"Life is Unwritten" says [Hwang Sorina]

                        "  Ember..… "                                                                                                                                                                    



        A pen pulled from light appeared in your hands. You took a curious look down at the enveloping sheets of iridescence; clamped in your hand. Slowly a thin sheet of equal eye-popping light blazed your sight.

"I, Hwang Sorina chooseth this fate of my own," the pen moved without your consent 

"What the----,"

"You're thoughts will answer for you; the light will only extract what it seeks to know all about you Sorina," now this was just unfair. You couldn't even will yourself to write what you wanted to say only what was true and honest. Where was your free will? You don't have that. 

"You called upon us; you called for salvation? Do you remember why?" of course you did; swiftly you hand moved down to a large box

"I was The daughter of a gypsy. My mother...she was an..well, lets' just face it. She was a ho. There must have been eleven grown men in our caravan and I know for a fact that she had with at least six of them. My father was not apart of the caravan though. He was a pale man (pale ones are usually caucasian but in my story they are Korean). We had stopped in the city for two weeks for supplies and leisure. My mom met my father in that cityy and claims she ell in loce with him. They made me and of course my father was not around for my birth seeing as he never knew she was pregnant and she was gone when he woke up. In my caravan I was constanly bullied by the other gypsy girls and harrased by the boys. The only friend I had was little old Magda. She called me Rina, and to this day it's what I prefer to be called. Magda was what you could call a VooDoo Lady. She was the woman someone went to if they wanted a curse in a bottle. She taught me all of her tricks, even the ones not ment for children, which was most of them."

"That is not what you were asked---you were asked why you called out for help," reprimands the mysterious voice

"I was getting to that you know," your hand found another box appear for you to write upon

"One day, very early in the summer, our caravan had stopped at a lake. The times before this had been hard. Over the years the numbers in the caravan had grown from around twenty to at least 60. But soon, during the night a member would be taken. Yes, taken. We were sure of this because there would be blood. Blood everywhere ; on the floor of their portable home, even on the dirt outside. We would look for the of course, everyone was family in the caravan. We'd look for a few days but we had to keep moving, staying away from demons. The morning before we would move to our next spot, we would find the body of the missing one, everything intact but the eyes. Anyways, back to the story at hand. We had stopped at the lake and Magda had presented me with the task of collecting water lilies for a potion she had to make. They only grew in a secluded part of the lake so I was picking them alone when a bubble popped at the surface. I looked into the water and there was a little girl down there, eyes wide and hands reaching for help. Of course, like an idiot, I dived right in. Once I grabbed on to her hand I started swimming back up but to my surprise she started pulling me down. She was a water demon, also called a siren, and she tricked me good. I fought as hard as a could but my lungs needed air and eventually I inhaled not caring what happened. And then...I woke up here."

"Oh I see," 

"Can I stop now?"

"Yes, yes; that is all we needed from you," the light burned out of your hand; blending in the air. You planned to remove yourself from the liquified solid bodied table of crystal but you found your mind prick sharply

"You don't get to venture around yet---so you must sleep again," you felt your lids close tightly---breaths were ceasing; and your mind was silenced of its thoughts.




   Are you awake?

"Who's there?" there it was again the person in your mind. Your eyes stayed shut; even though you wanted to open them

I'm not really supposed to talk to embers; I'm only an apprentice. But the council left you without answers---so I wanted to help you. If thats fine with you?

"Who are you?"

They call me  ♂HongKi . I would be happy to serve as your guide.

"Why can't I open my eyes?"

The council will be watching you if you're awake---and they'll know I'm helping you…


Those are the rules. But in the mean time I can answer any questions you have.

"What is this place?,"

Styx of Limbo is the land, the Crystal Decrescendo is where you reside…..

"What's a Shikigami?"

A demon, angel or dark angel that will protect you. They are human souls that took over the body of one of those; and gained it's powers---they all look human

"Why am I here?"

The council only calls upon people worthy of it. The moment you wake up they'll be watching you to decide what Shikigami suits you

"Why does it matter what shikigami I get?"

