wonderstruck application - Lee Jae-Mi


[ w o n d e r

s t r u c k ]






username : kloyola

activeness : 4



full name : Lee Jae-Mi

birthdate : 17/03/1996

birthplace : Busan, South Korea

hometown : Seoul, South korea

ethnicity : Korean

blood type : O

height : 168 cm

weight : 60 kg

languages : Korean and English

personality : I am quite sure of myself, so that I tend to know the best ways of doing things. Having a routine and sticking to it is important to me; I find comfort in tradition and familiarity. Self-reliance is something in which I take great pride—I am confident. I have a basic faith in myself in many areas of my life, allowing me to be self-assured when facing challenges. My independent streak and masculine nature allows me to make decisions efficiently and to trust my instincts.

family background : I am a full Korean teenage girl, who lives in Busan, South Korea with my parents. My mother is a housewife, she is a loving and caring wife and mother, while my father is an owner of a famous company, he likes trying out new things and building something from it. We're consist of me, my father and my mother, that's right, I'm an only child, my father and mother decided not to bear a child anymore, because they wanted to focus on me and my education. 



likes : music l arts l adventure l nature l cosplay

dislikes : gruesome things l dirty places l bullies l irritating noises l failure

hobbies : rapping l dancing l composing a song

habits : bites lower lip when nervous l speaks English fluently when panicking

trivia : Is an only child l Had a commercial when I was a kid



lover name : Nichkhun Horvejkul l 16 l student l smart and future-minded

how did you meet : He is a transfer student from Thailand, our relationship had grown stronger when he became my seatmate.

status : dating

back up lover : Kwon Jiyong l 17 l student l funny and friendly

best friend : Choi Sooyoung l 16 l student l very close

                    Park Jiyeon l 16 l student l very close

friends : Sandara Park l 17 l student l close

              Goo Hara l 15 l student l close



ulzzang : Kim Seul Mi

photos : 1 l 2 l 3

back-up ulzzang : Jo Ga Eun

additional : none



stage name : L. Jae

position : Lead Rapper, Main Dancer and Visual

back-up position : Main Rapper and Lead Dancer

persona : The Charismatic Angel

fanclub name : anJAEls

trainee life : I always dreamt of becoming a member of a girl group ever since I was just little kid, when I turned 13, I tried many and many auditions, but I never been accepted even one, until a miracle happened and I became a member of WONDERSTRUCK.

trainee years : 6 years

comments/suggestions/ideas/etc ; Hope you like it!! Good Luck on the story!! if there is a problem with my app, just tell me.



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story was deleted..
so sad about it..