Tagged by lilypad99

Rule One | Post the rules

Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (It'll be at the bottom) and then make your own 11 questions.

Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule Four | Let them know that you tagged them! 


My answers for lilupad99's questions:

1. Park Jiyeon of T-ara

2. Sandara Park


4. Jay Park

5. I will freak out,get his/her autograph, hug him/her and lastly faint.

6. None~

7. It started on Sandara Park, 'cuz she is from my country, and when I started listening to 2ne1's songs, I kinda got addicted to it and that is why I got into K-pop.

8. thats hard~~....but I will pick boy groups/singers.

9. Jang Guen Suk

10. Well, not completely, but kinda "go crazy" if I like it.

11. I will stay cool on the outside but really freak out in the inside like "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!"


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