The New Foreign Students Application



name: Amelia Mignonette De La Vega

adopted name: Choi Amelia Mignonette

nickname: Mia

age: 16

nationality: Full British

blood type: A+

birthday: March 17

height: 170 cm

weight: 54 kg

birthplace: Doncaster, UK

hometown: England,UK

current living at: Seoul, South Korea

languages: Fluent in British English and Improving in Korean

age you got adopted: 8 yrs. old


Tell me about yourself: 

She isn't afraid to occasionally be the center of attention. She is comfortable and confident in social situations. As a charismatic kind of person, she tends to be energized by other people and enjoy their company. When other people are upset, she is able to think about the situation rationally, without getting too caught up in their feelings. At times she finds it difficult to understand where other people are coming from, and wish they could just see things the way she does.

She is a strongly principled person who believes in right and wrong. This helps her make decisions easily when it comes to moral issues – she doesn't have to waste time hedging on important values. In her experience, people tend to get what they deserve. Because of this, she works hard and tries to follow her principles in her day-to-day life, knowing that she will be rewarded for her efforts.

do you curse?: No.


  • achievements
  • music[especially kpop]
  • arts and crafts
  • fashion
  • her family and friends
  • the internet
  • anime/manga
  • selcas
  • her phone
  • Seoul, Korea


  • jerks
  • liars
  • scary-looking teachers
  • dark places
  • annoying noises
  • high buildings



  • singing/dancing
  • surfing the web/internet
  • shopping
  • strolling around the park or town
  • painting/drawing
  • taking photos of self

style: Likes high fashion designer clothing, always on the trend.


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Character name: Chrissy Costanza

links or pictures:  |  |  | 


back up character name: Dakota a.k.a. Kota koti

links or pictures:  | 



Kingka group beast love interest: Park Chanyeol of EXO

age: 17

describe him: A rich man, who likes flirting and being sweet to the girls. He can be seen as someone who's violent and evil on the outside, but he's not, he's actually the kind of guy who will do anything for his family and friends, he's reliable and generous.

Kingka group monsterz love interest: Xi Luhan of EXO

age: 17

describe him: A rich guy, who has a flirty side. He's cute and charming based on appearance. Cold and mysterious to those who don't know him well, but once you're close to him, he's actually warm-hearted, although he's a bit clingy sometimes, he's still fun to be with.


any comments??: It's a great idea of building this story, because there's just a few apply fics where you can use foreign idols as appearances, so good luck and I hope you like my character, Kamsahamnida!! Fighting!!




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