little wishes

Username: RoxiLyn
Profile link: *clickmeh*

Name: Kim Minjoo
Stage Name: Minjoo goes by her birth name. She wants to be known as Minjoo from the day she was born till the day she dies and not as someone else.
Any Other Nicknames: Miss. Min, Minnie Mouse, JooJoo
Age: 20
Birthday: 20/12/93
Ethnicity: Korean
Spoken Languages: {Fluent in Korean, Basic English (Have you ever heard Taeyeon speak Eng.? That's how it is.), and understands a few Mandarin words.
What Are You Auditioning For?

1. Main Vocal, Lead Dancer

2. Main Rapper, Lead Vocal

3.  Lead Vocal, Main Dancer
Experience: Minjoo has been singing since she was a little baby. She was always singing SOMETHING whether it be a cartoon shows theme song, a commercials catchy tune, or a hit song that kept coming on the radio. Singing is important to Minjoo because it's one of the things she feels the most comfortable doing. She loves to be in the spotlight and took to performing like a moth to a flame. She and her brother were both very interested in becoming entertainers.

Name of Ulzzang: Hong Young Gi




Name of Backup Ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye 





Piercings and Tattoos ;

Right Ear -


Left Ear - Just pretend it's on the left, ok?^^


Belly Button - Yeep she's got quite a few piercings LOL.



Casual -

[01] [02] [03] [04] [05]  

Dorm/Pajamas -

[01] [02] 

Formal -

 [01] [02] [03] [04]


Personality: Minjoo is very calm. She is the girl who sits back and watches as all hell breaks lose and has a fun time doing it too. She is not the kind of girl who over reacts or rushes into things. Minjoois very friendly...most of the time. She is thge type who most people don't bother gossiping about because she's so friendly to everyone but also the type who some people don't like just because she's always got a smile on her face. Minjoo loves to laugh and therefore makes it a priority to be around people that can make he laugh so hard that she'll pee on herself (almost). She is also respectful. Minjoo knows that respect for your betters can take you places. Minjoo can be very stubborn. At times it'll seem like she won't stop until she gets what she wants. Minjoo is very charismatic and loves music. During a performance she is always the one touching peoples hands cause she wants to make it a good experience that the fans will never foorget.

While a preformance she will be doing anything to get your eyes on her, as long as it's her turn in the spotlight. Attention being taken is not something she'd want someone to do to her so she doesn't do it to others. Treat people how you want to be treated and all that stuff. Minjoo is frineds with members of alot of different groups.. Her exotic and foreign feel draws people in alongside her overall peronality. Minjoo is hard working and makes sure her grades are good so as not to suffer the wrath of her father's famous lectures. She never lays around at practice, at least not until they're done. She doesn't allow the younger girls to play around either. Minjoo is very caring and cares for her friends alot. She considers them next to family. People know her as nice 97% of the time, but mess with one of her dongsaengs and you will see the dreaded 3% that a rare few have ever seen. She is also very random. Let's say she' on Running Man and standing next to Yoo Jae Suk when all of a sudden she'll sigh, very heavily. Jae Suk will ask "What's wrong?". Minjoo will reply "What do you mean? I'm just breathing...".

While on TV, Minjoo is pretty much the same. She wouldn't change herself for anything or anyone.  When she first met her group members, she was very friendly. She welcomed them all and get along with them well. Despite Minjoo's happy pretense, she does get sad, mad, and irritated just like any other human. When she's irritated she'll just sit quietly with a mean look on her face, yelling at the person who made her irritated inside her mind. When she's mad she perfers to keep it to herself. If someone asks is the only time she'll tell them, cuase she knows how irritating it can be when you ask a friend whats wrong and they say nothing, even when they're obviously upset.

Background: Before she was accepted into YG, Minjoo was just a regular girl. She attended  a normal school in Seoul. She was very active in sports and played volleyball and was a cheerleader. Her parents both worked as college professors, but at different colleges. She and her brothre both were interested in becoming entertainers. The week right before Minjoo turned thirteen, she and Himchan went on a mad audition frenzy, where they auditioned for any and every company they sould. In the end they were both offered contracts from many different companies, Himchan even being offered one from JYP but they went their seperate paths. Himchan joined TS Ent because he believed that he would be more likely to succeed in a company that was currently small and didn't have as many artist to take care of. This way he could get the training he deserved and hi group would be produced well. Minjoo on the other hand accepted her contract offer from YG, a bigger company. Minjoo loves the kind of music YG produces and loves how hard working all of their artist are. She also admires the close relationship YG artists have with YG himself, with out it becoming a friend-friend relationship rather than a boss-worker relationship, which is what it should be (unless you're older i.e. JinuSean.)

SNSD - they are a group that can be managed succesfully with a large amount of members. They all seem equally close to each other as well. If Minjoo had to pick her favorite girl group, it would most definitely be SNSD. (Her bias is HyoYeon ; she's such a fangirl for Hyo ♥)

T.O.P and Bom - They both had to audition several times in order to be accepted into YG. Minjoo admires their perserverance. Ironically, they are both her biases in their respective groups.

HyunA - She has alot of people who hate on her and love to call her rude, degrading names but she still continues to do what she does and doen't let anyone change how she is.


  • Hard Candy
  • Cartoons
  • Nail Art
  • Her Polaroid
  • Foreigners
  • Slippers
  • Hip - Hop
  • SkinShip
  • Variety Shows


  • Planes
  • Teen Top's Niel
  • Tripping (But she does it all the time)
  • Bugs
  • Mold (Both make her skin crawl)
  • Scandals
  • Being Normal
  • Laziness


  • Bites her bottom lip for no reason.
  • Goes crazy if she hears "What Makes You Beautiful" (in the good way)
  • Sometimes she hold in her pee too long and then she ends up having to use it REALLY badly.
  • Sleeps on her stomach.


  • She tries her hand at writing songs but only a few of them have ended up very good.
  • Shopping!
  • Cooking
  • Painting her nails

Trivia :



  • Blood Type - B Negative
  • Allergies - Fish, Horses.
  • Went to B.A.P's first showcase but fell alseep towards the end. Himchan was mock-annoyed with her.
  • She is a HUGE Harry Potter fanatic. She believes that she doesn't belong in this world LOL.
Famous Relatives? Kim Himchan of B.A.P - Older Brother
Who is Your Character Most Like? {Lee Joon because she does well on variety shows, has a niceface (not to brag or anything :] ), and is well liked by mostpeople. 
Suggestions/Comments: Thanks for reading this! man that took me a while and it's not even a long app! I kept getting distracted by the dreaded black hole named youTUbe. Anyways i had fun making this app! Hope you like it^^.



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