Because Shikigami will require something from you in order to protect----oh no we must part; but I'll talk you again Rina. Remember, as soon as you wake you will be watched and anaylzed.

"Wait HongKi that's not----," before you were given the chance to finish, your eyes opened from their bleary blackness. A air wired in your chest and you looked up around you. Where ever you were, there was what seemed to you like a room where you laid in---a bed woven of feathers. Your heart accelerated to an astounding pound as you scrambled out of the warmth

"I wouldn't try the door," sighed someone to your left. You could see that there was someone else another person---the first person you talked to and could see.

"They locked the door. You're an ember correct?"

"What's an ember?"

"Us. We're chosen humans who've been saved for some reason. We'll be getting a shikigami soon,"

"How long have you been here?" you curiously asked

"I'm not sure. About a day. And since they won't let us out soon; we might as well get to know each other---we are roommates you know," this was annoying but you sat down.


"So I'm TaeYeon and you?"

"Rina. Pleased to meet you,"

"You sound like them. Ah whatever; so why're you here?"

"Why're you here?" you said back. Your roommate shrugged

"Guess thats personal. Well how old are you?!"

"I'm 18,"

"Do you have a birthday?"

"Yeah, its [December 21st]. Does it really matter?"

"Of course---then I'll know when to give you presents," when did people ever get presents? What kind of human was this? 


"What's your favorite color?!"

"Um…[blue]," the simplicity of these questions were strangely refreshing yet a little annoying from the increased exuberance of TaeYeon

"Thats so cool dude! Is there anything else you like other than that?"

"Um well I also like [Chocolate. We could only get it rarely in the caravan and the other kids always got more than I did. Also, a shorter skirt(shorter than meeting finger tips). The gypsy women are always made to wear long skirts and I look like an oldd women wearing this. Another thing would be a Voodoo kit. I'm not the same with out mine. And lastly a bed. I never slept in one but they sound nice *smiles softly*,"

"And anything you hate; maybe me and you share some of the same ideas?"

"Well now that I think about it I don't like [hoes. Like my mother. I loved her but not what she did. Magda taught me to have respect for my body and the maker who created it. Also, alcohol. The men in the caravan let alchohol get to them. It's the reason why I stayed indoors at night. Another thing is sirens. They're tricky little bastards and they need to find a new hobby. And lastly, never wake me up before eight o'clock. You might find a voodoo doll with your name on it the next moring. Anything else you want to know?"

"Let's play a game!"

"What kind of game?" this person made you stare skeptically; 

"Scenario's game! OKAY you have to answer honestly,"

"What about you?"

"It's your turn first since I came up with this!"

"Fine. Ask away,"

"Question 1! If you had to choose who could be saved in a death situation---with your own life or your friend's life at stake---who would you want to be saved?! Answer honestly I promise I'll respect your answer!"

"Quite a question to start off with…," you pondered a moment before saying, "I'd save myself of course. I'd be sad for a loss of a friend but I want to live. And if they were anyfriend of mine they'd be able to handle and SAVE theirself.,"

"Thats an interesting answer," they seemed to process it all before continuing on with

"Question 2!!Whoot! Whoot! So do you think you could except a demon, dark angel or heaven's messenger (good angel) more? That made no sense actually---um what I meant is that of those three---who would you trust more or except?"

"Is this a trick question----because I noticed you put demons in there," but thinking it over; wading over how forgivable; and allowing you could be---you said, "If I had to choose I'd choose a [Good Angel]. And why I'd choose that one would be because; [Well they're good angel's. They wouldn't be good for no darn reason would they? I have every reason to trust one. Well if I had to choose that is,"

"If someone does something or says something bad to you---did that make sense? Well anyways; what would you do? AND!" your friend saw you beginning to speak up to answer, "AND! What would you do if they said something untrue, cruel or harsh about your friend? Like if they said your friend killed someone and was a murderer even though they aren't?! Oooh wouldn't that be mean?" you simply nodded before formulating an answer and saying:

