking up.
  • Exercises every morning.
  • Smiles when meeting someone new.


  • Singing - because it reminds him of his deceased mom, a former-singer, and for he likes music.
  • Taking photos - his father gave him a camera, his father's very first camera, and he likes to use it everyday.
  • Pranking - he just likes pranking because his friends are annoyed when he does it.


  • Is an only child.
  • Can't swim.
  • Lives with his grandparents.
  • Both of his parents are deceased.


─ Don't You Dare Mess With Them;


Father || Lee Jun-ho(deceased) || 53 || Businessman || Really great || open-minded and generous

Mother || Lee Akira(deceased) || 51 || Singer || Really great || caring and hard-working

Grandpa || Lee Seung-Il || 80 || Businessman || Really close || self-less and humble

Grandma || Lee Soo-Yun || 79 || House-wife || Really close || loving and honest

Best Friend;

Nichkhun Horvejkul || 18 || Singer/Actor ||  reliable and sympathetic || They're childhood friends


Kim Heechul || 20 || Singer/Actor || optimistic and funny || They're neighbors

Ideal type;

Personality/Appearance - cute and bubbly, understands him a lot especially when it comes to work.


─ The Past Is The Past;

How did you become a trainee?;

Hiro's grandpa, went up to a friend of his, who has a connection with a very popular entertainment,and asked him, if he can sign up Hiro for an audition, his friend said yes. Hiro went to the said audition and was accepted as a new member of a co-ed group named Olympian.

Life as a trainee;

His life as a trainee is like his life at school, he has friends, best friend, and of course there is a competitor or rival, but Hiro didn't even thought of it, even a little bit, he just continues in making his dream.

Trainee years; 5 years

I Was Made To Rule;

Stage Name; Hero
Persona; The Charming Vocalist

Singing;  1
Rapping; ---
Dancing; ---

Personal fan club; Heroes
Personal fan club motto;
"All for one, and one for all, Heroes!!"

Rival; ---


May The Gods And Goddesses Be With You;

Comments; I like the Greek Gods and Goddesses, Mythology all the way!!

                                  Good Luck on the story!!^^ hope you like my character!!

                                           by the way, if you don't like the persona of my character, you can change it...

                                                   if there is a problem with my app, please do tell. Thank you!!^^
Suggestions; None..
Scence request?;



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