Poisoned Cake

Firstly what is your name?"

"My name is Kwon YuRae,"

"Oh? Interesting," the chair lady silently wrote down the name on her paper, "Though you must change your name,"  YuRae already understood she'd have to do this.

"Yes I knew that,"

"Good. What should we call you?" she asked prudently. Firmly the girl said:


"Adrienne?" repeated the chair lady with a ardent brow. The girl merely nodded.

"What is your birth season Adrienne?"

"I was born on the Hyacinth Moon of Glacial Plumes"  you wondered why would she need to know this; but just told her.

After hearing the answer, the interviewer was back to writing; then she looked up to ask:

"Tell me what it was like for you as a child,"

"Why? Why would you need to know that?" asked the girl with defensiveness. The chair lady smiled, a horrid smile

"Because we are your new family now---and I want to know all about you," the creepy hag, tapped her notebook prodding the younger with a gaze to spill her life's work of stories,

"Whatever…fine. I was born into the Rich servant  social class," the girl looked up to see if the lady would say something, but she said nary a word and started intently on her paper. What an avid lady. So she continued on with:

*answer the following that is in teal if you were a servant, and erase this when you have finished answering the questions*

" My masters were Bestial Sapiens and they were what you would expect from any beast. My mom and I were the only humans in the house. My dad had turned Independent moths after I turned six, and by some miracle escaped or masters without being caught. My mother was planning to go Independent as well. They would have escaped at different times and we all would be living ogether tight now.... if the plan had worked...But it didn't. After my dad's escape, our masters were more watchful of my mother. There was never a moment when she could grab me and run. Before my dad got away the only things my mother had to do were household tasks; clean the house, find the food, cook it, serve it, clean it up, and repeat. But in order to punish her for my dad's disrespect she was used as a bedwarmer. She was very young, you see. A little older than I am right now. And during my time in the household I saw things, I mean I was living with monsters---,"

"--- 'Things' you say?" the elder wonan asked with interest peaking,

"Yes, things....Like, I remember when when I came home late one day. I had to stay after school to work with Min Gyu, a class partner and friend. My master didn't understand. He said I was ' around'...He said how did I know what around was. I didn't. I told him that but..like I said he didn't understand. He yelled and cursed saying things like "I'll show you a real ". I didn't know what he meant but when he pulled my mother out of the kitchen the puzzle pieces slid together. He dragged my mother into a spare bedroom while another Sapien forced me to follow. There he my mother...And he made me watch. When he was finished he was digusted with her. He said she was a sad excuse of a mother and while holding her by her neck said he never wanted to see her again. My mother whispered her pleas but this angered master until his grip tightened considerably around her neck. And then she was gone. After that I was used as the bedwarmer. I was not allowed to go to school anymore. Min Gyu came by sometimes to ask for me but each time he was denied and sent back to his masters house where I'm sure he was told to try again...His masters were nice. After a few days of my new life, I found a note slipped into my windowsill. Min Gyu had climbed the old hawthorne tree by my window and pushed the note through. It read "If you can, come to my house at 7...my masters are setting us free!" I was shocked of course; masters don't just set their servant free for no reason. But i went, making up the excuse that I had just started my womans stage (period) and needed to go to the store. I snuck to Min Gyu's house and was surprised to find that his master welcomed me into the house quickly and warmly. They gave his parents a hefty amount of cash and we left, going to live among the Independents..." 


"Oh…," the lady said trailing off as she vigorously added more, "Tell me more about yo----," before the interview could continue the door flung open. The lady saw the frantic face of someone who came inwards,

"Theres a problem outside---we need you," he said his eyes probably held panic behind his helmets black glass. He said it calmly, and the mistress nodded putting her paper and pen down

"Okay I'm coming now." she got up to leave but not without turning and saying, "Um, Adrienne stay here I'll be back," she disappeared after the door closed. 


                    Filling in…in solitude

There was so much more to know--- *What else is she going to ask?* thought Adrienne. Picking up the paper stack, she looked at questions that had yet to be answered. She could imagine how the mistress might ask these questions…

"Tell me more about your family," 

"My family? Well there's my mother and my father, I love them both but have no idea where my father is. I guess my step-parents would be Mr and Mrs. Bang. They didn't have to take me in but thaey did, and have provided a good life for Min Gyu and I.,"

"If we gave rewards what would you like us to give you?" she mused at the question putting the pen to the paper to answer

"I wouldn't mind a pet winged beast. I remember how my father would tell me about how once we were free, I could have any dog I wanted. He even bought me a whistle for it....that didn't happen but if I could have one now, I would be so grateful. Or maybe a new bo staff. When we escaped, Min Gyu's parents taught us different fighting techniques with different weapons. The bo was my favorite. But then again..a laguage book would be nice. No i'm not a nerd it's just that since I ran away when I was eleven I'm basically illiterate. There is nothing to read where we live, no signs, no tv, no nothing. But the best thing you guys could give me is a meeting with my father. You can do that right? You guys can track down people. Isn't that how you found me?"

