Detective School K Application Form


 Application Form

contact info;

Username: (AFF name)

Profile: (link to profiile)


your character's information;

Applying as: (put an x in the [] next to the person you chose to be)

[] Photographic Memory Cutie

[] Master Magician

[] Mysterious Writer

[] Silent Charmer

[] Silly Frenemy

[] Genius Computer Programmer

[] Gorgeous Nerd

[] Strong Martial Artist

[] Puzzled Mathematician


Personal Information;




Current City:

Age: (13-19)

Ethnicity/Race: (can be anything)



Basic Information;Personality: (this can be short but be descriptive)

Background: (all about your family, your school before, how well did you do on your studies, your family problems or conflicts and issues in life)


Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)

Hobbies: (3+)

Habits: (3+)

Facts/Trivia: (5+)


Your character's apperance/clothing:

Ulzzang's name:

Links: (at least 3 pictures)

Back-up Ulzzang's name:

Links: (at least 2 pictures)

Clothes/Fashion: (at least 5 links)


Your character's family:

Number of Family Members: (3-7)

Family Members: Name l Group[if an idol] l Relation l Age l Occupation l Relationship with character

Best Friend/s: Name l Group[if an idol] l Age l Occupation l Relationship with character (maximum of 3)

Friend/s: Name l Group[if an idol] l Age l Occupation l Relationship with character (maximum of 5)

Rival/s[optional](can't be an idol): Name l Age l Occupation l Reason why you are rivals


Love Information:

Status: Single l In a relationship l it's complicated

            (Highlight your status with the color of red)

if single;

Crush/Inspiration in life(can't be an idol): Name l Age l Occupation l Relationship with character

How you met:

Why'd you had a crush on him/her:

if in a relationship;

Boyfriend/Girlfriend(can't be an idol): Name l Age l Occupation l Relationship with character

How you met:

if it's complicated;

Why is it complicated for you:



Your character moments: (do you wish a special moments for your character?)


Password: (a picture of your favorite idol) 


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for the love info can it be a person in the class (K/A)?
what is an ulzzang means??