"Well first off; for me [I'd ignore them. I know the rumor isn't true, it's my freakin life. This happened often in the caravan and Magda taught me to kill em with kindness but I can't do that. Just ignore.But there is only so much I can take. If stuff starts getting out of hand I'll have to take matters into my own hands wheter it be spreading a better rumor about them aor fully jumping them when they think they're safe. My favorite option though, is making voodoo dolls^^. They're so cute and the results work the best and give me a good laugh at the same time. . And then as for a friend; I'd Tell her to ignore them as well. If it got too bad we'd jump them together. I would be TOO pissed ; rumors are spread about everyone. But I wouldn't just let the get away with it.. And uh yeah,"

"SO thats what you'd do? Doesn't sound like something I'd do,"

"Probably not. You'd probably tickle them to death; or bake them cookies," you snickered at your snide remark and they smiled at your snarky comment

"I wish I were that sweet---but I'd probably kill them," they said in a cheery tone with sinister glee. You stopped laughing to stare in fear

"What?" you nearly choked to say---they skipped over an explanation for such a drastic measure and then said:

"Last Question! So do you think you'd ever fall in love?," they placed their pointing finger in the middle of your lips to hush you, "Not finished," they took their finger from your lips making the snarl chattering on your teeth drop to a hum

"And to just make it ed up," this angelic; yet sadistic psycho cussed? ,"What if you didn't fall in love with a human?" crazy-psycho roommate SAY WHAT? This was messed up.

"What if it were a heavens messenger or dark angel. OR EVEN WORSE?! A D-E-M-O-N! OKAY TELL ME I DON'T THINK I CAN CONTAIN MY EAGERNESS!"

"I'd never fall in love with a [hevans messenger] and knowing me---if I didn't---well hypothetically speaking.; IF I didn't fall in love with a love with another human---thats if I have time for that stuff. Then I'd rather fall in love with a [Dark Angel]. Good thing this is your last question,"

"I thought it was fun," your insane friend said. You cocked your brow 

"So its my turn!" though their smile turned cold and they looked at you crucially

"I don't want to play anymore,"

"But that's not fair!"

"Okay! Guess what! I know all the types of balances there is! Somehow the Shikigami council is going to choose a shikigami for you and me! But they have to study you first! They study to see what balance you correspond with and what one you are totally unalike!"

"Really?" you tilted your head

"There is Cadence, Harmony, Justice, Tenacity, Hubris, and Ardor,"

"I'm sorry I'm not a dictionary---you wanna' explain those to me?"

"Oh yes of course! Cadence is the fluency and smooth run in balance. Harmony is what inter connects, and stabilizes and keeps everyone and everything at peace! Justice is those who fight for the balance; justice balances right and wrong. Tenacity is the will power and determination to keep going which counters against those who give up which creates a balance. Hubris is pride that counter acts those of harmony; they are stand offish and have little connections but equally split and divide order in a balance. Hubris is prideful. And Ardor, the desire and lust for things it disrupts all justice, does not flow smoothly contradicting cadence and then the harmony is strengthened but in negative ways. But lust in a dark way pairs with hubris and tenacity since it requires some sort of desire to obtain tenacity. Understand?" you nodded wearily at their brilliance

"Which one do you think would be you?"

"[Tenacity], is my choice."

"Hmm…from what you've told me about yourself; I think that:," they looked into your eyes "…it matches you perfectly!"

          "[Rina]? Do you think I'd ever find love?"

  *if you are  a tough girl put the following; and erase the other options*

"You getting mushy on me again?"

"No, no thats not it. It just seems like it wouldn't be a problem for you. I think I'm jealous or something ," they said bitterly

"Why is that?"

"Well look at yourself!" you looked towards the mirror that the person pointed to which lied on the far-off wall.

"Me? But I just look like this," you looked into the mirror and looked at your face. You're reflection showed you,

[ baek_su_min_566148_large.png





"Huh i still have these?" you looked at your hand.



"Whoa how many do you have?!"

