[ continue to love me ]

The real you~


AFF Username: RoxiLyn

AFF Userlink: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/146033 

What should I call you?: (Give me something like a nickname.) Deja

How often are you online? (10 meaning all of the time and 1 meaning almost never) 9


Basic Information~

Character Name: Go Mariko  

Nickname(s): Riko, Mari, Riri

Age: (16-23) 20

Date of Birth: (Only Month and Day, please) 12/21

Place of Birth: Tokyo

Ethnicity: (At least 50% Korean) 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Korean

Height: (in cm) 163

Weight: (in kg) 47 kg

Blood Type: AB Positive

Langages Spoken: Fluent Korean, Japanese, English, Conversational Chinese, Minimal Thai. 


Oh my GAWD! ... You are so freaking PRETTY!

Ulzzang Name: Lee Geum Hee/ Jeong Seo Yoeng

Ulzzang Pictures: (4+, HQ Please)










 Back-up Ulzzang Name: Lee Da Som

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: (2+, HQ Please)



Tell me about yourself, babeh (;

Personality: Funny, Caring, (Very) 4D, Loves her friends, Very creative but no aristic (does that make sense?) She has good ideas but has the hardest time drawing them out. Loves her family/friends. Her friends joke that she's bpolar becuase she can flip from hypractive, talkative, and silly to quiet, calm, and focused in a split second. Riko will sometimes cuss in Japanese or English. She only cusses if she has injured her self or made a mistak/forgotten something. Riko is very organized. She gets ready for school (college) the night before, packs snacks and extra hair ties when going to practice and brings her claculator when going to the store. She loves going to new places. She is also very nosy. When she goes to a resturant/friends house/etc. she will say she has to go to the rest room just so she can look around the rest of the house.

Family Background: Born in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and Korean father.Riko was allowed alot of freedom in Japan. In her neighbourhood, everyone knew everyone. She would sometime be out until eleven playing sports in the streets of her neighbourhood with othere children. She made alot of friends like this. She was also allowed to go shopping on her own. Her mom would drive her to the mall and then they would go their seperate ways. Some parents think this is bad but Riko will argue that this taught her how to be independent, confident, and how to take care of money. Grew up there and learned a little Korean from her father. At 14 she auditioned at SMEnt during a visit to Korea and was accepted. Lived with her gradparents in Koea ever since. Visits her family during the summer.

Family Members: 

Go Akane,40,Professor of Life Science, Very Close.

Go MuJong, 43, Professor of History, Very Close.

Go Aiko,(sister) 14, student, Very Close.

Go Hikaru,(brother)17, student, Very Close.



Likes: (6+) Candy, Comic Books, Doing Nails, Writing Songs, Learning Parts of KPOP dances, Humming.

Dislikes: (6+)Rude People, Drama, Blankets that are to Short, Planes, Metal Music, Traffic, Smoking.

Hobbies: (5+) Doing Nails, Writing Songs, Reading, looking at shoes, Going out with friends.

Habits: (5+) Biting her lip, cracks her toes, makes random noises, always smells her food before eating, always eats with chopsticks.

Trivia: (As many as you would like, Just not over 10.)


Color: Blue

Movies; Harry Potter

Song: Jet Speed Rollercoaster by KARA

On her birthday, her members sing Winter Child to her since her birthday is the first day of Winter.





 Has a tendency of dying her hair strange colors like Secrets Hyosung. Nothing crazy like bright purple. Things like dark purple, blue, orange-ish, white streaks (full head of white is too ahjumma lol). It's not like this all the time because her hair needs a break!







 Saranghae!!! Saranghae!!!

Love Intrest: Bang Yong Guk

His Personality:  Dorky (Poking, tickling, pranking.) funny, sweet, caring. Kind of clueless to the world. Loves war games/movies and gangsta rap. Slightly jealous when other boys are talking to her.

Back-up Love Intrest:  Onew

His Personality: Crazy, loves chicken. Has nice hair, funny, cute.