"What are some things that you hate?" 

"What so you can use them against me or something?" she wrote in the space with spite. But succumbing to the bigger goal at hand; she wrote under that:

"I absolutely freaking hate Bestial Sapiens, kinda explained why in the whole 'Life story' part. Mathias, that's my former master, he's still looking for me, I know it. Also, public restrooms, I mean what kind of SICK person actually sits on those seats?....ew. And one more thing, hoes. Why would you give yourself away like that? There are people who are forced to do this ecery day, even every hour....Am I seriously talking to myself? *sigh*"


                              Then it got interesting…


"When was your first experience with fighting?"

"Now we're getting to the stuff that makes sense! My first experience was when a Beastial Sapien tried to posess Min Gyu. We had just runaway and were headed to the border of Seasugar, witch is where we lived, in order to catch a smuggelers boat to Jalaji. Min Gyu sudddenly became very sick, sweatng and shivering. Suddenly, he became very still and when he opened his eyes I knew that he was no longer Min Gyu, but a sapien. Before the sapien could get full control of him, I knocked Min Gyu unconscious. When the Beastial Sapien first gains control of the body, their is a little to none connection between the host body and the sapien. As soon as I coldcocked Min Gyu, the Sapien was rejected and ran ,"

"What makes you so sure you could kill a beast?"

"[I owe nothing to beasts, except maybe the Bang's old masters, and everything to my family. My family held a strong hatred for beasts. The only reason my mother and father didn't kill Mathias and the others is because they are not killers. Even if the things were evil and had no souls they couldn't kill. But that's where I come in. I have ten times the hatred towards beasts as they did. And as a plus, I'm not afraid to kill them."

On the sheet it said for the interviewer to take out the case under the table, and then ask which one would Adrienne use, in battle. She looked under it and pulled out a gold case that felt like it'd rip her arms from her shoulder blades. Unsnapping it's lock, she found a whole array of weapons lie within. She fixed her gaze on the sheet and looked at her bejeweled item that she'd use like a pro.

"I would definitely use The Kiss of Death  as my weapon,"

Just as she picked it up to examine it she heard a noise. Crashing, and voices alerted her.

"Its going towards the room!" yelled someone. She heard scraping on the walls…quickly she readied her weapon.

CRSHHHH! The door was knocked in and flew into the brick wall; as she had ducked and rolled with expertise. Her heart pounded on the walls of her chest once she looked up to see a beast; masked totally in a blinding light--- trample inwards. It crushed things in its path, eyes locked on the girl who was hesitant with fighting. She breathed for a moment to see blood marking the walls in the hallway, dead figures lay on the ground. And blood on the claws of the beast. Before she could raise the chance to fight the light filled her vision---it was coming closer.


           A boy in the Beast

Her face was clutched by cold hands, and the creature's iridescence vanished to unveil the face a male… who looked like 

YoungGuk (B.A.P), or Dong Woo (Infinite), or Taeyang (Big Bang)

 He breathed tiredly leaning into her lips---she felt like he had bound her muscles with glue or something---she was going to die wasn't she? Before she new it he had kissed her----hard and long. His tongue lapped hers in determination as if to find a specialty she was hiding. Until her eyes were closing with this fatigue growing…

"Thank you Adrienne,"

"How do you----?"

"Don't tell me you forgot me…," he kissed the drowsy girls lips again; before them

"But? I don't know you,"

"It's trapped our new recruit!" someone said. Her joints and muscles warmed again as she could move them, once this male looked back his light swarmed his face once again. She was limp and tired, but she heard:

"NO YOU'LL KILL HER TOO IF YOU USE THAT---AHH!" it sounded like someone was shot to her death…not the mistress hopefully…

"I'm willing to make that sacrifice for mankind!" that was the voice of the male who'd come to get the mistress. The beast got off of you as if to charge at the male.

"Taste this you little ,"



The room shook and split into cracks; an intense light blazed through the room and before she could move--- her body was locked under a fallen bookcase.

"Ohmygod it---it escaped!" the sound of metal hit the ground. A moment passed

"I killed a girl for no reason---well she was useless anyways. A little girl can't do anything,"

She heard it all in her confinement. Though she was too pained and fatigued to kill him…

              Before the blood...

"Huh?" darkness filled her vision… everything dim and lightless. She wriggled a bit being able to push----that bookcase off of her. She sighed as she remained on the floor looking at the glass shards that shattered, but one piece reflected her face…bloody and red. She remembered how she looked before she hd been through this---fight…













Her Tattoo and Body




[[Hwang Ji Min.]






[Lee DaSom ]


"At least nothings broken, she said moving through the fallen items and papers.

         Now she'd have to kill without them...she wasn't going to fight with the Resistance----they tried to kill her... 



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