"Oh my [body art]? Well I have three (tattoos)+4 piercings= 7 ] of them,"

"Show me ALL of them!" they asked as you reluctantly did as asked

"Well I have

  henna-tattoo-Arabic-design-e129751947858[this one on my right hand (on the pic it's on her left but for her it's on the right.)

 henna-tattoos-designstttThis one on my back.

 Henna-tattoo-on-foot-picture-33_large.jpAnd this one on my left foot].

  ear-piercing-30.jpgAs for my piercings I Have two in each ear. I have them becuase it was a custom for my caravan. Every three years you get a tattoo and every nine you get a piercing.,"

"So cool!!!"


   After looking in the mirror----there was a hollow knock that resounded through the door. You looked up at the same time; as the door flailed open, and you saw someone walk in---

"Which one of you is the ember?" asked the good looking creature to walk in. You raised your hand at the well groomed, and appealing to your eyes---male. You were surprised to find the person at your side---did not raise their hand…

"Did you hear him?! Raise your hand TaeYeon.,"

"But I'm not an ember,"

"What? But you said---,"

"I was only here to test you---I'm just a; demon," you're eyelids rolled with fear

"WHAT?!" you stepped away from them though they caught your arm

"But that shouldn't change anything," they grinned endearingly

"It changes EVERYTHING!" you snapped your arm back in your fear----they seemed so human like though! No wonder they said all those things like killing people over insults, they refused to talk about their past or play the scenario game; and knew so much about Shikigami's.

"She's been evaluated?" continued the male skipping the sudden and shocking discovery

"Yes, yes don't get your undies in a bunch [Kris],"

"You can leave now [TaeYeon]. I have to talk to her," you saw the demon grin at you.

"Don't have too much fun," they said only to be given a menacing glare from the male. The male shut the door behind himself before looking to you

"What's your name?"

"Rina," then he smiled as he took your arm

"I'm Kris. If I am to protect you you must gift me something just as precious to you life to you," you looked at him skeptically and despite he held you tightly you were scared...



 "What could be just as important as my life??" she uttered out fearfully; and unsure

"Your body, your mind, your emotions---you just promise me by taking my halo," he told you. You watched him push you back; your back nestled the downy feathers of the bed you had once been standing in front of.

"My body--?" you stumbled to say as he started to topple you;

"Yes; I promise I'll treat it well,"

"And my mind----how can I give you that,"

"By your mind that means you shall only think of me,"

"How can I do that?"

"By only staying near me, and looking at me,"


"----AND your emotions ----you must only feel for me and only me,"

"It sounds like were lovers or something,"

"Thats exactly what will happen between us---you must promise to be mine," his hands ran along your sides, "For the price of your life you must just give me all of you---and only love me. Quite worth it don't you think?"


"Don't talk---just enjoy," you felt him start to kiss you hard, his hands under your shirt----and you could barely think---your mind your body was suffocating under him….


                               *end of choices do not delete what is coming below*

Before the situation could progress you heard the door open and a panting

"NO NO NO! GET OFF HER YOU PIG!" that was the sound of your roommate. In seconds the intertwining of tongues, and heated moments diminished; allowing you to breathe normaly and for your shikigami to sigh.

"Ruining the moment here,"

"You can't just ually abuse her! You know your charms cannot be resisted---even by the most resilient,"

"The one thing good about being a shikigami," he seperated himself from you----you almost felt disheartened at the action

"Well I've finished the contract; I suppose I'll leave---unless you want to follow me so we can finish up what we started," [Kris] looked back at you and you felt almost obliged to get up from your bed to explore that wondrous feel you felt at his side...

your roommate shooed the shikigami away; that attractive, dominant, gorgeous and well built creature vanished through the door.

"You are not doing anything with my roommate you ual thing!" they called after him; deciding for you...

"I shall return," his voice only seemed to touch your ears only...with sincerity.

           "So you got your shikigami---you like him despite his drive?"

          "I suppose,"

"Good---I wish you all the luck with him [Rina]. Because you're going to do alot I can tell...,"


 "Because you're special [Rina]. That's why you're here," 



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