How you both met: Riko and Bang met at the Inkigayo studio. Bang was walking down the hallway, to engrossed play GOW3 to notice that he was walking torwards the wrong door. It was Sunset Kiss's room. Riko was in there alone trying to talk to her mother on the phone. She needed quiet because her mom was at work and sshe couldnt be yelling over the phone. Bang walked in and there was an awkward moment when he and Roki just stared at ecah other. THen he walked away. For the next few days Riko has only Bang on her mind. She decides to talk to him the next time they meet. (Relationship Begins~!)

How he acts around you: Dorky (Poking, tickling, pranking, playing with her hair.) Funny, mumbling random raps,protective, watchful, stupid (not stupid-stupid, just doesnt know what to do with himself when they're near each other).

Relationship Status: We're crushing on each other!!


Let me tell ya 'bout my best friend~

Best Friend: (Name, Age, Band and how close you are. Maximum 2 for an OC character, Maximum 1 for an idol.) Sooyoung,22,SNSD, VERY close.

How you and your best friend met: Met in Japan when they were younger. SooYoung inspired Riko to become a singer. Unfortunately SooYoung had to move back to Korea. SooYoung moved back to Korea which made them drift apart. Riko did not know Sooyoug was in SMEnt. They met each other by surprise an are now closer than ever.

Other Friends: (Name, Age, Band and how close. Again, Max. 2 for OCs and Max. 1 for idols.) Furishima Suki (met in Japan),21, OC Girl. Park SangYeol (met in Korea. Used to go out but they decided they werent good for each other. They stayed frieds {obviously^^},20, OC Boy.


You think you can make it in this industry, kid?

How long you've been trained: (Max. 7 years.) 6 years

Labels Trained On: SMEnt

Trainee Years: Training was awsum for Riko. People caught on to her easily. Because of this she has alot of friends in her company. She worked hard and learned enough koren to be fluent. She made friends during training. None of them are super close friend like SooYoung, SangYeol, or Suki, but they are good friends. Riko was also very busy. She served as an ambassador for the Japanase/Korean ventures for SMEnt because she is their only Japanese trainee.

Any Rivals?: (Max. 2.) Nope^^


My second side~

Stage Name:Riko

Persona:  SkinShip Princess

Position: 1.Lead Vocals 2.Main Rapper Lead Dancer 3.Vocalist and Rapper (If you make her a rapper, if she gets chosen, please portray her as a SPICA type rapper {a rapper who can sing well and rap well})


Singing Link(s): (2+) I dont know their names but "i" am the on with the gray dress. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O4R1mIi2CM 



Dancing Link(s): (2+) In the striped shirt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0plGUyOcUos 

White Jacket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmUGe2royYQ 


Rapping Link(s): (2+)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbXGEqDHBh0 


Extra: (Do you MC? Have you appeared on a Korean Drama? Have you been featured in an Idol Show?) MC now then Acting

Wait! Before you go!

Password: BigBang

Any scenes you want to request?: (Between friends, lovers, rivals, Anything that comes to your mind!) Backhug from Bang


Fan Club Color(s); 

dddd (Indigo      Indigo

Heloooooooooo   #000033


Fanclub Name;  OMG!! I'm really not good at these...hmmm howabout...*sigh* Mian (imitates Hye Mi {DREAM HIGH BEST SHOW EVA!} anyways yeah sorry i can't come up with one.


Songs To Use

Dal Shabet- Hit U

BEG- Cleansing Cream, Abracadabra

Narsha- Mamma Mia (Good Song for Rappers)

SNSD- Oscar, You-aholic (if they go to Japan), The Boys.

Anything else?: Can Midnight Kiss/Sunset Kiss also use song from artists other that T-ara? Don't get me wrong, i LOVE t-ara, but I feel like their raps are kind of mediocre and they don't show enough vocal talent(i sound like a stickler). Excluding We Used to Love, TTL/TTL2, and their old songs.



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